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co TZV
# co    (17s10p6d) / [6s3p3d]     {842111/631/411}
# SCF energy is    -1381.3838953813 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999986)
# calculation performed in Oh-symmetry with 3d-occupation eg**4 t2g**3
# R. Ahlrichs, Sept. 93
   8  s
  325817.01553      .22568462484E-03
  48839.636453      .17499397533E-02
  11114.937307      .91003134097E-02
  3146.1603642      .36996256837E-01
  1024.4378465      .12044269621
  368.02508816      .28598731649
  142.91229205      .40908312004
  56.482649209      .21500145739
   4  s
  356.40298318     -.24767059678E-01
  110.31165215     -.11702139134
  17.659634834      .55215522200
  7.5059030479      .53246877060
   2  s
  11.501807176     -.22942470077
  1.9081994606      .71180933514
   1  s
  .79396696891      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .12444448829      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .44444645379E-01  1.0000000000
   6  p
  1731.1369144      .23905767685E-02
  409.91750438      .19382999967E-01
  131.45648578      .90905448509E-01
  48.987439714      .26146681577
  19.537078992      .42157264570
  7.9287281634      .24571813557
   3  p
  31.076017584     -.29438069973E-01
  4.2835180697      .55615568168
  1.7022921563      .96772195064
   1  p
  .64202908602      1.0000000000
   4  d
  68.140745239      .11983845360E-01
  19.685241019      .73688540475E-01
  6.9322128825      .23085496779
  2.6025125694      .39281059225
   1  d
  .94016837302      .40203412228
   1  d
  .30381457794      .21415606743
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