X-VM-Attributes: [nil nil nil nil nil] Status: RO From: ysn-adm@ren.salk.edu (Young Scientists' Network) Reply-To: ysn@ren.salk.edu Subject: The Young Scientists' Network Digest The Young Scientists' Network Digest 25 Jan 1994 Number 1441 A news digest for discussion of issues involving the employment of scientists, especially those just beginning their careers Table of Contents Item Subject =================== #1 URGENT: Questions for Congressional Committee To send a message to entire distribution: ysn @ ren.salk.edu Miscellaneous administration questions: ysn-adm @ ren.salk.edu for back issues of YSN: anonymous ftp to lupulus.ssc.gov, cd /ysn for information: mail -s "help" ysn-request@ren.sdsc.edu Jen Cohen is currently editing the Moderated YSN, which comes out twice a week. If you're interested in receiving this summary of YSN traffic, send a note to ysn-adm@ren.sdsc.edu The JOBLIST is currently not working --- we lost our machine and support person. A potential new volunteer has been identified, but won't be able to start until sometime in January. In lieu of having an official ysn-joblist, I have been posting the job announcements which arrive daily in YSN. If you'd like to participate in discussions of operational issues of YSN, send a note to ysn-editors-request@lupulus.ssc.gov. ******************************************************************** Dear Members of YSN: This "edition" of YSN is consists of a single post which I just received. Tomorrow the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology will meet to hold hearings "The Future of High Energy Physics." The Committee will be questioning some very prominent physicists, some of whom are sympathetic to our plight. A member of the House professional staff has written to request suggestions for possible questions for the Committee members to pose to the physicists on the panel. Specifically they are seeking questions relevant to the future of young physicists. Due to the fact that this Committee will meet TOMORROW, JANUARY 26, 1994 at 9:30 a.m., EST, I am sending this out to you now so that you can submit suggestions. I urge you to try to submit them before 5:00 p.m., EST (2:00 p.m., PST). Hopefully we will be able to make a good impact and in the future contribute to discussions on the future of other disciplines. John Quackenbush YSN-ADM ******************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Opinions and information appearing in this newsletter are those of their contributors, not of YSN's advisors and volunteers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >From JPAUL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Tue Jan 25 08:55 PST 1994 From: "JPAUL" Subject: #1 URGENT: Questions for Congressional Committee To: ysn-adm@ren.salk.edu Dr. Quackenbush: I serve on the professional staff of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology of the U.S. House of Representatives. Our Subcommittee on Science is holding a hearing at 9:30 a.m. EST tomorrow (Jan. 26) entitled "The Future of High Energy Physics." It may be too late to take advantage of the good offices of YSN members -- but it never hurts to try. I spoke with the staff members putting the hearing together and they hope that the question of the future requirements for physicists would be raised during the hearing. I'd like to offer the people on the list the opportunity to suggest questions for the witnesses at the hearing, who will be: Dr. John Gibbons, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, The White House Dr. John Peoples, Director of FermiLab Dr. Stanley Wojcicki, Chairman of the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, Department of Energy and Professor of Physics at Stanford Dr. Roberto Peccei, Dean of Physical Sciences, UCLA Dr. Frank Merritt, Professor of Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago I cannot promise the questions will be used at all. It may also turn out that the Members will not ask them in the public session but instead submit them to the witnesses for a later written response that will be included in the hearing record. Subject to the short time available and the warning above, those wishing to suggest questions should e-mail me at: jpaul@hr.house.gov and I'll see that they are sent along to the Science Subcommittee. Sincerely, James H. Paul jpaul@hr.house.gov Professional Staff Member Professional Staff Member House Committee on Science, Space and Technology DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed herein are solely my own and do not reflect those of the Committee or any Member of Congress. End of Digest *************