/***** This file is part of the Babel Program Copyright (C) 1992-96 W. Patrick Walters and Matthew T. Stahl All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved For more information please contact : babel@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE : rdmm2in.c AUTHOR(S) : Pat Walters DATE : 1-93 PURPOSE : routines to read an mm2 input file, this is also the format of the MM2 87 output file ******/ #include "bbltyp.h" int read_mm2_input(FILE *file1, ums_type *mol) { char the_line[BUFF_SIZE]; char temp[25]; int i,j; int METHOD,IBETA,LRPI,NCONN,NATTACH,LABEL,NDC,ICONT; int conn,attach; int tokens; int a,b; int column; #ifdef AICHEM fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); #endif fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[60],1); METHOD = atoi(temp); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[61],4); Atoms = atoi(temp); ShowProgress(Atoms,"Reading Atoms"); initialize_ums(&mol); if (METHOD == 1) { fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[67],1); IBETA = atoi(temp); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[74],1); LRPI = atoi(temp); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[79],1); ICONT = atoi(temp); if (ICONT == 1) /* CARD 1b */ fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); if (IBETA == 1) /* CARD 1c */ fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); if (LRPI != 0) /* CARD 1d */ fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); } fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); my_strncpy(temp,the_line,5); NCONN = atoi(temp); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[25],5); NATTACH = atoi(temp); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[45],5); LABEL = atoi(temp); my_strncpy(temp,&the_line[54],1); NDC = atoi(temp); for (i = 0; i < LABEL; i++) fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); if (NDC == 3) for (i = 1; i <= Atoms; i++) fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); conn = 0; /* printf("NCONN = %d NATTCH = %d \n",NCONN,NATTACH); */ for (i = 0; i < NCONN; i++) { fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); tokens = count_tokens(the_line,"\t\n "); for (j = 0; j < (tokens - 1); j++) { a = atoi(gettoken(the_line,"\t\n ",j+1)); b = atoi(gettoken(the_line,"\t\n ",j+2)); if ((a != 0) && (b != 0)) { Start(conn) = a; End(conn) = b; conn++; } } } attach = conn; while (attach < conn + NATTACH) { fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); tokens = count_tokens(the_line,"\t\n "); for (j = 0; j < tokens; j+=2) { Start(attach) = atoi(gettoken(the_line,"\t\n ",j+1)); End(attach) = atoi(gettoken(the_line,"\t\n ",j+2)); attach++; } } Bonds = attach; i = 1; while (i <= Atoms) { UpdateProgress(); fgets(the_line,sizeof(the_line),file1); tokens = count_tokens(the_line,"\t\n "); if (tokens > 4) { sscanf(the_line,"%lf%lf%lf%s", &X(i),&Y(i),&Z(i),Type(i)); sscanf(&the_line[40],"%lf%lf%lf%s", &X(i+1),&Y(i+1),&Z(i+1),Type(i+1)); i+=2; } else { sscanf(the_line,"%lf%lf%lf%s", &X(i),&Y(i),&Z(i),Type(i)); i++; } } column = locate_input_type("MM2"); for (i = 1; i <= Atoms; i++) { strcpy(temp,Type(i)); Atomic_number(i) = get_input_type(i,column,temp,Type(i),dummy); } dissect_connection_table(mol); assign_bond_order(mol); return(TRUE); }