CCL.NET Job Offered list is a place to look for and to post open position in the field of computer applications in chemistry, materials research and life sciences. Over the years, thousands of people found suitable positions in academic, corporate and government labs using this service. The main CCL Job Page was visited by more than 3 million people since April of 1999. Please tell your friends (both those who look for a position or those who want to hire someone) about this page and you will be doing them a favor...

go to conference list Scroll down (or click here) for the list of jobs offered

Submitting your entry:

The income from job advertising on the CCL Job Page is used to support hardware, software, development, and maintenance of CCL.NET, the Internet based forum and its Web site. The current prices for this service are listed below. Due to inflation the original prices were adjusted for inflation since 2004 and increased by 50% on March 11, 2023.

You will be issued an invoice for payment AFTER your job is posted. At time of submission you choose how long you want the ad displayed (1 day to 6 months, default 3 mos.). The payments can be made by credit card, bank transfer, and check. Details are provided in the invoice and email message that you will receive after job ad is posted. You will also be able to print the W-9 IRS form if your institution needs it. Please click on Details of CCL.NET Job Submission. We encourage you to use this service not only because it is very successful and will bring you good candidates, but also because your support will ensure that the venerable CCL.NET, one of the first Internet based discussion forums, will continue for years to come.
Jan Labanowski, Ph.D.

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Following jobs are being offered currently: