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# c     (11s6p) / [5s3p]     {62111/411}
# SCF energy is      -37.6874747896 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000001)
# A. Schaefer, Aug. 93
   6  s
  13575.349682      .22245814352E-03
  2035.2333680      .17232738252E-02
  463.22562359      .89255715314E-02
  131.20019598      .35727984502E-01
  42.853015891      .11076259931
  15.584185766      .24295627626
   2  s
  6.2067138508      .41440263448
  2.5764896527      .23744968655
   1  s
  .57696339419      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .22972831358      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .95164440028E-01  1.0000000000
   4  p
  34.697232244      .53333657805E-02
  7.9582622826      .35864109092E-01
  2.3780826883      .14215873329
  .81433208183      .34270471845
   1  p
  .28887547253      .46445822433
   1  p
  .10056823671      .24955789874
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Modified: Thu Sep 24 14:47:00 1998 GMT
Page accessed 5264 times since Mon Jun 21 03:29:15 1999 GMT