FC factors and 1D spectrum

         In reply  the inquiry about synthesizing spectra from one-
 dimensional potentials, I have FORTRAN programs that do just that. Thus,
 by starting with arbitrary analytical or numerical one-dimensional potentials,
 e.g., Morse, 6-12, 6-exp, double minimum, etc. for the lower and upper states,
 one obtains a set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for each state. This approach
 uses a finite-element method to represent the one-dimensional Hamiltonian, which
 is then diagonalized.  Then the ground state is Boltzmann populated and the
 Franck-Condon matrix is numerically calculated from the eigenvectors.
 	A 'stick' spectrum is than computed using the
 Condon approximation. My program allows the sticks to be broadened with either
 a Gaussian or Lorentzian lineshape. As an example of this method, see J.A.C.S.,
 108, 3907 (1986) for the calculation of the pyramidal-to-planar transition in
 trimethylamine. Naturally, in the finite element calculation, one has to
 specify a reduced mass appropriate for the vibration being considered.
 	This is a very simple, yet satisfying utility that can provide valuable
 insight. Recently I used this method to clculate the vibrational spectra of
 van der Waals molecules (submitted for publication).
         If anyone would like to have the code for these programs, I can send
 same, preferably via ftp (in which case I would need to know the
 login and guest password information). Alternatively, I could send the
 code if provided with a floppy disk. The programs run well on VMS, AIX, or
 even a PC (although the dimension must be reduced).
 Arthur M. Halpern
 Department of Chemistry
 Indiana State University
 Terre Haute, IN  47809
 (812)237-2182 (voice)
 (812)237-4382 (fax)