The program and data files come from Mike Peterson from Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto, E-mail: Tel: (416) 978-7094, Fax: (416) 978-8775), the place where MONSTERGAUSS lives. This program will extract basis sets listed in the book: "Handbook of Gaussian Basis Sets" by R. Poirier, R. Kari and I.G. Csizmadia Elsevier Science, New York, 1985. The basis sets are listed in the format required by MonsterGauss program, but can be easlily edited to formats required by other programs. The basis sets are referenced as in the book. You need the book (or numbers of basis sets from the book to use the program) to use the program. Here is an example: kekule 1> basis ! assuming you called this program basis Basis set extraction program Enter file name for basis set output: carbon.out !basis set goes to this file Enter atomic number (0 to stop): 12 For a basis set numbered 20.3.2, the major table number is 3 and the minor table number is 2. The program will give back all minor tables for a given major table number. Enter major table number: 4 Enter atomic number (0 to stop): 0 kekule 2> ===================== how to install the program ========== Before the compilation you need to modify the program by making ZDIR variable pointing at the directory where the basis*.dat files reside -- search for line DATA ZDIR/'//alchemy/u0/mgauss/basis/'/ E.g., to test this program I changed this line to: DATA ZDIR/'/pub/ftp/pub/chemistry/basissets/'/ Copy basis*.dat files to this directory. Remember about the slash (/) at the end of path name for UNIX type machines (or \ for MS-DOS). Then compile basis.f (by hand or using makefile) and place it in some directory which is in you path (e.g. /usr/local/bin). The software comes to you with no warantees. Report bugs to: Mike Peterson from Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto, E-mail: Tel: (416) 978-7094, Fax: (416) 978-8775). ----------- Compiled by Jan Labanowski (all mistakes are mine, not his...)