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Comp. Toxicology
Air Force Research Laboratory

April 20-22, 1998
Holiday Inn/I-675
Dayton, Ohio, USA

Aeronautical Systems Center

The workshop was very successful. The orginizers extend their gratitude to all speakers and participants for the fruitful and frank discussions and high participation, in spite of the fact that the program was very intensive and taxing the endurance of all of us. Please contact Kevin Geiss at geissk@FALCON.AL.WPAFB.AF.MIL about the details for submitting manuscripts. Click at [ABSTRACTS AND PROGRAM] to see abstracts and program

The international workshop: Computational Methods in Toxicology organized by:

  • Air Force Research Laboratory (Operational Toxicology Branch of the Human Effectiveness Directorate, Materials & Manufacturing Directorate, and Air Force Office of Scientific Research.)
  • Aeronautical Systems Center (Major Shared Resource Center for High Performance Computing) through the Programming Environment and Training Program.
will be held at Holiday Inn/I-675, Dayton, Ohio, USA. The workshop is open to all US and international participants from Industry, Government, or Academic/Non-profit sectors but is limited to 60 participants. Note: Small arrows, , mark links. Click on them to get more information.

Organizing Committee:

John Frazier (AFRL/HEST)        Ruth Pachter (AFRL/MLPJ & ASC)
Kevin Geiss (AFRL/HEST)        Steven Trohalaki (AFRL/MLPJ)
Jan Labanowski (ASC/ARL & OSC)        Theresa Windus (ASC & OSC)

Workshop Goals:

  • Evaluate the current state-of-the-art in the prediction of toxicological endpoints from structural descriptors.
  • Survey the availability of methods and tools for the construction of new QSAR/SARs.
  • Evaluate and critique available off-the-shelf products for toxicity prediction.
  • Define appropriate strategies for developing new QSAR/SARs for the prediction of potential human health effects due to exposures to experimental and operational chemicals used in US Air Force and civilian operations.

Topic Areas:

  • Research applications of QSAR/SARs,
  • Tools for development of new QSAR/SARs,
  • Molecular modeling and simulation in toxicology,
  • Commercially available software products.

Workshop Format:

  • Oral presentations by invited speakers,
  • Roundtable discussion with panel of invited speakers,
  • Poster session open for presentations by attendees.


  • Registration Deadline: March 31, 1998 ( extended until April 10, 1998 but since we had to place orders, the requests for dinners and tours will not be accepted ).
  • Click here!Abstract Submission Deadline: March 16, 1998.

List of invited speakers:

  • Marilyn Arnott - LogiChem
  • Subhash Basak - University of Minnesota
  • Romualdo Benigni - Instituto Superiore di Sanita, IT
  • Doug Bristol - NIH/NIEHS, RTP
  • James Devillers - CTIS, Lyon, FR
  • Nigel Greene - LHASA , UK
  • William C. Herndon - University of Texas-El Paso
  • Peter Jurs - Penn State University
  • Douglas J. Klein - Texas A&M
  • Bob Lipnick - EPA, Washington, DC
  • Edwin Matthews - FDA, Rockville
  • Rich Purdy - 3M
  • Milan Randic - Drake University, IA
  • Ann Richard - EPA, RTP
  • Herb Rosenkranz - University of Pittsburgh
  • Paul Seybold - Wright State University
  • Ed Thompson - Procter & Gamble, OH
  • Alex Tropsha - UNC-Chapel Hill
  • Program:

    The details of the program, abstracts, and directions will be sent to registered participants, and placed on the Web: Click here!toxprogram.html

    Lodging and Maps

    Participants are responsible for hotel and travel arrangements. The block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn under the name Toxicology Workshop. This block of rooms will be kept on hold only until March 22, so please make the reservations early.
         Holiday Inn I-675
         2800 Presidential Dr.
         Fairborn, OH 45324
         tel. 937/426-7800
         FAX  937/426-1284
         Price per night: $89.00+tax
    Other hotels, in the walking distance from the workshop site are:
         Fairfield Inn
         2500 Paramount Pl
         Fairborn, OH
         Homewood Suites
         2750 Presidential Drive
         Fairborn, OH
    For directions please consult: Click here!

    Registration fees are:

    • $250 for participants from for-profit organizations,
    • $150 for participants from non-profit and government organizations,
    •   $25 for currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students.
    The fees will be collected at the workshop only in cash or check (personal check or money order), and suitable receipt will be issued. We do not have the facilities to process purchase orders or credit card charges. The checks should be made to: Toxicology Workshop. The registration fee covers: workshop materials, morning coffee and coffee breaks, and refreshments during poster session. The dinner on Monday Apr. 20 is $20 extra. The deadline for registration (which will ensure that space is reserved at the workshop) is March, 31, 1998.

    Abstracts and Posters

    Participants are encouraged to present a poster Click here!Detailed instructions are provided for interested participants.

    How to Contact Us

    We do prefer e-mail as a medium of communication. Please send e-mail to and we will answer promptly.
    See you soon in Dayton!!!

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