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Up Directory CCL stertext.h
/**************************   "steric"   **********************************/
/*************     Program to calculate ligand cone    ********************/
/*************     angles as a measure of steric size  ********************/

/******************      Text mode Functions     **************************/
/******************        This module is        **************************/
/******************      system independant      **************************/

#define O_BLANK  0    /* no extra characters added to output text         */
#define O_CARET  1    /* with carriage return                             */
#define O_NEWLN  2    /* with new line                                    */
#define O_CRNLN  3    /* with carriage return and new line characters     */

int Out_Message(char *message, char mode);
int Error_Message(int error, char *string);
int Title(void);
int Get_Yes_No_Request(char *line, unsigned mode, FILE *input);
int Get_Input_Line(char *line, FILE *input);
int Get_Command_Line(char *line, FILE *input);

/*************************  The End ... ***********************************/

Modified: Fri Dec 8 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 4397 times since Sat Apr 17 22:00:01 1999 GMT