Cc@sdZddddddgZddZdd Zd dZd Zd Zd ZdZdZ dZ dZ dS(sJConversion functions between RGB and other color systems. This modules provides two functions for each color system ABC: rgb_to_abc(r, g, b) --> a, b, c abc_to_rgb(a, b, c) --> r, g, b All inputs and outputs are triples of floats in the range [0.0...1.0] (with the exception of I and Q, which covers a slightly larger range). Inputs outside the valid range may cause exceptions or invalid outputs. Supported color systems: RGB: Red, Green, Blue components YIQ: Luminance, Chrominance (used by composite video signals) HLS: Hue, Luminance, Saturation HSV: Hue, Saturation, Value t rgb_to_yiqt yiq_to_rgbt rgb_to_hlst hls_to_rgbt rgb_to_hsvt hsv_to_rgbg?g@g@g@cCs[d|d|d|}d|d|d|}d|d|d |}|||fS( Ng333333?gzG?g)\(?g333333?gQ?g{Gz?gzG?gp= ף?gףp= ?((trtgtbtytitq((s colorsys.pycR%scCs|d|d|}|d|d|}|d|d|}|djo d}n|djo d}n|djo d}n|djo d}n|djo d}n|djo d}n|||fS( NgD)X?gSh?gfb?g4Ry?gV?gvꭁ?gg?((R R R RRR((s colorsys.pycR+s       c Cs"t|||}t|||}||d}||jod|dfSn|djo||||}n||d||}||||}||||}||||} ||jo| |} n.||jod|| } nd||} | dd} | ||fS(Ng@gg?g@g@g?(tmaxtmin( RRRtmaxctminctltstrctgctbcth((s colorsys.pycR=s$    cCs|djo|||fSn|djo|d|}n||||}d||}t|||tt|||t|||tfS(Ngg?g?g@(t_vt ONE_THIRD(RRRtm2tm1((s colorsys.pycRNs  cCsq|d}|tjo||||dSn|djo|Sn|tjo|||t|dSn|S(Ng?g@g?(t ONE_SIXTHt TWO_THIRD(RRthue((s colorsys.pycRUs    c Cst|||}t|||}|}||jodd|fSn|||}||||}||||}||||} ||jo| |} n.||jod|| } nd||} | dd} | ||fS(Ngg@g@g@g?(R R ( RRRRRtvRRRRR((s colorsys.pycRbs    cCs.|djo|||fSnt|d}|d|}|d|}|d||}|d|d|}|ddjo|||fSn|djo|||fSn|djo|||fSn|djo|||fSn|d jo|||fSn|d jo|||fSndS( Ngg@g?iiiiiii(tint(RRRR tftpR tt((s colorsys.pycRqs&      N( t__doc__t__all__RRRRRRRRRR(((s colorsys.pycss