
 Dear Colleagues:
 Did somebody used the NoOrbRot keyword in CASSCF calculation using GAUSSIAN94 ?
 I don't know where to put it CASSCF(NoOrbRot... does not work
         PPPPPPPP    II     II   MM     MM
         PP      P   II     II   MMM   MMM
         PPPPPPPP    II     II   MM M M MM
  _____  PP          II     II   MM  M  MM   _____________________________
 |       PP          Ii     II   MM     MM                                \
 |                                                                         \
 |  ALLOUCHE Alain                         |                                \
 |  PIIM - CNRS UMR 6633                   |   Tel : (33)      |
 |  Spectrometrie et Dynamique Moleculaire |   Fax : (33)      |
 |  Campus Universitaire Saint Jerome      |                                 |
 |  Service 541                            |   e-mail                        |
 |  13397 Marseille Cedex 20 - France      |   allouche $#at#$
 piimsdm1.univ-mrs.fr |