CCL: Call for Papers/Centenary of Mendeleev's Death/Special Issue

 Sent to CCL by: Michel Petitjean []
 To: "CCL Subscribers" <chemistry|*|>
 Subject: CCL: Re: Call for Papers/Centenary of Mendeleev's Death/Special Issue
 Sent to CCL by: Eric Scerri [scerri]|[]
 > The editors of the journal Foundations of Chemistry invite =20
 > submissions to a special issue to commemorate the one hundredth =20
 > anniversary of the death of Mendeleev who died in 1907.
 > This is especially appropriate given that the periodic system is =20
 > undoubtedly one of the foundations of chemistry.
 > ...
 Undoubtly it is. Some gadgets have been derived from it, such as the
 Graphic Mendeleev Table:
 Michel Petitjean,                     Email: petitjean|*|
 ITODYS (CNRS, UMR 7086)                      ptitjean|*|
 1 rue Guy de la Brosse                Phone: +33 (0)1 44 27 48 57
 75005 Paris, France.                  FAX  : +33 (0)1 44 27 68 14