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# n     (11s6p) / [5s3p]     {62111/411}
# SCF energy is      -54.3991753741 a.u.  (virial theorem =  2.000000003)
# A. Schaefer, Aug. 93
   6  s
  19730.800647      .21887984991E-03
  2957.8958745      .16960708803E-02
  673.22133595      .87954603538E-02
  190.68249494      .35359382605E-01
  62.295441898      .11095789217
  22.654161182      .24982972552
   2  s
  8.9791477428      .40623896148
  3.6863002370      .24338217176
   1  s
  .84660076805      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .33647133771      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .13647653675      1.0000000000
   4  p
  49.200380510      .55552416751E-02
  11.346790537      .38052379723E-01
  3.4273972411      .14953671029
  1.1785525134      .34949305230
   1  p
  .41642204972      .45843153697
   1  p
  .14260826011      .24428771672
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Modified: Thu Sep 24 14:56:32 1998 GMT
Page accessed 5236 times since Mon Jun 21 04:20:37 1999 GMT