**************************** * POSTDOC INTERNATIONAL * **************************** Several years ago, five students preparing their Ph.D.'s in Physics created an organization named "Postdoc International". This organization, becoming more and more known in the world, groups together job propositions in the domain of research from laboratories around the world. These propositions are at the disposal of researchers through a computer server. Besides numerous propositions of post- doctorates, the server also contains offers of permanent positions (senior researcher, laboratory director,...). Anyone having a computer account linked to an international network (Bitnet, Internet, Decnet,...) can access the server. Send a mail to POST@DOCSERV.SACLAY.CEA.FR containing the text: GET INDEX The file index contains the list of available files (the propositions are classed by country), as well as diverse informations like conference announcements, financement programs for foreign sejours, details on other computer networks of young physicists in the world,... This service is completely FREE, for both the demander of informations and the person who decides to insert announcements on a list (send your text directly to the server with the command MESSAGE on the first line).