CI one-particle density VS CI density

Dear Netters,
 I have calculated neutral radical molecule using:
 #P UHF EPR-II TD(NStates=5,Root=5) Density=all IOp(6/12=3) Prop=EPR
 I would like to compare two algorithms in G98: CI one-particle VS CI density.
 My question is:
 Where I can find formulae and algorithms installed in Gaussian 98, Revision A.7
 B1) total atomic charges and B2) total atomic spin densities  by the:
 Population analysis using the CI ONE-PARTICLE DENSITY.
 B1) total atomic charges and B2) total atomic spin densities  by the:
 Population analysis using the CI DENSITY ????
 My second question is: why G98 A.7 alarms when calculating:
 Electrostatic Properties Using The CI Density
  Warning!  Using spin rather than total density!
  --- Only the electronic contributions will be computed
 What it is new in these algorithms: CI one-particle density VS CI density
 installed in G03?
 Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year for You!
 Regards, Arvydas Tamulis