--------------- this is not yet ready !!! -------------- \subsection*{Electronic Lists related to chemistry} While this list was compiled based on thorough search of various archives, the core of this list was supplied by list editors. All errors are those of the authors, and we are very thankful for all who responded to our query for their help. The compilation represents the status of the lists in October, 1994. This collection is far from complete. On one hand, it is difficult to decide what is and what is not related to chemistry. Omissions may also be due to the fact that many discussion lists are private and do not seek publicity. In such cases, we simply did not find any references to them. We did not include lists which are run as a for-fee service. A modified verison of this compilation will be kept in the archives of Computational Chemistry List and can be retrieved via WWW (...), gopher (...), anonymous ftp (...) and via e-mail, by sending a message: \begin{verbatim} select chemistry get info/electronic-lists/chemistry-related-lists quit \end{verbatim} to {\tt MAILSERV@ccl.net} Please help in keeping this compilation current by sending annoucements and changes to {\tt jkl@ccl.net}. Remember to place the subscription/unsubscription message within a body of your message (not a {\tt Subject:}) since most automatic list maintainers do not analyze the {\tt Subject:} header line. \vskip 0.2in \begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.3in}\setlength{\itemsep}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf NAME:}] ANNEAL \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}{-0.0in}% \setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] This mailing list covers theory and application of simulated annealing, which is a computer algorithm for performing combinatorial optimization. It is used for a variety of problems, including VLSI placement, network optimization, protein folding and logic minimization. Members of the annealing mailing list are typically researchers in the field. Please investigate the algorithm on your own before posting questions to this list. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Thermodynamics, organic chemistry, optimization, protein configuration. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Dan Greening, Novell, 1601 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd, Suite 100, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA, PH: (408) 973-8081 x313, FX: (408) 973-0989, EM: greening@sti.com. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send message: {\tt unsubscribe} to {\tt anneal-request@cs.ucla.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send message: {\tt subscribe} to {\tt anneal-request@cs.ucla.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send message to {\tt anneal@cs.ucla.edu}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated, 5 messages/month, No archives, 250 subscribers. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] BUCKY \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] A weekly list of the latest titles on C-60 and related fullerenes, fullerites, and molecular/solid state derivatives. The list is distributed to subscribers by electronic mail. You may subscribe, unsubscribe, and contribute or update entries to the list. Each week the latest 50 titles is electronically mailed to subscribers. Titles are listed in reverse order of submission, with date appended. You may also request Rick Smalley's annotated bibliography, which is significantly larger (attribution back to 1500 BC). \item[{\bf Subjects:}] fullerenes \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message {\tt SUBSCRIBE} to {\tt bucky@sol1.lrsm.upenn.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message {\tt UNSUBSCRIBE} to {\tt bucky@sol1.lrsm.upenn.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Place the single word {\tt SUBMISSION} on the first line of your message. \item[{\bf Comments:}] This is not a discussion forum but rather a news service. Send a message {\tt INTRO} (note that commands are in capital letters) to bucky@sol1.lrsm.upenn.edu for more information \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CHARMM-BBS \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The objective of the charmm-bbs list is to electronically connect users -- for all levels of experitise -- of the CHARMM molecular mechanics package. This list comprises users from academia and industry, and is a free service. Charmm-bbs is {\em strickly} a secular environment; it is {\em not} maintained by MSI (commercial version of CHARMm) or by Harvard (including the Karplus group). \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Molecular Mechanics/Dynamics, Modeling, Classical Mechanics. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Donovan N. Chin Harvard University 12 Oxford St. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. PH: (617) 495-9435. FX: (617) 495-9857. EM: dchin@emperor.harvard.edu. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a brief e-mail message stating your primary interests, your name, and the name of the place you work to: {\tt charmm-bbs-request@emperor.harvard.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send an e-mail message stating so to: {\tt charmm-bbs-request@emperor.harvard.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] After you have subscribed to the charmm-bbs, messages are posted by sending an e-mail to: {\tt charmm-bbs@emperor.harvard.edu}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 5 messages/month. 230 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Messages are archived but not available on line at this time. To obtain selected previous messages send a request stating which messages you need to {\tt charmm-bbs-request@emperor.harvard.edu}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] C2-L \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] This list is for users of Cerius2. The MSI Scientific Support Bulletin Board mailing lists are intended to provide an informal forum for users of MSI products to discuss various aspects of the programs. The lists are NOT designed to be an official channel for product support; all requests for technical product support should continue to go through the Scientific Support hotline. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, proteins, nucleic acids. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Dr. Robert B. Funchess, Senior Support Scientist, Molecular Simulations Inc., 16 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5297, PH: (617) 229-9800 x202, FX: FAX (617) 229-9899, EM: {\tt bobf@msi.com}, WWW: {\tt http://www.msi.com/\~bobf/bobf.html}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] send message {\tt subscribe C2-L First-Name Last-Name} to {\tt listproc@msi.com}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] send message {\tt unsubscribe C2-L} to {\tt listproc@msi.com}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] send mail to {\tt c2-l@msi.com}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated, No subscription restrictions, 10 messages/month, 100 subscribers, Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Archived monthly. Anon. ftp: {\tt server.msi.com}, WWW: {\tt http://www.msi.com/}, or via e-mail to {\tt listproc@msi.com} (send {\tt index} and then request needed files by sending {\tt get filename} commend to {\tt listproc@msi.com}). \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CAChe \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The CAChe list is intended to enhance communication between academic users of computer modeling for teaching. In particular, the focus is on applications of the modeling tools from CAChe Scientific in the undergraduate curriculum. Items appropriate for this forum include classroom experiences, course outlines, modeling projects, sample results, bug reports, new software announcements, requests for help, and troubleshooting tips. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] modeling,thermodynamics, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, CAChe Scientific. \item[{\bf Editor:}] James Currie, Chemistry Department, Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR 97116, USA. PH: (503) 357-6151. FX: (503) 359-2933. EM: {\tt jim\_currie@unixmail.pacificu.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the following e-mail message: {\tt subscribe cache} to majordomo@pacificu.edu. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the following e-mail message: {\tt unsubscribe cache} to majordomo@pacificu.edu. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to: {\tt cache@pacificu.edu}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 5 messages/month. 55 subscribers. No archives. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CHEM-COMP \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] This list is for the discussion of all aspects of computational chemistry. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Computational Chemistry. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Andrew Sherwood. {\tt cstajs@staffs.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt Join chem-comp Firstname Lastname} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt Leave chem-comp} to the address: {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to {\tt chem-com@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. Very low traffic. 220 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Archived automatically. Access via e-mail (MAILBASE {\tt GET} command --- send the message: {\tt send mailbase user-guide} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk} for instructions on e-mail retrieval), anonymous ftp {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, gopher {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, WWW: {\tt http://mailbase.ac.uk/}. \end{list} --------------------- Another list to put here To attend people interested in CHEMICAL ECOLOGY, we created CHEMECOL, a discussion list in this area. To subscribe this list send a mail to listserv@iqm.unicamp.br with the message: subscribe chemecol your name After this any mail to CHEMECOL list should be sended to chemecol@iqm.unicamp.br Thanks, Clecio Fernando Klitzke chemecol list owner clecio@iqm.unicamp.br --------------------------------------- \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CHEM-MOD \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] This list is for the discussion of the modelling aspects of computational chemistry. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Computational Chemistry, Modeling. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Andrew Sherwood. {\tt cstajs@staffs.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt Join chem-mod Firstname Lastname} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt Leave chem-mod} to the address: {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to {\tt chem-mod@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. Very low traffic. 160 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Archived automatically. Access via e-mail (MAILBASE {\tt GET} command --- send the message: {\tt send mailbase user-guide} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk} for instructions on e-mail retrieval), anonymous ftp {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, gopher {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, WWW: {\tt http://mailbase.ac.uk/}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CHEMCONF -- CHEMistry CONFerence \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] CHEMCONF (CHEMistry CONFerence) is devoted to the operation of on-line computer conferences in any area of academic chemistry research and education. Specific conferences on particular topics will be conducted from time to time; dates and topics will be announced via this list and in the chemistry print journals (e.g. Chemistry and Engineering News). This list is intended to serve as the main mechanism for the distribution of the text of papers invited by or submitted to the conference and for the discussion of those papers among participants and authors. Members of the chemistry research and education community who wish to propose topics for future conferences should contact T. C. O'Haver, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 (to2@umail.umd.edu). \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Chemistry, education, conference. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Prof. T. C. O'Haver, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA. EM: {\tt to2@umail.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message {\tt sub CHEMCONF Firstname Lastname} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message {\tt signoff CHEMCONF} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to {\tt chemconf@umdd.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 1-2 messages/month between conferences. Hundreds messages/month during a conference. 500 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Send the message: {\tt INDEX CHEMCONF} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu} to obtain the file list. Then retrieve the file by sending a message {\tt GET CHEMCONF file-name} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CCL \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] Computational Chemistry is focus of this list. While list scope is not restricted to any particulat method or software topics like quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics and dynamics, molecular modeling, and computer-aided molecular design dominate the list. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] quantum chemistry, molecular modeling, chemical kinetics, molecular graphics, molecular design. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Jan Labanowski, Ohio Supercomputer Center, 1224 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, OH 43212, USA. PH: (614) 292-9279, FX: (614) 292-7168, EM: {\tt jkl@ccl.net, JKL@OHSTPY.BITNET}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a short message with your name, address, and electronic address to {\tt chemistry-request@ccl.net}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a request to unsubscribe with you name and electronic address to {\tt chemistry-request@ccl.net}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your mail to {\tt chemistry@ccl.net}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 10 messages/day. 2000 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Updated on line by incoming messages. Anon. ftp. {\tt www.ccl.net} in directory: {\tt /pub/chemistry}. WWW: {\tt http://www.ccl.net/chemistry.html}. Gopher: gopher.ccl.net 74. E-mail: send message: \begin{verbatim} HELP CHMISTRY HELP ENCODERS HELP GET HELP \end{verbatim} to {\tt MAILSERV@ccl.net} for detailed info on how to retrieve fields from the archive. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] - CHEMED \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] \item[{\bf Subjects:}] \item[{\bf Editor:}] Bill Halpern. EM WHALPERN@UWF.BITNET. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt SUBSCRIBE CHEMED Firstname Lastname} to the address: {\tt LISTSERV@UWF.CC.UWF.EDU} or {\tt LISTSERV@UWF.BITNET}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt SIGNOFF CHEMED} to the address: {\tt LISTSERV@UWF.CC.UWF.EDU} or {\tt LISTSERV@UWF.BITNET}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to {\tt CHEMED@LISTSERV@UWF.CC.UWF.EDU}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated, No subscription restristions. 50 messages/month. 900 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Send the message {\tt INDEX CHEMED} to {\tt LISTSERV@UWF.CC.UWF.EDU} to receive list of files. Then for each file to be retrieved send the message {\tt GET CHEMED filename} to the LISTSERV@UWF.CC.UWF.EDU. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CHEMIC-L -- Chemistry in Israel List \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The purpose of this list is to gather and distribute all relevant information on the local research activities in Chemistry, such as lectures, workshops, seminars, colloquia and funding opportunities for academic investigators \item[{\bf Subjects:}] chemistry \item[{\bf Editor:}] CHEMISTL@TAUNIVM.BITNET \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt SUBSCRIBE CHEMIC-L Firstname Lastname} to the address {\tt LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.IL}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt SIGNOFF CHEMIC-L} to the address {\tt LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.IL}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to: {\tt CHEMIC-L@VM.TAU.AC.IL}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 175 subscribers. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Send the message {\tt INDEX CHEMIC-L} to the address: {\tt LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.IL} to get file list. The retrieve the file by sending the message: {\tt GET CHEMIC-L filename} to {\tt LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.IL}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CHEMISTRYTM \begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.5in}\setlength{\itemsep}{-0.0in}% \setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] Chemistry Telementoring (Chemistrytm) is an international telementoring discussion group for students in high school and college, and their teachers, whose interest (avocation, coursework or career) lies in the area of Chemistry. The group fosters the exchange of ideas and information on all topics related to chemistry. Chemistrytm is an open (unmoderated) list intended to include students from every country connected to Bitnet and the Internet. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] chemistry. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Oliver Seely Department of Chemistry CSU Dominguez Hills oliver@dhvx20.csudh.edu \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt subscribe} to {\tt chemistrytm-request@dhvx20.csudh.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt unsubscribe} to {\tt chemistrytm-request@dhvx20.csudh.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send message to chemistrytm@dhvx20.csudh.edu. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated, 5--10 messages/month, archives to be made accessible, 80 subscribers. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CHMINF-L, Chemical Information Sources Discussion List. \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] CHMINF-L provides a forum where people can discover new reference tools and databases of interest to chemists and can also find answers to reference questions of a chemical nature. It is in many respects a virtual chemistry reference library. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] chemistry, chemical information science, reference questions. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Gary Wiggins, Chemistry Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405. PH: (812) 855-9452. FX: (812) 855-6611. EM: {\tt wiggins@indiana.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the e-mail message: {\tt SUB CHMINF-L yourfirstname yourlastname} to the address: {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.BITNET} or {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the e-mail message: {\tt SIGNOFF CHMINF-L} to the address: {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.BITNET} or {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send the e-mail message to: {\tt CHMINF-L@IUBVM>BITNET} or {\tt CHMINF-L@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 150 messages/month. 1050 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Monthly log files are maintained at Indiana University. Send the command {\tt GET CHMINF-L LOGyymm} (where {\tt yy} = year and {\tt mm} = month, expressed numerically) to: {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.BITNET} or {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. A gopher archive of CHMINF-L is available from the chemistry gopher at UC Davis: {\tt URL: gopher://gopher-chem.ucdavis.edu:70/1/1/Email\_Archive/ChmInf-L}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CICOURSE -- Chemical Information Courses on the Internet \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] CICOURSE provides a forum in which people can teach and learn about chemical information sources in all forms. Proposals for workshops, courses, etc. should be sent to the Listowner, Gary Wiggins, wiggins@indiana.edu. CICOURSE is open to both students and instructors. Participants may choose to limit the information received to one or more of the ten topics: LECTURES, SLIDES, READINGS, ERRORS, DISCUSSIONS, HOMEWORK, EXAMS, PEDAGOGY, EVALUATIONS, MISC, or by default receive all messages. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] chemistry, chemical information sources, online searching, databases, reference sources, chemical communication. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Gary Wiggins, Chemistry Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405. PH: (812) 855-9452. FX: (812) 855-6611. EM: {\tt wiggins@indiana.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the e-mail message: {\tt SUB CICOURSE yourfirstname yourlastname} to: {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.BITNET} or {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the e-mail message: {\tt SIGNOFF CICOURSE} to: {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.BITNET} or {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send the e-mail message to: {\tt CICOURSE@IUBVM.BITNET} or {\tt CICOURSE@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 30 messages/month. 300 Subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] The list of archive files can be obtained by sending the message: {\tt GET CICOURSE FILELIST} to: {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.BITNET} or {\tt LISTSERV@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] CORROS-L \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] This list is concerned with corrosion and degradation of materials. It covers technical questions, general information and the notification of conferences, job vacancies etc. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Corrosion, electrochemistry, materials. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Bob Cottis, Corrosion and Protection Centre, UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. PH: 44 161 200 4843. FX: 44 161 200 4865. EM: {\tt R.A.Cottis@umist.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt SUBSCRIBE CORROS-L Firstname Lastname} to the address: {\tt LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt UNSUBSCRIBE CORROS-L} to the address: {\tt LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to: {\tt CORROS-L@IB.RL.AC.UK}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 10 messages/month. 100 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Sent the message: {\tt INDEX CORROS-L} to {\tt LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK} to get a list of files. Retrieve files by sending a message: {\tt GET CORROS-L LOGyymm} to LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK. For more information send the message: {\tt INFO DATABASE} to: {\tt LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] DIBUG \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The DIBUG ("Discover, Insight, Biosym Users' Group") exploder, an unmoderated mailing list for discussion of Biosym products, is maintained by Biosym softare users and researchers. Expected topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, queries about how to use features of the software, and how to solve scientific problems using the software. Although this list is ad- ministered by and for Biosym users, it is expected that the vendor monitors the list, and perhaps to respond to issues that may arise. The list is archived and archives are accessible via gopher and ftp. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] General aspects of molecular modelling, molecular dynamics, ab-initio and semiempirical methics, meeting announcements, nmr and xray crystallography data evaluation, aspects of force field usage and application, efficiency of use. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Reinhard Doelz, Biocomputing, Biozentrum der Universitaet Basel, Klingelbergstr.70, CH 4056 Basel, Switzerland. PH: 41 61 267 2247. FX: 41 61 267 2078. EM: {\tt doelz@ubaclu.unibas.ch}. WWW: {\tt http://beta.embnet.unibas.ch} \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send mail to {\tt dibug-request@comp.bioz.unibas.ch}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send mail to {\tt dibug-request@comp.bioz.unibas.ch}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send mail to {\tt dibug@comp.bioz.unibas.ch}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 50 messages/month. 450 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] WWW, gopher, anonymous ftp: {\tt bioftp.unibas.ch}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] GA-MOLECULE \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] GA-molecule brings together researchers who want to solve problems in chemistry using genetic algorithms. Unlike GA-list, this is an unmoderated mailing list. Since its inception just after ICGA '91, it has had very low traffic, so don't be surprised if you don't hear anything for several weeks! \item[{\bf Subjects:} Genetic algorithms, molecular-structure prediction. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Tom Ngo, Interval Research Corporation, 1801-C Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1216, USA. PH: (415) 354-3616. FX: (415) 354-0872. EM: {\tt ngo@interval.com}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt help} to {\tt ga-molecule-request@interval.com}. In principle send: {\tt subscribe ga-molecule} or (if you wish to be subscribed with another address) {\tt subscribe ga-molecule other-address@your\_site.your\_net} to {\tt ListMgr@interval.com}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt unsubscribe ga-molecule} or (if you were subscribed with address different than your current account {\tt unsubscribe ga-molecule other-address@your\_site.your\_net}) to {\tt ListMgr@interval.com}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your posting to {\tt ga-molecule@interval.com}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. Low traffic. 130 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:} Send the message: {\tt index ga-molecule} to {\tt ListMgr@interval.com} to obtain list of available files. Then send a message {\tt get ga-molecule filename} to retrieve the specific file. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] HYPERCHEM USERS' GROUP \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The e-mail list is designed primarily for, but not limited to, HyperChem users. Any and all scientific and technical issues related to the use of HyperChem are appropriate for discussion on this list, and we hope that it will be a valuable resource for HyperChem users. News and developments concerning HyperChem will also be posted to this list. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] HyperChem, ChemPlus, HyperNMR, computational chemistry, product announcements \item[{\bf Editor:}] Graham Hurst Hypercube Inc, 7-419 Phillip St, Waterloo, Ont, Canada N2L 3X2. PH: (519) 725-4040. FX: (519) 725-5193. EM: {\tt hurst@hyper.com}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt subscribe hyperchem} or a longer form {\tt subscribe hyperchem ADDRESS} (replace {\tt ADDRESS} with your e-mail address) to {\tt hyperchem-request@hyper.com}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt unsubscribe hyperchem} or a longer form {\tt unsubscribe hyperchem ADDRESS} (replace {\tt ADDRESS} with the e-mail address you are subscribed with) to {\tt hyperchem-request@hyper.com}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Email sent to {\tt hyperchem@hyper.com} will be posted to all list subscribers. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. Up to 30 messages/month. 400 subscribers. No archives. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] ICS-L -- International Chemometric Society. \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] ICS-L is the discussion group of the International Chemometrics Society, a not-for-profit scholarly society that is concerned with the development and application of mathematical and statistical methods for the analysis of chemical data. The purpose of the list is to serve as a medium for discussion and information exchange among our members and any other interested scholars. Discussion should center on methods, algorithms, software, hardware platforms, data sets, meetings and conferences, and current research trends and applications. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Chemistry, chemometrics, statistics, mathematical methods. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Prof. T. C. O'Haver, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA. EM: {\tt to2@umail.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message {\tt sub ICS-L Firstname Lastname} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message {\tt signoff ICS-L} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to {\tt ICS-L@umdd.umd.edu}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 5 messages/month. 220 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Send the message {\tt INDEX ICS-L} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu} to get the list of files. Then retrieve files by sending the message {\tt GET ICS-L filename} to {\tt listserv@umdd.umd.edu}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] INTERF-L \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The list is intended for physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers whose research interests lie within the broad area of physics and chemistry of Interfacial Phenomena. In particular: (1) Liquids at Interfaces, Wetting and Adhesion Phenomena, Capillarity. (2) Complex and Macromolecular Fluids: Structure, Phase Transitions and Interfaces. (3) Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics of Polymer Melts and Solutions, Microemulsions, Colloids, Emulsions and Foams, Suspensions, Surfactants in Solutions, Membranes, Amphiphilic Monolayers and Bilayers, Gels, Liquid Crystals and Porous Media. The INTERF-L Interest Group will provide the following functions: (1) Increase the communication between members of this inter- disciplinary community in Israel. (2) Announcements of seminars, conferences, scientific programs, grants and other items of common interest. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] nterfacial Phenomena, surface physics, surface physics, complex fluids, soft condensed matter, polymers, colloids, emulsions, foams, liquid crystals, amphiphiles, suspensions, membranes, gels, wetting, adhesion, surfactants, macromolecular fluids. \item[{\bf Editor:}] David Andelman School of Physics, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978 Israel. PH: +972-3-6407239, FX: +972-3-6422979, EM: {\tt andelman@taunivm.tau.ac.il} \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt SUB INTERF-L Firstname Lastname} to the address: {\tt listserv@taunivm.tau.ac.il}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt signoff interf-l} to {\tt listserv@taunivm.tau.ac.il}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to: {\tt interf-l@taunivm.tau.ac.il}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Moderated. No subscription restrictions. 1 message/month. 105 subscribers. No archives. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS-NEWS \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] News and discussion for researchers involved in the study of the dynamics of molecules, mostly in the gas phase. Subjects covered include molecular collisions, reaction dynamics, high-resolution spectroscopy of Van der Waals complexes and molecular photodissociation. The list is used mostly for conference announcements and details of positions vacant at the faculty and post-doctoral level. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] chemical physics, molecular collisions, photodissociation, Van der Waals complexes \item[{\bf Editor:}] Jeremy M. Hutson, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK. EM: {\tt J.M.Hutson@durham.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt join molecular-dynamics-news Firstname Lastname} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt leave molecular-dynamics-news} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Instructions are sent when you join. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscribtion restrictions. 10 messages/month. 700 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Archived automatically. Access via e-mail (MAILBASE {\tt GET} command --- send the message: {\tt send mailbase user-guide} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk} for instructions on e-mail retrieval), anonymous ftp {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, gopher {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, WWW: {\tt http://mailbase.ac.uk/}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] ORGCHEM \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The purpose of the orgchem list is to experiment with electronic exchange of information related to organic chemistry concerns of all types. The orgchem list also has an anonymous ftp site associated with it to facilitate interchange of graphical materials such as ChemDraw(tm) documents or other graphical formats. The ultimate goal of this list is to provide an electronic version of dropping into a neighbor's office for advice and insight. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Organic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Prof. Curt Breneman, Department of Chemistry, Cogswell Lab 319A, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA. PH: (518) 276-2678. FX: (518) 276-4045. EM: {\tt breneman@xray.chem.rpi.edu, brenec@rpi.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt orgreq@extreme.chem.rpi.edu} requesting membership. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt orgreq@extreme.chem.rpi.edu} requesting deletion. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send a message to {\tt orgchem@extreme.chem.rpi.edu}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 30 messages/month. 200 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] orgchem messages are saved and graphical files are archived in appropriately named subdirectories of the anonymous ftp server at {\tt extreme.chem.rpi.edu}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] ORG-GEOCHEM \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] Org-Geochem is an electronic discussion list for organic geochemists, and other scientists with interests in organic geochemistry. Related fields such as environmental geochemistry and petroleum geochemistry are covered. Org-Geochem uses the Mailbase system to manage message distribution. Messages emailed to org-geochem@mailbase.ac.uk are automatically distributed by email to other list memebers. Most messages relate to conference details, research opportunities, and publication information. Some technical messages. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Organic geochemistry, environmental geochemistry, petroleum geochemistry. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Dr. Bryn Jones, Fossil Fuels and Environmental Geochemistry, The Drummond Building, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK. PH: 091 222 6000 Ex 8628. FX: 091 261 1182. EM: {\tt Bryn.Jones@newcastle.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt Join org-geochem Firstname Lastname} to the address: {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt Leave org-geochem} to the address: {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to {\tt org-geochem@mailbase.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. Up to 10 messages/month. 200 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Archived automatically. Access via e-mail (MAILBASE {\tt GET} command --- send the message: {\tt send mailbase user-guide} to {\tt mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk} for instructions on e-mail retrieval), anonymous ftp {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, gopher {\tt mailbase.ac.uk}, WWW: {\tt http://mailbase.ac.uk/}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] PHARMACY MAIL EXCHANGE \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] A general discussion forum for pharmacists and workers in related fields. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Pharmacy teaching and practise. Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical chemistry. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Paul Hodgkinson F.I.Sc.T., Dept of Pharmacy, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK. PH: +44 533 577285, FX: +44 533 577287, EM: {\tt phh@dmu.ac.uk}, TWX: 9312132271 PH G. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send message with details to {\tt pharm-request@dmu.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send message to to {\tt pharm-request@dmu.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Details provided after subscription. \item[{\bf Comments:}] List restricted to professionals and students. 20 messages/month. List messages sent also to {\tt sci.med.pharmacy} newsgroup. \item[{\bf Archives:}] WWW: {\tt http://www.dmu.ac.uk/0/departments/pharmacy/archive/www/pharm.html}, Gopher: {\tt gopher.dmu.ac.uk}, anon. ftp: {\tt ftp.dmu.ac.uk}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] PMD -- PARALLEL MOLECULAR DYNAMICS \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] Announcements and Discussion about the parallel molecular dynamics program PMD. PMD is an experimental program written in C and implementing the fast multipole algorithm of Greengard and Rokhlin. It is easily portable between different UNIX system architectures and message passing protocols. PMD calculates a good approximation of the full long-range Coulomb interactions faster than conventional, much less accurate cutoff methods. PMD is also scalably parallel with distributed data storage. It has been run on workstation networks as well as dedicated parallel machines such as the CM-5 and the Intel Paragon. PMD is made freely available at this point to provide a flexible testing ground for advanced algorithms to all interested researchers. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] PMD (parallel molecular dynamics) \item[{\bf Editor:}] Andreas Windemut, |Columbia University, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics |630 West 168th St. BB-221, New York, NY 10032, USA. PH: (212) 305-6884. FX: (212) 305-6926. EM: {\tt windemut@cumbnd.bioc.columbia.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt pmd-request@cumbnd.bioc.columbia.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt pmd-request@cumbnd.bioc.columbia.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send mail to {\tt pmd@cumbnd.bioc.columbia.edu}. Posting is discouraged at this point. Better to send mail to the coordinator at {\tt pmd-request@cumbnd.bioc.columbia.edu} and the announcements of general interest will be made. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. One message/month. 110 Subscribers. No archives yet. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] QUANTA-L \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] This list is for users of QUANTA and related programs (e.g. ChemNote). Discussion on CHARMm is also welcome here. The MSI Scientific Support Bulletin Board mailing lists are intended to provide an informal forum for users of MSI products to discuss various aspects of the programs. The lists are NOT designed to be an official channel for product support; all requests for technical product support should continue to go through the Scientific Support hotline. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, proteins, nucleic acids. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Dr. Robert B. Funchess, Senior Support Scientist, Molecular Simulations Inc., 16 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5297, PH: (617) 229-9800 x202, FX: FAX (617) 229-9899, EM: {\tt bobf@msi.com}, WWW: {\tt http://www.msi.com/\~bobf/bobf.html}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] send message {\tt subscribe QUANTA-L First-Name Last-Name} to {\tt listproc@msi.com}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] send message {\tt unsubscribe QUANTA-L} to {\tt listproc@msi.com}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] send mail to {\tt quanta-l@msi.com}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated, No subscription restrictions, 10 messages/month, 200 subscribers, Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Archived monthly. Anon. ftp: {\tt server.msi.com}, WWW: {\tt http://www.msi.com/}, or via e-mail to {\tt listproc@msi.com} (send {\tt index} and then request needed files by sending {\tt get filename} commend to {\tt listproc@msi.com}). \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] SAFETY \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] Discussion of environmental health and safety issues, particularly as they relate to academic and research settings. Emphases include laboratory safety, hazardous waste disposal and regulatory compliance. A file containing a description of the list is available as SAFETY WELCOME from {\tt LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU}. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] laboratory safety, regulatory compliance. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Ralph Stuart, Environmental Safety Facility, 655 Spear St., University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA. PH: (802) 656-5403. FX: (802) 656-5407. EM: {\tt rstuart@moose.uvm.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt SUB SAFETY Firstname Lastname} to {\tt LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send the message: {\tt UNSUB SAFETY} to {\tt LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send mail to {\tt SAFETY@UVMVM.UVM.EDU} if you are subscribed. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 500 messages/month. 1300 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\tt Archives:}] Send a message:{\tt INDEX SAFETY} to {\tt LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU} to get file list, and then retrieve files by sending {\tt GET SAFETY filename} to {\tt LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU}. There is also gopher {\tt SIRI.UVM.EDU}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] SYBYL \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The Sybyl mail exploder is a forum for exchange of information pertaining to use of the Sybyl molecular modeling package from Tripos Associates. While this list is not an official means of communication with Tripos, it is not unusual for members of the technical and sales staff to answer questions posted to the list. There is now a sizable archive of contributed SPL (Sybyl Programming Language) scripts available in the associated anonymous FTP site at extreme.chem.rpi.edu. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Molecular Modeling, Medicinal Chemistry, Molecular Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics, Sybyl, Tripos, Drug Design. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Prof. Curt Breneman, Department of Chemistry, Cogswell Lab 319A, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA. PH: (518) 276-2678. FX: (518) 276-4045. EM: {\tt breneman@xray.chem.rpi.edu, brenec@rpi.edu}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt sybylreq@extreme.chem.rpi.edu} requesting membership. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt sybylreq@extreme.chem.rpi.edu} requesting deletion. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send your message to {\tt sybyl@extreme.chem.rpi.edu}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No restrictions on subscribing. 50 messages/month. 250 subscribers. Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Sybyl messages and contributed SPL scripts are saved in subdirectories of the anonymous FTP server at {\tt extreme.chem.rpi.edu}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] WATOC \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] Mailing list for the World Association of Theoretical Organic Chemists. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] Computational chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, theoretical chemistry. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Dr. Henry Rzepa, Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College, LONDON SW7 2AY, UK. PH: (44) 171 594 5774 or 594 5809. FX: (44) 171 594 5804. EM: {\tt rzepa@ic.ac.uk}. WWW: {\tt http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa.html}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt subscribe watoc Firstname Lastname} to the address {\tt listserver@ic.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message to {\tt unsubscribe watoc} to the address {\tt listserver@ic.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send the message to {\tt watoc@ic.ac.uk}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Moderated. No subscription restrictions. Low traffic. 400 subsribers. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Available on WWW: {\tt WWW page on http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/watoc.html}. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] WMCIC-L -- WOMEN IN CHEMISTRY IN CANADA. \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] The wmcic-l (women in Chemistry in Canada list) was set up as a communication link for women in chemistry to tell each other about job opportunities in their universities, or news about upcoming speakers or events of interest, etc. This was considered to be particularly beneficial to graduate students who were looking for post doctoral positions, and for professors looking for new grad students and PDF's. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] job oportunities in chemistry for women. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Angela Lyon. EM: l{\tt lyon@chem.queensu.ca}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt subscribe wmcic-l} to the address: {\tt Listserv@qucdn.queensu.ca}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send a message: {\tt unsubscribe wmcic-l} to the address: {\tt Listserv@qucdn.queensu.ca}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send the message to {\tt wmcic-l@qucdn.queensu.ca}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated. No subscription restrictions. 2 messages/month. 25 subscribers. Archived, but archives are not accessible publicly. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] WSN --- Water Science Network \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] WSN is created to facilitate communication between experimental and theoretical scientists with different backgrounds, whose research interests are related to: water structure and hydrogen bond network, thermodynamic and kinetic properties of water, phase transitions in water, hydrophobic effects, hydration forces, water around solutes and water at interfaces, hydration of biomolecules, water in membranes, water in cell, experimental techniques for studying water properties, computer simulations of water Postings to WSN contain: discussions of new ideas and developments in related fields, questions and answers about particular problems, bibliographic information on current and forthcoming books and articles, information on funding sources, meeting announcements, position announcements, product and service announcements. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] water science, i.e. chemical physics, molecular physics, computational chemistry, physical chemistry, structural chemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, etc. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Iosif Vaisman, Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7360, PH: (919) 966-7821, FX: (919) 966-6919, EM: wsn-adm@mmlds1.pha.unc.edu, vaisman@gibbs.unc.edu. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] Send message: {\tt subscribe water Firstname Lastname} to {\tt listserv@unc.edu}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] Send message: {\tt unsubscribe water} to {\tt listserv@unc.edu}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] Send message to: {\tt water@listserv.unc.edu}. Only subscribers may post. \item[{\bf Comments:}] No restrictions on subscribing, 480 subscribers, 15--20 messages/month. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Available from {\tt LISTSERV} ( send a message with a single line: {\tt index water} to {listserv@unc.edu} and then use {\tt GET} command. Ftp, Gopher, and WWW access under development. \end{list} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] XPLOR-L \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] This list is for users of X-PLOR (stand-alone or using the X-ray Structure or NMR Structure interfaces between QUANTA and X-PLOR). The MSI Scientific Support Bulletin Board mailing lists are intended to provide an informal forum for users of MSI products to discuss various aspects of the programs. The lists are NOT designed to be an official channel for product support; all requests for technical product support should continue to go through the Scientific Support hotline. \item[{\bf Subjects:}] molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, proteins, nucleic acids. \item[{\bf Editor:}] Dr. Robert B. Funchess, Senior Support Scientist, Molecular Simulations Inc., 16 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5297, PH: (617) 229-9800 x202, FX: FAX (617) 229-9899, EM: {\tt bobf@msi.com}, WWW: {\tt http://www.msi.com/\~bobf/bobf.html}. \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] send message {\tt subscribe XPLOR-L First-Name Last-Name} to {\tt listproc@msi.com}. \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] send message {\tt unsubscribe XPLOR-L} to {\tt listproc@msi.com}. \item[{\bf To Post:}] send mail to {\tt xplor-l@msi.com}. \item[{\bf Comments:}] Unmoderated, No subscription restrictions, 10 messages/month, 200 subscribers, Archived. \item[{\bf Archives:}] Archived monthly. Anon. ftp: {\tt server.msi.com}, WWW: {\tt http://www.msi.com/}, or via e-mail to {\tt listproc@msi.com} (send {\tt index} and then request needed files by sending {\tt get filename} commend to {\tt listproc@msi.com}). \end{list} \end{list} \end{document} \item[] \ \hrulefill\ \\ \item[{\bf NAME:}] - \noindent\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}\setlength{\itemsep}% {-0.0in}\setlength{\topskip}{-0.1in}} \item[{\bf Description:}] - \item[{\bf Subjects:}] - \item[{\bf Editor:}] - \item[{\bf To Subscribe:}] - \item[{\bf To Unsubscribe:}] - \item[{\bf To Post:}] - \item[{\bf Comments:}] - \end{list}