CCL:G: Trouble with Gaussian03

 Sent to CCL by: straka|-| (Michal Straka)
 I have had this problem and it was somehow related to kernel,
 After installing newer kernel  (vaguely remember 2.6.? FC2 Linux)
 the problem dissapeared. I did not track the problem to its origin which
 may be some kernel switch...
 It may be the 2G limit mentioned in the other answers but
 the message appers at the very begining so I doubt that.
 On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 07:50:41AM -0500, BOUYER Frédéric 153746
 FB153746:-:ATIL.CEA.FR wrote:
 > Sent to CCL by: =?iso-8859-1?Q?BOUYER_Fr=E9d=E9ric_153746?=
 > Dear CCL users,
 > Gaussian03 has been compiled on two same machines, but in one case it is
 > runing, on the other case, we have a trouble, see below.
 > (machines: Xeon, RedHat9, with ifort, icc and mkl)
 > Many thanks to let me know what to do in that case. I am looking forward to
 > hearing from you.
 > Regards,
 > Frederic
 > PS: a df -k command let us know that there is of course enough space on the
 > disk.
 > ________
 > ******************************************
 > Gaussian 03: IA32L-G03RevC.02 12-Jun-2004
 > 29-Nov-2005
 > ******************************************
 > Erroneous write during file extend. write -1 instead of 4096
 > Probably out of disk space.
 > Erroneous write during file extend. write -1 instead of 4096
 > Probably out of disk space.
 > Write error in NtrExt1
 > Write error in NtrExt1: Bad address
 > forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
 > Image PC Routine Line Source
 > Unknown 003371F1 Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > Unknown 007E6B12 Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > Unknown 007E5327 Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > Unknown 00B935B0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > Unknown 00B94102 Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > Unknown 00A124E2 Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > Unknown 00AFF886 Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > l1.exe 0805CADA Unknown Unknown Unknown
 > l1.exe 08114F4C Unknown Unknown Unknown>
 | Michal Straka                   | Department of Chemistry            |
 | email: straka[*]  | P.O. Box 55 (A.I. Virtasen aukio 1)|
 | phone: 358-9-191-50306          | University of Helsinki             |
 | FAX  : 358-9-191-50279          | FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland       |