Copyright 1993 by Diane K. Kovacs, The Directory Team and Kent State University Libraries. Single copies of this directory from its networked sources, or of specific entries from their networked sources, may be made for internal purposes, personal use, or study by an individual, an individual library, or an educational or research institution. The directory or its contents may not be otherwise reproduced or republished in excerpt or entirety, in print or electronic form, without permission from Diane K. Kovacs, Kent State University Libraries. ____________________________________ 7th Revision Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences ____________________________________ Contents: 1. The Directory Team 2. Scope of the Directory 3. How to Retrieve the Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences. 4. Subscription Instructions 5. Definitions 6. Archives 7. Listname/Keyword INDEX ********** 1. The Directory Team: ********** Diane Kovacs (Bitnet) dkovacs@kentvm (Internet) Editor-in-Chief *Art* *Comparative & Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies* *Education and CAI* *Languages* *Linguistics and Text Analysis* *Literature* *Writing* *Women's Studies/Gender Studies* Laura Bartolo (Bitnet) lbartolo@kentvm (Internet) *Law, Criminology, Justice* *History* *Mathematics and Statistics* Gladys Bell (Bitnet) gbell@kentvm (Internet) *Anthropology, Cross Cultural Studies, and Archaeology* *Geography and Misc. Individual Country Studies* *Latin American Studies* *Political Science and Politics* *Social Activitism* *Social Work* *Sociology and Demography* Michael Kovacs (Internet) *Computer Science; Social, Cultural and Political Aspects of Computers; and Academic Computer Support FILE8* Paul Fehrmann (Bitnet) pfehrman@kentvm (Internet) *Communication Studies* *Journalism* *Philosophy and Ethics* *Psychology* *Religious Studies* Leslie Haas (Bitnet) lhaas@kentvm (Internet) *Urban Planning* *Business, Miscellaneous Academia, News FILE7* *Environmental Sciences* *Agriculture* Jeannie Langendorfer (Bitnet) jlangend@kentvm (Internet) *Biological Sciences FILE 5* Amey Park (Bitnet) apark@kentvm (Internet) *Physical Sciences FILE6* Kara Robinson (Bitnet) krobinso@kentvm (Internet) *Dance* *Library and Information Science* *Music* *Theater, Film and Television* ****** 2. Introduction ****** This directory contains descriptions of electronic conferences (e-conferences) on topics of interest to scholars. E-conference is the umbrella term that includes discussion lists, Internet interest groups, e-journals, e- newsletters, Usenet newsgroups, forums, etc. We have used our own judgment in deciding what is of scholarly interest, and accept any advice or argument about our decisions. We have placed the entries into categories by deciding the *dominant* academic subject area of the electronic conference. Usenet Newsgroups have been included when we have received specific recommendations for inclusion. Usenet Newsgroups will be directly reviewed for inclusion in the next revision. Where possible, the information in each record has been checked for currency and accuracy by checking the LISTSERV header in the case of LISTSERV based e-conferences and contacting the moderators of other kinds of e-conferences. We chose the term *moderator* as the umbrella term to describe: contact person, coordinator, listowner, editor, moderator, etc.; whoever is in charge. **************************************************** The field labels are as follows: LN: (e-conference name and submission address) TI: (topic information) SU: (subscription information) ED: (edited? Yes or No - Private lists were called edited) AR: (archived? if Yes, frequency, Private=subscribers only) MO: (moderator, editor, listowner, manager, coordinator,etc.) IA: ('official' institutional affiliation) KE: (keywords) **************************************************** Topic descriptions are taken in whole or part from the descriptions provided by each moderator. Thank you to Marty Hoag, Listowner of New-List for providing the archives of New-List as a clearing house for list information. Special thank you to David Hartland. NISP/Mailbase Project, Computing Service, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne for information on 235 of the United Kingdom MAILBASE e-conferences. Thank you also to Teri Harrison for updating and providing information on the COMSERVE conferences, Pedro Saizar for providing information on Latin American Studies electronic conferences, Joseph Van Zwaren for Israeli electronic conference information, and Joan Korenman for information on Women's Studies conferences, Jean Schneider for confirming European e-conferences. Thank you very sincerely to all the individuals who contributed conference names, information and feedback about conference statuses. Any errors are the responsibility of the compilers of each section. If you can provide corrections or additional information about any of these electronic conferences, please contact the Directory Team member responsible for that area or: Diane Kovacs - Editor-in-Chief (Bitnet) DKOVACS@KENTVM (Internet) DKOVACS@KENTVM.KENT.EDU ********** 3. How to retrieve the Directory of Scholarly E-Conferences ********** GOPHER link information Type=1 Name=Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences Path=1/Computing/Internet Information/Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences Port=70 ------------ ACADLIST README (explanatory notes for the Directory) ACADSTAC HQX (binhexed, self-decompressing, HYPERCARD version of the Directory - Keyword searchable) 498 ACADSMAL HQX (the above only smaller for small screen Macs) ACADLIST FILE1 (Anthropology- Education) 85 k ACADLIST FILE2 (Geography-Library and Information Science) 115k ACADLIST FILE3 (Linguistics-Political Science) 64k ACADLIST FILE4 (Psychology-Writing) 68k ACADLIST FILE5 (Biological Sciences) 55k ACADLIST FILE6 (Physical Sciences) 51k ACADLIST FILE7 (Business, Academia, News) 31k ACADLIST FILE8 (Computer Science; Social, Cultural, and Political Aspects of Computing; and Academic Computing Support) 139k ACADWHOL HQX (binhexed self-decompressing Macintosh MS Word 5.0 document of whole Directory) 799k ACADLIST.CHANGES (this is a list of deleted e-conferences keeping up with the changes this time.) How to retrieve files from the LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU 1. Send an e-mail message addressed to LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU. 2. Leave the subject and other info lines blank. 3. The message must read: GET Filename Filetype f=mail (e.g., ACADLIST FILE1 or ACADSTAC HQX or whatever) 4. If you need assistance receiving, etc. contact your local Computer Services people How to retreive files via anonymous FTP to KSUVXA.KENT.EDU 1. type: ftp KSUVXA.KENT.EDU at your dollar sign prompt (VAX) your shell prompt (Unix) or ready screen (IBM VM). If you are on another kind of system consult with your computer services people to find out the proper procedure. 2. when prompted for 'USERID,' type anonymous 3. Your password will be your actual userid on your local machine. 4. Type: cd library 5. Type: get Filename.Filetype (e.g., ACADLIST.FILE1 or ACADSTAC.HQX or whatever) 6. The files will be transferred directly into the directory you ftp'ed from. ********** 4. General Subscription Instructions: ********** To subscribe to a LISTSERV (both Unix Internet and IBM/VM Bitnet LISTSERV software are in use. Both Internet and Bitnet addresses are provided where possible), COMSERVE, MAILBASE, MAILSERV, MAJORDOMO, NEWSERV or SARASERV discussion list send an e-mail message addressed to the Bitnet or Internet address provided in the SU: field. Leave the subject line blank. The text of the message *must* read: SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME Yourfirstname Yourlastname Your Institution (LISTNAME means the name of the list..e.g. if the LN: field says LIBREF-L@KENTVM.KENT.EDU..the LISTNAME is LIBREF-L) Bitnet users should use the Bitnet address. Internet users should use the Internet server address. Do not include any other text and *leave the subject line blank* as this is being read by a computer and not a person....the machine just won't understand and will bounce back your command if it is not worded as specified above. To subscribe to Internet Interest Groups, you send an e-mail message to list-REQUEST@host (e.g., SOC-CULTURE-GREEK- REQUEST@CS.WISC.EDU). The -REQUEST address gets you to the Coordinator, rather than to the membership of the entire e- conference. Please look carefully at the entry for each list you are interested in, to see if a -REQUEST address has been provided. Include your name, address, and institutional affiliation in your message Usenet Newsgroups are generally accessed by typing "RN" or "NN" at the shell prompt, ready screen or $ prompt on your e- mail account. Check with your Computer Services People to find out what the local availability and procedures are for access to Usenet Newsgroups. Subscription directions for other types of discussions are included with individual entries. ********** 5. Definitions ********** BINHEXED (HQX)--Macintosh encoding that allows program files to be transferred as text without corrupting the program. BITNET--Because Its Time Network...BITNET was established as an academic network for scholars from different universities all over the world to communicate with each other. BITNET uses RSCS protocol. This means that messages/commands are "leap-frogged" from one BITNET connected Computer to another (e.g., Kent State University to Ohio State University to University of Houston). EARN-- is the European Academic Research Network and works similarly to (and is directly connected to) the Bitnet. FTP-- File Transfer Protocol, allows moving files from one computer to another using the Internet protocols. Internet-- The international network of networks based on the TCP/IP protocol. That is, to be connected to the Internet, a computer must be running the TCP/IP software, have a registered domain, and a telecommunications connection to other computers running TCP/IP (e.g., connected through OARNET). Usenet-- A worldwide Unix-based network that supports the distribution of messages; e.g., USENET NEWS *If you find other terms that you would like to understand please contact us and we'll be glad to help. ********** 6. Archives ********** Archives are available for many discussions. On LISTSERV, COMSERVE, MAILSERV and MAILBASE to receive a list of files available from a server send the command: INDEX LISTNAME to SERVER@NODEID You can then send the message: GET Filename Filetype to the SERVER@NODEID. (SERVER means LISTSERV or COMSERVE or MAILBASE or MAILSERV or whatever, NODEID means the site of the server which runs the e-conference) It is also possible to search Bitnet LISTSERV and COMSERVE discussion archives for items of particular interest to you. For details on archives searching: For LISTSERV send the message INFO DATABASE to a LISTSERV of your choice. (e.g. LISTSERV@PSUVM) For COMSERVE send the message HELPFILE to COMSERVE@RPIECS Some discussions maintain archives available via anonymous FTP. This is noted where available. ********** 7. Listname/Keyword INDEX ********** *Humanities and Social Sciences FILES 1-4* *Anthropology, Cross Cultural Studies, and Archaeology* 0001 AASNET-L@UHUPVM1 African American Students 0002 AFAM-L@MIZZOU1 African Americans Research - African American Studies 0003 AFROAM-L@HARVARDA African American Culture 0004 ANTHRO-L@UBVM Anthropology Research Techniques 0005 ARCH-L@DGOGWDG1 Archaeology - Archaeology Software News 0006 BUBBA-L@KNUTH.MTSU.EDU Southern United States Cultural Studies - Humor 0007 DIVERS-L@PSUVM Diversity - Cross Cultural Studies - Ethnic Groups 0008 ETHMUS-L@UMDD Ethnomusicology - Cross Cultural Studies 0009 ETHNO@RPITSVM Ethnomethodology - Conversation Analysis - Cross Cultural Studies 0010 FOLKLORE@TAMVM1 Folklore - Cross Cultural Studies 0011 HERB@TREARN Cross Cultural Studies - Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Folk Medicine - Herbal Medicine 0012 INTERCUL@RPITSVM Communications - Cross Cultural Studies 0013 LORE@NDSUVM1 Folklore - Cross Cultural Studies 0014 MUSEUM-L@UNMVMA Museums Exhibits - Library Collections Curators - Cross Cultural Studies 0015 ORTRAD-L@MIZZOU1 Oral Tradition - Folklore 0016 PACARC-L@WSUVM1 Archaeology Pacific Rim 0017 PLAY-L@HG.ULETH.CA Play Games Sport 0018 QUALRS-L@UGA Qualitative Research Human Sciences Anthropology 0019 RUSAG-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU European Community 0020 SLOVAK-L@UBVM Slovak Culture 0021 SOC-CULTURE-GREEK-POST@CS.WISC.EDU Greek Culture 0022 SOUTHERN_CULTURE@UNC.EDU Southern United States Cultural Studies 0023 WHIM@TAMVM1 Humor Whimsical Stories - Cross Cultural Studies 0024 XCULT-X@UMRVMB Cross Cultural Studies Communications *Art* 0025 AGOCG-ANIMATION@MAILBASE.AC.UK Animation Cartooning 0026 AGOCG-IP@MAILBASE.AC.UK Art Image Processing 0027 ANIME-L@VTVM1 Japanese Animation 0028 ANSI-ART@SA.BRMP.AC.UK ANSI Art ASCII Art 0029 ARTCRIT@YORKVM1 Critical Discourse Art Criticism Art Theory 0030 ARTNET@MAILBASE.AC.UK Art and Computers 0031 ART-SUPPORT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Art Artists 0032 ASCII-ART ASCII Art 0033 BONSAI-L@WAYNEST1 Japanese Art Bonsai Trees 0034 CAAH@PUCC Art History - Architectural History 0035 CGE@MARIST Computer Graphics 0036 CLAYART@UKCC Ceramics Art Pottery 0037 DESIGN-L@PSUVM Design - Art - Architecture 0038 DKB-L@TREARN DKB Ray Tracer - Art - Architecture 0039 FACXCH-L@PSUVM Design - Art - Architecture 0040 FINEART@RUTVM1 Design - Art - Architecture - Art and Computers 0041 GRAPH-L@YALEVM Computer Graphics 0042 GRAPHICS@OHSTVMA Computer Graphics 0043 GRAPHIX@UTFSM Computer Graphics 0044 IDFORUM@YORKVM1 Industrial Design 0045 IMAGE-L@TREARN Image Processing Multimedia Art 0046 L-ARTECH@UQAM Art and Technology 0047 ORIGAMI-L@NSTN.NS.CA Origami Paper Folding Japanese Art 0048 PHOTO-L@BUACCA Photography 0049 STUXCH-L@PSUVM Art - Architecture - Design 0050 VTCAD-L@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU CAD (Computer-Aided Design) *Communication Studies* 0051 COMSERVE@RPITSVM Communications 0052 NEWBOOKS@RPITSVM Communications Publications Announcements Electronic Books 0053 STUTT-L@TEMPLEVM Speech Stuttering Communication Language 0054 SCIT-L@QUCDN Communication Technology 0055 SEMIOS-L@ULKYVM Semiotics Communications Linguistics Language 0056 XPRESS-LIST@CSD.MOT.COM Cable X*Change Datastream Communications *Comparative & Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies* 0057 CHUG-L@BROWNVM Humanities and Computers 0058 DTS-L@IUBVM Humanities 0059 EPP-L@BUACCA Einstein, Albert 0060 FICINO@UTORONTO Renaissance Studies Reformation Studies 0061 HCFNET@UCSBVM Humanities and Computers 0062 HUMANIST@BROWNVM Humanities Literature Language 0063 HUMSPC-L@BROWNVM Humanities Literature Language 0064 HUMGRAD@MAILBASE.AC.UK Humanities 0065 MCRIT-L@HEARN Humanities 0066 PMC-LIST@NCSUVM Postmodern Culture Postmodern Literature 0067 PMC-TALK@NCSUVM Postmodern Culture Postmodern Literature 0068 REACH@UCSBVM Humanities and Computers *Dance* 0069 BALLROOM@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Ballroom Dance 0070 DANCE-L@HEARN Folkdance Traditional Dances *Education and CAI* 0071 ACADV@NDSUVM1 Academic Advising - Higher Education 0072 ACSOFT-L@WUVMD Academic Software Development 0073 ADLTED-L@UREGINA1 Adult Education - Continuing Education 0074 AI-ED@SUN.COM Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems 0075 ALTLEARN@SJUVM Learning Learning Strategies 0076 ASHE-L@MIZZOU1 Higher Education 0077 ASSESS@UKCC Educational Assessment - Higher Education 0078 BIOPI-L@KSUVM Biology Education - Science Education - Secondary Education 0079 CATALYST@VTVM1 0080 CBEHIGH@BLEKUL11 Educational Technology - Higher Education 0081 CEC-TAM@SJUVM Exceptional Children - Educational Technology 0082 CNEDUC-L@TAMVM1 Computer Networks 0083 COCAMED@UTORONTO Canada Medical Education Computers 0084 COGSCI-L@MCGILL1 Cognitive Development Thinking Skills 0085 COMLAW-L@UALTAVM Computers Law Schools 0086 COSNDISC@BITNIC Computer Networking Schools Computers 0087 CSRNOT-L@UIUCVMD Reading Reading Instruction Literacy 0088 CTI-COMPLIT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computer Literacy - Higher Education 0089 CTI-L@IRLEARN.UCD.IE Computer Education Teaching 0090 DEOS-L@PSUVM Distance Education 0091 DEOSNEWS@PSUVM Distance Education 0092 ECONED-L@UTDALLAS Economics Business 0093 ED2000-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Educational Technology Instructional Systems 0094 ED2000-EUROPE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Educational Technology Instructional Systems 0095 EDAD-L@WVNVM Educational Planning School Administration 0096 EDINFO-L@IUBVM Information Resources Access to Information 0097 EDNET@NIC.UMASS.EDU Educational Technology Computers Information Networks 0098 EDNET6-L@IUBVM Kindergarten Elementary Education Secondary Education Network Planning 0099 EDPOLYAN@ASUACAD Educational Policy School Policy 0100 EDISTA@USACHVM1 Distance Education 0101 EDPOLYAR@ASUACAD Educational Policy School Policy 0102 EDSTYLE@SJUVM Learning Styles Education Dunn, Rita 0103 EDTECH@MSU Educational Technology Instructional Systems Multimedia Instruction 0104 EDUC@UQUEBEC Education Research 0105 EDUCAI-L@WVNVM Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems Computers 0106 EDUSIG-L@UBVM Computers Educational Technology Instructional Systems 0107 EDUTEL@RPITSVM Computer Networks 0108 ENTERPRISE-HE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Higher Education 0109 ERIC-L@IUBVM Literature Teaching 0110 ERL-L@ASUACAD Educational Research Legislation Federal Legislation 0111 FORSUM-L@BROWNVM 0112 GC-L@URIACC Business Education Curriculum and Instruction International Curricula 0113 GYMN@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Athletics 0114 HILAT-L@BRUSPVM Latin American Higher Education - Latin American Education 0115 HOME-ED@THINK.COM Home Schooling - Parents as Teachers 0116 HYPERMED@UMAB Biomedical Hypermedia - Instructional Design 0117 ICU-L@UBVM Computers Computer Literacy Educational Technology 0118 INFED-L@CCSUN.UNICAMP.BR 0119 INFOBITS@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU Educational Technology Information Technology Instructional Technology 0120 INTECH-L@ULKYVM Educational Technology Instructional Systems 0121 JTE-L@VTVM1 Technology Educational Technology Instructional Systems 0122 K12ADMIN@SUVM Educational Administration K-12 Administration Education 0123 KIDS-92@NDSUVM1 Children Adolescents K-12 Networking 0124 KIDS-ACT@NDSUVM1 Children 0125 KIDCAFE@NDSUVM1 Children K-12 Networking 0126 KIDPLAN@NDSUVM1 Children K-12 Networking 0127 KIDSNET@PITTVMS Children Pre-adolescents K-12 Networking 0128 L-HCAP@NDSUVM1 Physically Challenged Access Disabilities 0129 LEARNING@SEA.EAST.SUN.COM Children Educational Technology 0130 ITTE@DEAKIN.OZ.AU Educational Technology Computers 0131 MEDIA-L@BINGVMB Educational Media - Instructional Materials - Educational Technology 0132 MMEDIA-L@VMTECMEX Educational Technology - Multimedia Instruction 0133 NAT-EDU@INDYCMS Indigenous Peoples Education 0134 NEWEDU-L@USCVM Teaching Models Teaching Methods 0135 PRISON-L@DARTCMS1 Correctional Education Adult Education 0136 PSATC-L@UBVM Curriculum Course Content 0137 PUBS-IAT@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU 0138 SATEDU-L@WCU Satellite Education Distance Education 0139 SCHOOL-L@IRLEARN Primary Education Kindergarten Early Childhood Education K-12 Networking 0140 SIG-TEA@UKCC Educational Administration Education 0141 STAFF-DEVELOPMENT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Higher Education - Staff Development 0142 STLHE-L@UNBVM1 Higher Education 0143 TAG-L@NDSUVM1 Gifted Education Creativity Special Education 0144 TEACHEFT@WCU Teacher Effectiveness School Effectiveness Instructional Improvement 0145 TECHED-L@PSUVM Literacy Skill Development Employment 0146 TECHNET@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA Technical Support Higher Education 0147 I-VIDTEK@UIUCVMD Educational Technology Distance Education 0148 VT-HSNET@VTVM1 Youth Adolescents Children Kindergarten 0149 YORK-COLLAB-WORK@MAILBASE.AC.UK Distance Education *Geography and Miscellaneous Regional and Individual Country Studies* 0150 ALGERIA-NET Algerian Cultures - African Cultures 0151 AFRICA-L@BRUFMG African Cultures - African Current Events 0152 AMERICAN-STUDIES@MAILBASE.AC.UK United States Cultures - American Studies 0153 AMERSTDY@MIAMIU United States Cultures - American Studies 0154 CERRO-L@AEARN Central European Research 0155 CHINA@PUCC China - Chinese Culture 0156 CPS-L@HEARN Pacific Studies 0157 CTI-GEOG@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geography Education 0158 ERMIS@HOMER.BU.EDU Greek Students 0159 GEGSTAFF@UKCC Geography Sexuality Gender Study Gay Lesbian Bisexual 0160 GEOCAL@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geography Teaching Methods Urban Planning Information Technology Education Computing 0161 GEOGED@UKCC Geography Education 0162 GEOGFEM@UKCC Geography Feminist Gender Study 0163 GEOGRAPH@FINHUTC Geography Finland Helsinki 0164 HEBREW-L@UMINN1 Hebrew Language - Jewish Culture - Near East Studies 0165 HUNGARY@UCSBVM Hungary - Hungarian Cultures 0166 INDIA@PCCVM India - Indian Culture 0167 INDIA-L@UTARLVM1 India - Indian Culture 0168 INDIA-L@UTEMPLEVM India - Indian Culture 0169 INDIA-L@UKCC India - Indian Culture 0170 IRL-NET@IRLEARN Ireland - Irish Research 0171 JPINFO-L@JPNSUT00 Japan - Japanese Culture 0172 JUDAICA@TAUNIVM Judaica - Judaic Studies 0173 JUDAICA@UMINN1 Judaica - Near East Studies 0174 MISG-L@PSUVM Malaysia - Islamic Culture 0175 PACIFIC@BRUFPB Pacific Islands - Pacific Ocean - Pacific Rim - Pacific Basic 0176 POLAND@NDCVX.CC.ND.EDU Polish News - Poland 0177 POLAND-L@UBVM Polish Culture 0178 RFERL-L@UBVM Soviet Union Eastern Europe 0179 RRL-PUBLICATIONS@MAILBASE.AC.UK RRL Research Reports 0180 RURALAM@MSU Rural Development - Computer Networking - Kellogg Foundation 0181 RUSSIA@ARIZVM1 Russia - Russian Culture 0182 SOC.CULTURE.SOVIET Soviet Union 0183 SEASIA-L@MSU Southeast Asian Culture 0184 SIIN-L@UNBVM1 Small Islands North Atlantic Caribbean Sea South Pacific Mediterranean Sea North Seas Baltic Seas 0185 TAMIL-L@DHDURZ1 Tamil Culture 0186 TIBET-L@IUBVM Tibetan Tibet Country Study 0187 UKRAINE@ARIZVM1 Ukraine Country Studies Information Exchange 0188 TWUNIV-L@TWNMOE10 China Taiwan Country Studies *History* 0189 9NOV89-L@UTDALLAS Modern History - Berlin Wall 0190 ALBION-L@UICVM British History - Irish History 0191 AMWEST-H@USCVM American Western History 0192 ANCIEN-L@ULKYVM Ancient Mediterranean History 0193 ANSAX-L@WVNVM Anglo-Saxon History 0194 C18-L@PSUVM Eighteenth Century History Eighteenth Century Literature 0195 EMEDCH-L@USCVM Medieval China History 0196 ESPORA-L@UKANVM Iberian Peninsula History 0197 ETHNOHIS@HEARN Ethnology and History Museums Ethnography 0198 HISTORY@FINHUTC History 0199 HISTORYA@UWAVM History 0200 HISTORY-METHODS@MAILBASE.AC.UK History and Computers Historical Research 0201 HISTORY-ECON@MAILBASE.AC.UK Economic History 0202 HISTORY-TEACHING@MAILBASE.AC.UK History Teaching 0203 HISTORY-VASCO@MAILBASE.AC.UK Portugal History Fifteenth Century Portugal Sixteenth Century Portugal 0204 HISTOWNR@UBVM History 0205 HLIST@ONEB.ALMANAC.BC.CA Genocide Holocaust Historical Revision 0206 KANSAS-L@UKANAIX.CC.UKANS.EDU 0207 L-CHA@UQAM History and Computers 0208 MEDIEV-L@UKANVM Middle Ages Medieval History 0209 MILHST-L@UKANVM Military History World History 0210 RENAIS-L@ULKYVM Renaissance History 0211 RUSHIST@USCVM Russian History 0212 SOCHIST@USCVM Social History Quantitative Methodologies 0213 SOVHIST@USCVM Soviet History 0214 VICTORIA@IUBVM 0215 VWAR-L@UBVM Modern History Vietnam War 0216 WORLD-L@UBVM World History Non-Eurocentric Methodology 0217 WWII-L@UBVM Modern History World War II *Journalism* 0218 CARR-L@ULKYVM Journalism and Computers 0219 COPYEDITING-L@CORNELL.EDU Editing English Language 0220 JDOCS-DB@TEMPLEVM Journalism Mass Communication 0221 JOURNET@QUCDN Journalism Education 0222 MAGAZINE@RPITSVM Journalism Magazine Publishing 0223 S-PRESS@DCZTU1 Journalism German Language Students *Languages* 0224 AATG@INDYCMS German Language - Teachers of German 0225 CATALUNYA@CS.RICE.EDU Catalan Language Catalunya 0226 CAUSERIE@UQUEBEC French Language 0227 CLASSICS@UWAVM Classical Greek Language Latin Language 0228 CRETA-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Machine Translation Language Interpreting 0229 ESPERANTO@RAND.ORG Esperanto Language 0230 ESPER-L@TREARN Esperanto Language 0231 GAELIC-L@IRLEARN Gaelic Language - Scottish Language - Irish Language 0232 GERLINGL@UIUCVMD Germanic Languages Old German Language 0233 HELLAS@AUVM Modern Greek Language 0234 LANGIT@IVEUNCC Italian Language Italian Linguistics 0235 LANTRA-L@SEARN Machine Translation Language Interpreting 0236 LATIN-L@PSUVM Latin Language 0237 LOJBAN-LIST@SNARK.THYRSUS.COM Lojban - Artificial Language 0238 MENDELE@YALEVM Yiddish Language Yiddish Literature 0239 NEDER-L@HEARN Dutch Language Dutch Literature 0240 PSYART@NERVM Art Literature Psychology Psychoanalysis 0241 SCOLT@CATFISH.VALDOSTA.PEACHNET.EDU Language Teaching 0242 SEELANGS@CUNYVM Slavic Language Slavic Literature East European Languages East European Literature 0243 SLART-L@CUNYVM Second Language Acquisition 0244 TESL-L@CUNYVM Second Language Instruction Bilingual Education 0245 TESLCA-L@CUNYVM Second Language Instruction Bilingual Education 0246 TESLEC-L@CUNYVM Second Language Instruction Bilingual Education 0247 TESLFF-L@CUNYVM Reading Instruction Second Language Instruction 0248 TESLIC-L@CUNYVM Second Language Instruction Cultural Pluralism 0249 TESLIE-L@CUNYVM Second Language Instruction English Language Instruction and Administration 0250 TESLJB-L@CUNYVM Employment Second Language Instruction 0251 TESLIT-L@CUNYVM Literacy 0252 TESLMW-L@CUNYVM Second Language Instruction 0253 WELSH-L@IRLEARN Welsh Language Welsh Culture Welsh History *Latin American Studies* 0254 ARGENTINA@JOURNAL.MATH.INDIANA.EDU Argentina Latin American Studies Country Studies Information Exchange Latin America South America 0255 BORIKEN@ENLACE Puerto Rico - Latin American Studies Latin America 0256 BRAS-NET@PCCVM Latin American Studies Latin America South America Brazil Country Studies 0257 BR Domain Brazil Mailserver Country Studies Latin America Latin American Studies South America 0258 CENTAM-L@UBVM Central America Latin American Studies Latin America 0259 CHILE-L@PURCCVM Chile Latin American Studies Country Studies Latin America South America 0260 CHILENET@UCHCECVM Networking Country Studies South America Chile Latin American Studies Electronic 0261 COLEXT@ANDESCOL Country Studies Colombia News Information Exchange Latin American Studies South America Latin America 0262 CREAD@YORKVM1 Latino American Caribbean Studies Distance Education 0263 ECUADOR@NERS6K1.NCSU.EDU Ecuador Country Studies South America Latin America Latin American Studies 0264 IBERIAN_ISSUES Latin America Latin American Studies Spain Portugal Iberoamerica Country Studies 0265 LASNET@EMX.UTEXAS.EDU Latin American Studies - Information Exchange Students 0266 LASPAU-L@HARVARDA Latin American Studies - Latin America Scholarships Information Exchange 0267 LATAM-INFO@MAILBASE.AC.UK Latin American Studies Information Resources Research Academic Libraries 0268 LATINO-L@AMHERST.EDU Latino Students 0269 MCLR-L@MSU Latin American Studies 0270 MEXICO-L@TECMTYVM Central America Middle America Mexico Latin America Latin American Studies 0271 MEXICO-D@TECMTYVM Central America Middle America Mexico Latin America Latin American Studies News 0272 PERU@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Peru Country Studies News South America Latin American Studies Latin America 0273 SIRIAC-L@ENLACE Caribbean Latin America Latin American Studies Puerto Rico 0274 SOC.CULTURE.LATIN-AMERICA Latin American Cultures - Latin American News 0275 UNIANDES@ANDESCOL Latin America Latin American Studies South America Andes 0276 VZLA-L@YALEVM Venezuela Country Studies South America Latin America Latin American Studies 0277 NAHUAT-L@FAUVAX Aztec Culture - Latin American Studies - South America Cultures *Law, Criminology, Justice* 0278 AIL-L@AUSTIN.ONU.EDU Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems Computers 0279 CJUST-L@IUBVM Criminology Correctional Education 0280 EDLAW@UKCC Legal Education Law Schools Higher Education 0281 FORENS-L@ACC.FAU.EDU Forensic Science Persuasive Discourse Legal Education 0282 HISLAW-L@ULKYVM Legal Education Law Schools 0283 INFO-LAW@BRL.MIL Legal Education Computers 0284 LAWSCH-L@AUVM Legal Education Law Schools 0285 NCS-L@UMDD Criminology Victims of Crime Legal Education *Library and Information Science* 0286 ACQNET@CORNELLC Acquisitions (Library science) Serials Library Collections 0287 ACRLNY-L@NYUACF Library Events Employment 0288 ADVANC-L@IDBSU GEAC Advance OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0289 AFAS-L@KENTVM African American Librarians - AFAS (Afro American Studies Librarians) 0290 AGRIS-L@IRMFAO01 Agriculture Libraries - United Nations FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) Libraries 0291 ALCTS@UICVM Technical Services (Library science) Acquisitions (Library science) Library Collections 0292 ALEPHINT@TAUNIVM ALEPH OPACS - Library Automated Systems 0293 ALF-L@YORKVM1 Academic Librarians - Universities - Work Environment 0294 ARCHIVES@ARIZVM1 Archives Archival Theory Archivists 0295 ARCLIB-L@IRLEARN Architecture Librarians 0296 ARIE-L@IDBSU Document Delivery - Ariel - RLG (Research Libraries Group) 0297 ARLIS-L@UKCC Art Librarians - Humanities Librarians - ARLIS 0298 ASIS-L@UVMVM Information Science - ASIS (American Society for Information Science) - Computer Networks 0299 ATLAS-L@TCUBVM DRA ATLAS OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0300 AUTOCAT@UBVM Cataloging (Library science) Authority Control (Library science) Technical Services (Library science) 0301 AXSLIB-L@BITNIC American Disabilities Act Access Disabled Patrons Library Services 0302 BI-L@BINGVMB Bibliographic Instruction Library Use Education 0303 BIBSOCAN@UTORONTO Bibliography 0304 BOOK-TALK@COLUMBIA.ILC.COM Books CDs Videos Publishing 0305 BOOKNEWS@COLUMBIA.ILC.COM Reviews Books CDs Videos 0306 BRS-L@USCVM Full-text BRS Software 0307 BRSZ@CNI.ORG Z39.50 Electronic Texts CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) BRS 0308 BUSLIB-L@IDBSU Business Librarians Social Sciences Librarians 0309 CADUCEUS@UTMBEACH Medicine Library Collections - ALHHS (Association of Librarians in the History of Health Sciences) - Health Sciences Librarians - History Librarians 0310 CALL-L@UNBVM1 Canadian Law Libraries 0311 CARL-L@UHCCVM CARL OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0312 CHMINF-L@IUBVM Chemistry Information Resources - Science Information Resources 0313 CIRCPLUS@IDBSU Circulation (Library science) - Library Reserves - Library Stacks - Public Services (Library science) 0314 CNYLIB-L@SUVM New York Cooperation Collection Development Resource Sharing 0315 COLLDV-L@USCVM Library Collections Acquisitions (Library science) Technical Services (Library science) 0316 COLLIB-L@WILLAMETTE.EDU ACRL College Libraries Section - Academic Librarians 0317 COLLIBS@IS.SU.EDU.AU Australia Collection Development Collection Management (Library Science) Academic Libraries Research Libraries 0318 COMENIUS@CSEARN Computer Networks - Computers and Libraries 0319 CONSALD@UTXVM South Asia - Asian Studies Librarians 0320 CONSERVATION DISTLIST Conservation - Preservation - Library Collections 0321 COOPCAT@NERVM Cooperative Cataloging (Library science) - Cataloging (Library science) - Technical Services (Library science) 0322 DOCDIS@UA1VM Library and Information Science PhD. Students 0323 DYNIX_L@SBU.EDU DYNIX OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0324 ELDNET-L@UIUCVMD Engineering Librarians - ASEE (Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society of Engineering Education) 0325 ELEASAI@ARIZVM1 Library and Information Science Research 0326 ELLASBIB@GREARN Greece - Library Automated Systems - OPACs 0327 EXLIBRIS@RUTVM1 Rare Books Manuscripts (Library science) - Special Collections (Library science) 0328 FEDSIG-L@WVNVM Federal Information - Datasharing - Government Librarians 0329 FEMINIST@MITVMA Feminism - ALA (Feminist Task Force of the American Library Association) 0330 FISC-L@NDSUVM1 Fee-based services - Academic Librarians 0331 GAY-LIBN@USCVM Gay People - Lesbians - Bisexual People - MOTSS 0332 GEONET-L@IUBVM Geosciences Librarians - Earth Sciences 0333 GOVDOC-L@PSUVM Government Documents - GPO (Government Printing Office) - Public Services (Library science) 0334 IFREEDOM@SNOOPY.UCIS.DAL.CA Censorship - Intellectual Freedom 0335 ILL-L@UVMVM Interlibrary Loan - Library Resource Sharing - Public Services (Library science) 0336 IMUG-L@LISTS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Music - INNOPAC OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0337 INDEX-L@BINGVMB Indexing - Index Structures - Index Standards 0338 INNOPAC@MAINE INNOPAC OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0339 INT-LAW@UMINN1 Law - International Law Librarians 0340 IUIC-LIBS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Library Resource Sharing - Inter-Library Cooperation - IUIC Libraries 0341 JESSE@ARIZVM1 Library and Information Science Education 0342 KATALIST@HUEARN Library Automated Systems - Hungarian Language - Hungarian Librarians 0343 KUTUP-L@TRMETU Turkish Librarians 0344 LAW-LIB@UCDAVIS.EDU Law Librarians 0345 LIBADMIN@UMAB Library Administration Library Management Library Planning 0346 LIBER-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK European Research Libraries - Networking - Resource Sharing 0347 LIBEVENT@USCVM Southern California Events - Southern California Libraries 0348 LIBEX-L@MAINE Library Exhibits Exhibit Policies Academic Libraries 0349 LIBMASTR@UOTTAWA Library Master Software Bibliographies 0350 LIBPER-L@KSUVM Library Personnel - Library Employment 0351 LIBPLN-L@UKANVM Library Planning - Library Management - Academic Libraries 0352 LIBREF-L@KENTVM Reference Services (Library science) - Public Services (Library science) 0353 LIBRES@KENTVM Library and Information Science Science Research 0354 LIBSUP-L@UWAVM Library Support Staff - Library Personnel 0355 LIS-BAILER@MAILBASE.AC.UK Library and Information Science in the United Kingdom 0356 LIS-ENQUIRIES@MAILBASE.AC.UK JANET User Group For Libraries (JUGL) Surveys 0357 LIS-LINK@MAILBASE.AC.UK Library Services - Information Services 0358 LIS-MEDICAL@MAILBASE.AC.UK Medical Schools Librarians in the United Kingdom 0359 LIS-RAREBOOKS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Rare Books Standards in teh United Kingdom - Cataloging (Library science) 0360 LIS-RESEARCH@MAILBASE.AC.UK United Kingdom Resource Sharing Cooperation Libraries 0361 LIS-SCOTLAND@MAILBASE.AC.UK Scottish Librarians - Information Science Collaboration 0362 LIS-X500@MAILBASE.AC.UK X.500 Library Applications Software 0363 LM_NET@SUVM School Media Centers - Audio-visual Services 0364 MAPS-L@UGA Maps Librarians - Cartography Librarians - Geography Librarians 0365 MEDLIB-L@UBVM Medical Librarians - Health Sciences Librarians 0366 MLA-L@IUBVM MLA (Music Library Association) Music Librarianship 0367 MULTILIS@ALBNYVM1 MULTILIS OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0368 NETADMIN@LEO.VSLA.EDU Library Networks Networks Management 0369 NNEWS@NDSUVM1 Internet Resources Library and Information Resources 0370 NOTIS-L@UICVM Library Automated Systems - NOTIS OPACs - DOBIS 0371 NOTISACQ@CUVMB NOTIS Acquisitions (Library science) Technical Services (Library science) - Library Automated Systems 0372 NOTMUS-L@UBVM NOTIS Music Librarians - Library Automated Systems 0373 NYSO-L@UBVM Music Librarianship MLA New York State/Ontario Chapter 0374 OCLC-NEWS@OCLC.ORG OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) OCLC Press Releases OCLC News 0375 OFFCAMP@WAYNEST1 Off-site Library Users Library Services Remote Access to Library Services 0376 PACS-L@UHUPVM1 Public Access to Computers - CD-ROMs - OPACs - Library Services 0377 PALS-L@KNUTH.MTSU.EDU - Library Automated Systems - PALS OPACs 0378 PNWCSC@UWAVM Canadian Studies Pacific Northwest Librarianship 0379 PUBLIB@NYSERNET.ORG Public Libraries Librarianship 0380 PUBLIB_NET@NYSERNET.ORG Public Libraries Internet 0381 PUBYAC@LIS.PITT.EDU Public Libraries Children Young Adults Public Service 0382 RLIN-L@RUTVM1 RLIN RLG (Research Libraries Group) - Library Automated Systems 0383 SAVEIT-L@USCVM Saveit Software 0384 SERIALST@UVMVM Technical Services (Library science) Serials Acquisitions (Library science) 0385 SHARP-L@IUBVM Printing History SHARP Printed Word Incunabula Book Trade 0386 SILS-L@UBVM SUNY-Buffalo Alumni Library Studies 0387 SLAJOB@IUBVM SLA Special Libraries Employment International 0388 SPILIB-L@SUVM SPIRES Silverplatter Search Systems Library Services 0389 STUMPERS-LIST@CRF.CUIS.EDU Reference Questions Questions Answers Knowledge Sharing 0390 SUNYLA-L@BINGVMB Librarianship State University of New York Library Association 0391 TESLA@NERVM Library Automated Systems Standards 0392 TXDXN-L@UHUPVM1 Texas Government Documents 0393 UNICRN-L@PSUORVM UNICORN OPACs - Library Automated Systems 0394 USMARC@SUN7.LOC.GOV USMARC (Library science) Cataloging (Library science) Technical Services (Library science) Standards 0395 VETLIB-L@VTVM1 Veterinary Medicine Librarianship 0396 VPIEJ-L@VTVM1 Electronic Publishing E-Journals Standards 0397 VTLSLIST@VTVM1 VTLS OPACs - Library Automated Systems *Linguistics and Text Analysis* 0398 AIBI-L@UOTTAWA Bible and Computers Bible Biblical Texts 0399 CONTEX-L@UOTTAWA Ancient Texts Textual Analysis 0400 CORPORA@X400.HD.UIB.No Corpora Text Processing Parsing Bibliography 0401 EDMAC@MAILBASE.AC.UK Critical Editions 0402 ELLHNIKA@DHDURZ1 Modern Greek Literature Modern Greek Linguistics 0403 GUTNBERG@UIUCVMD Electronic Texts 0404 LINGUIST@TAMVM1 Linguistics Linguists 0405 LN@FRMOP11 Linguistics Computational Linguistics 0406 MEDTEXTL@UIUCVMD Medieval Texts Medieval Philology 0407 MULTI-L@BARILVM Minority Language Multilingual Linguistics 0408 NOTABENE@TAUNIVM Nota Bene 0409 SCHOLAR@CUNYVM Natural Language Textual Analysis 0410 SGML@MAILBASE.AC.UK SGML Text Standards 0411 SGML-MATH@MATH.AMS.ORG and SGML-TABLE@MATH.AMS.ORG SGML Mathematical Texts 0412 TEI-ANA@UICVM Text Encoding Initiative Text Analysis 0413 TEI-L@UICVM Text Encoding Initiative 0414 TEI-META@UICVM Text Encoding Initiative Metalanguage 0415 TEI-REP@UICVM Text Encoding Initiative 0416 TEXTCRIT@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK Textual Criticism 0417 TOLKLANG@LFCS.ED.AC.UK Tolkien, J.R.R. Elvish Language *Literature* 0418 AMLIT-L@MIZZOU1 American Literature 0419 AUSTEN-L@MCGILL1 Austen, Jane Women Writers British Literature 0420 BALZAC-L@CC.MONTREAL.CA French Literature French Studies 0421 CAMELOT@CASTLE.ED.AC.UK Arthur, King Holy Grail - Arthurian Mythology 0422 CHICLE@UNMVMA Chicano Literature 0423 CHPOEM-L@UBVM Chinese Poetry 0424 CHAUCER@VTVM1 Chaucer, Geoffrey Medieval English Literature 0425 CHAUCERNET@UNLINFO.UNL.EDU Geoffrey Chaucer Middle English Language 0426 DERRIDA@CFRVM Jacques Derrida Deconstruction 0427 DERYNI-L@MINTIR.NEW-ORLEANS.LA.US Kurtz, Katherine Literature 0428 DOROTHYL@KENTVM Mystery Literature Sayers, Dorothy L. 0429 E-POETRY@UBVM Poetry Poets 0430 EROFILE@UCSBUXA Literature Reviews French Literature Italian Literature 0431 HOUNDS@BELOIT.EDU Holmes, Sherlock Literature Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 0432 IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1 First-century Judaic Literature 0433 ELECTRONIC COLLEGE OF THEORY Literary Theory 0434 ENGLMU-L@MIZZOU1 Computer-Mediated Communications and Writing 0435 FWAKE-L@IRLEARN Joyce, James - Finnegans Wake 0436 HESSE-L@UCSBVM Hesse, Hermann 0437 HORROR@PACEVM Horror Fiction Horror Films 0438 JACK-LONDON@SONOMA.EDU London, Jack 0439 LITERA-L@TECMTYVM Writers Writing 0440 LITERARY@UCF1VM Literary Criticism Literature 0441 LITSCI-L@UIUCVMD Literature and Science 0442 MILTON-L@URVAX Milton, John 0443 MODBRITS@KENTVM Modern Irish Literature Modern British Literature 0444 NESFAD Science Fiction Literature 0445 PYNCHON-L@SFU.CA Pynchon, Thomas 0446 RRA-L@KENTVM Romantic Literature 0447 SBRHYM-L@SBCCVM Literature 0448 SFLOVERS@RUTGERS.EDU Science Fiction Literature 0449 SHAKSPER@UTORONTO Shakespeare, William Shakespeare Literature 0450 SUPERGUY@UCF1VM Superheroes Science Fiction Literature 0451 TWAIN-L@YORKVM1 Twain, Mark 0452 TOLKIEN@JHUVM Tolkien, J.R.R. 0453 TOLKIEN@PUB.VSE.CZ Tolkien, J.R.R. 0454 WEIRD-L@BROWNVM Bizarre Literature *Music* 0455 78-L@CORNELL.EDU .78RPM Jazz Blues Music Big Band Music Show Tunes Classical Music 0456 ALLMUSIC@AUVM Music Vocal Music Instrumental Music Popular Music Classical Music 0457 BAGPIPE@CS.DARTMOUTH.EDU Bagpipes Instrumental Music Forced Air Instruments 0458 BARBERSHOP@BIGD.CRAY.COM Barbershop Quartets A Cappella Music Harmonizing 0459 BGRASS-L@UKCC Bluegrass Music IBMA (International Bluegrass Music Association) 0460 BLUES-L@BROWNVM Blues Music 0461 BRASS@GEOMAG.GLY.FSU.EDU Brass Instruments Instrumental Music Music Performance Ensemble Music Wind Music 0462 CLASSM-L@BROWNVM Music Classical Music Music Research 0463 CUNYMUS@CUNYVMS1 CUNY Graduate Students Music Scholarship 0464 EARLYM-L@AEARN Medieval Music Music History Renaissance Music Baroque Music 0465 EMUSIC-L@AUVM Electronic Music Instrumental Music Computers Composition 0466 FILMUS-L@IUBVM Film Scores Composers Television Scores Soundtracks 0467 FOLK_MUSIC@NYSERNET.ORG Folk Music Music News Music Reviews 0468 FOLKTALK@WMVM1 Folk Music Traditional Music 0469 GRIND@UNH.EDU Grindcore Music Death Metal Music Heavy Thrash Music 0470 HARP-L@WKUVX1 Harmonica Instrumental Music Music Performance 0471 KLARINET@VCCSCENT Clarinet Music Performance Instrumental Music 0472 LUTE@CS.DARTMOUTH.EDU String Music Instrumental Music Lutes 0473 MED-AND-REN-MUSIC@MAILBASE.AC.UK Medieval Music Renaissance Music Music Research 0474 MUSIC-RESEARCH@PRG.OXFORD.AC.UK Musicology Music and Computers Music Research 0475 MUSIC@FINHUTC Musicology Music and Computers Music Research 0476 MUSIC-ED@UMINN1 Music Education Misoc Research 0477 OPERA-L@BRFAPQ Opera Music Research 0478 PIPORG-L@ALBNYVM1 Pipe Organs Organs Restoration 0479 RMUSIC-L@GITVM1 Music Industry Trivia Popular Music Music Reviews 0480 SAVOYNET@CESSC.BRIDGEWATER.EDU Operetta Gilbert, W.S. Sullivan, Arthur Musical Theater 0481 SMT-LIST@HUSC.HARVARD.EDU Music Theory Society for Music Theory (SMT) 0482 TML-L@IUBVM Music Theory Latin 0483 UPNEWS@MARIST Music News Music Underground Independent Recording Labels Major Recording Labels Music Reviews *Philosophy and Ethics* 0484 APF@VULCAN.ANU.EDU.AU Philosophy Australasian Asian 0485 AYN-RAND@UA1VM Philosophy Rand, Ayn Objectivism 0486 COMP-SOC@LIMBO.INTUITIVE.COM Society Technology Computers 0487 ETHICS-L@TWNMOE10 Philosophy Computing Ethics Computers 0488 FNORD-L@UBVM Philosophy 0489 HEGEL@VILLVM Philosophy Hegel 0490 HOPOS-L Philosophy Science History History of Science Philosophy of Science 0491 HPSST-L Philosophy Science History Teaching History of Science Philosophy of Science 0492 MASONIC@ASGARD.BBN.COM Philosophy Freemasons 0493 MERTON-L@BYRD.MU.WVNET.EDU 0494 NSP-L@RPITSVM Philosophy 0495 OBJECTIVISM@VIX.COM Philosophy - Objectivism 0496 OBJECTIVISM-PHILOSOPHY@TWWELLS.COM Philosophy - Objectivism 0497 PEIRCE-L@TTUVM1 0498 PHILCOMM@RPITSVM Philosophy Communications 0499 PHILOS-L@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK Philosophy 0500 PHILOSED-L@SUVM Philosophy Education 0501 PHILOSOP@YORKVM1 Philosophy 0502 RELEVANT-LOGIC@EXETER.AC.UK Logic Philosophy Relevant Logic 0503 SCIFRAUD@ALBNYVM1 Philosophy Science Ethics Fraud 0504 SKEPTIC@YORKVM1 Philosophy Skepticism 0505 SOCETH-L@USCVM Social Ethics Ethics Philosophy 0506 SOPHIA@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK 0507 SWIP-L Philosophy Feminism Women's Studies 0508 URANTIAL@UAFSYSB Urantiain Philosophy *Political Science and Politics* 0509 AMERICA United States Political Science Government 0510 BALT-L@UBVM Social Networking - Computer Networking - Baltic Republics - Lithuania - Latvia - Estonia 0511 EC@TRMETU European Community 0512 ECPR-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Political Science Teaching - Political Science Research 0513 IPE@CSF.COLORADO.EDU Political Science Economics International 0514 IRL-POL@IRLEARN Political Science Ireland Politics 0515 KENTUCKY@UKCC Kentucky Politics Civics 0516 LIBERNET@DARTMOUTH.EDU Politics Political Science Information Exchange Libertarians Classical Liberals Objectivists 0517 MIDEUR-L@UBVM Middle Europen Area Studies 0518 MOPOLY-L@MIZZOU1 Missouri Politics 0519 POLCAN@YORKVM1 Canada Political Science Political Scientists 0520 POLCOMM@RPITSVM Politics Communications 0521 POLI-SCI@RUTVM1 Politics Government 0522 POLITICA@UFRJ Politics Brazil 0523 POLITICS@UCF1VM Politics 0524 PSRT-L@MIZZOU1 Political Science Education Political Scientists 0525 SQSP@UQUEBEC Political Science Quebec Canada 0526 STATEPOL@UMAB Politics United States 0527 TALK.POLITICS.SOVIET Soviet Union Politics *Psychology and Psychiatry* 0528 ADDICT-L@KENTVM Addictions Psychology 0529 APAARIB@GWUVM Psychology Animal research Animal rights 0530 APASD-L@VTVM1 Grants Funding Psychology 0531 APB-L@LAVALVM1 Behaviorism Psychology 0532 APB-UL-L@LAVALVM1 Behaviorism Psychology 0533 APSSCNET@MCGILL1 Students Graduate Students Undergraduates Psychology 0534 AUTISM@SJUVM Autism Psychology Developmental Psychological Disabilities Psychological Disorders 0535 BEHAVIOR@ASUACAD Children Disorders Psychology 0536 BRAIN-L@MCGILL1 Psychology Philosophy Brain Mind 0537 CCHD-L@UNCVM1 Psychology Human Development 0538 COGNEURO@PTOLEMY.ARC.NASA.GOV Psychology Cognitive Science Neuroscience 0539 CREA-CPS@NIC.SURFNET.NL Psychology Problem Solving Creativity Creative Thinking 0540 EADP-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Psychology Developmental 0541 EAWOP-L@HEARN Psychology Organizational psychology Industrial psychology Work Europe 0542 ENVBEH-L@POLYVM Environment Psychology Ergonomics Behavioral Ecology 0543 FAMLYSCI@UKCC Family Studies Psychology Marriage 0544 IAPSY-L@ALBNYVM1 Interamerican Interamericana Spanish Language Psicologia Psychology Portugese Language French Language 0545 INTUDM-L@UTEPA Intuition Decision-making Psychology 0546 MACPSYCH@STOLAF.EDU Macintosh Computers Psychology Computer Education 0547 MPSYCH-L@BROWNVM Mathematics Psychology 0548 PSI-L@CUNYVM Psi Psychology 0549 PSYC@PUCC Psychology 0550 PSYCGRAD@UOTTAWA Students Graduates Psychology 0551 PSYCH-DEV-EUROPE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Psychology Developmental Europe 0552 PSYCH-EXPTS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Psychology Computer Education 0553 PSYCHE-D@NKI Psychology Consciousness Brain 0554 SCR-L@MIZZOU1 Rehabilitation Psychology Cognitive Brain Injury Trauma 0555 SOCIAL-THEORY@MAILBASE.UK.AC Psychology Sociology Social theory Social Psychology 0556 SPORTPSY@TEMPLEVM Sports Psychology *Religious Studies* 0557 AMERCATH@UKCC American Catholicism Catholic history 0558 ARCANA@UNCCVM Occult - Alchemy - Witches - Folklore 0559 BAHAI-FAITH@ONEWORLD.WA.COM Bahai Religion 0560 BALTUVA@MCGILL1 Judaism 0561 BELIEF-L@BROWNVM Religion - Ideology 0562 BUDDHIST@JPNTOHOK Buddhism 0563 CONTENTS@UOTTAWA Religious Studies 0564 ECOTHEOL@MAILBASE.AC.UK 0565 ELENCHUS@UOTTAWA Scripture Biblical Archaeology Exegesis 0566 EOCHR@QUEENSU.CA Christian Orthodox Religion 0567 HISTEC-L@UKANVM Evangelical Christianity History 0568 ISLAM-L@ULKYVM Islam Muslims 0569 LITURGY@MAILBASE.AC.UK Liturgy Religious Studies Literary Analysis 0570 MAILJC@GRIAN.CPS.ALTADENA.CA.US Jesus Christ Christianity 0571 MINISTRY-L@GACVAX1 Ministers Ministry Career 0572 NT-GREEK@VIRGINIA.EDU New Testament Greek 0573 OBJ-REL@EMUVM1.CC.EMORY.EDU Objectivity and Religion - Scientific Study of Religion 0574 ORTHODOX@ARIZVM1 Orthodox Christianity 0575 OT-HEBREW@VIRGINIA Old Testament Hebrew Language 0576 PAGAN@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU Pagan Religions 0577 QUAKER-L@UICVMD Quakers Religious Society of Friends 0578 RELIGCOM@UKCC Religious Communications 0579 RELIGION@HARVARDA Religious Studies 0580 REVIEW-L@UOTTAWA Religious Studies 0581 SHAKER@UKCC Shakers United Society of Believers 0582 SSREL-L@UTKVM1 Religion - Sociology of Religion - Psychology of Religion 0583 THEOLOGY@UICVM 0584 UUS-L@UBVM Unitarian Universalists Unitarian Universalists *Social Activism* 0585 ACT-UP@WORLD.STD.COM Health Care AIDS Political Aspects 0586 ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1 Peace Human Rights Justice Pacifism 0587 ACTIVIST@GUVM Social Ethics Social Influence Social Justice 0588 ACTNOW-L@BROWNVM Student Movements Students Political Activity 0589 AR-ALERTS@NY.NEAVS.COM Animal Rights 0590 ARMS-L@BUACCA Military Readiness International Relations Peace 0591 DEVEL-L@AUVM Disarmament Pacifism Peaceful Change International Relations 0592 DISARM-D@ALBNYVM1 0593 FIREARMS-POLITICS@CS.CMU.EDU Firearms Law and Legislation United States Constitution 2nd Amendment 0594 FREE-L@INDYCMS Fathers' Rights Human Rights 0595 HRS-L@BINGVMB Human Rights Scientific Study 0596 NATIVE-L@TAMVM1 Indigenous Peoples Ethnology 0597 NATCHAT@TAMVM1 Indigenous Peoples Ethnology 0598 NAT-1492@TAMVM1 Indigenous Peoples Ethnology 0599 PCORPS-L Peace Corps 0600 PJAL@UTXVM Peace Movements Jewish Social Activism 0601 PJML@UTXVM Jewish Social Activism Peace Movements 0602 STOPRAPE@BROWNVM Rape Prevention Student Movements 0603 Y-RIGHTS@SJUVM Children's Rights Human Rights *Sociology and Demography* 0604 ABSLST-L@CMUVM Sociology Black African American Social Scientists Association of Black Sociologists Social Sciences 0605 ADQ@UQUEBEC Quebec Demography 0606 CAACSALF@UQUEBEC Sociology Anthropology Canada 0607 CAPDU-L@UALTAVM Canada Sociology Demography Public Data 0608 CASID-L@MCGILL1 Canada Sociology International Development 0609 CENSUS-PUBLICATIONS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Census United Kingdom Demographics Research Reports 0610 CENSUS-NEWS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Demographics United Kingdom Research Current Events 0611 CENSUS-ANALYSIS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Demographics United Kingdom Research 0612 COMSOC-L@AUVM Computers Sociology 0613 DISASTER RESEARCH Disaster Research Hazards Research 0614 METHO@UQUEBEC Social Sciences Quantitative Methods French Language 0615 OR-L@UALTAVM ICPSR Demography 0616 POR@UNC.EDU 0617 Q-METHOD@KENTVM Q Methodology Sociology Stephenson, William Subjectivity 0618 RQSS@UQUEBEC Quebec Social Scientists Sociology Social Science 0619 SOCETH-L@USCVM Social Ethics Public Policy 0620 SOCORG-K@UTORONTO Knowledge Social Organization Sociology 0621 SOCWORK@UMAB Social Work 0622 SOS-DATA@UNC.EDU Social Science Demography Statistics 0623 STARDATA@HASARA11 Social Sciences Statistics *Theater, Film and Television* 0624 CINEMA-L@AUVM Cinema Film Film Criticism 0625 CJMOVIES@ALBNYVM1 Criminal Justice - Movies - Popular Culture 0626 FILM-L@VMTECMEX Cinema - Film-making - Film Criticism 0627 FILMMAKERS@GRISSOM.LARC.NASA.GOV Film-making Cinema Film Production 0628 PERFORM@IUBVM Medieval Theater Music Performance 0629 PERFORM-L@ACFCLUSTSER.NYU.EDU Performance Theory Performance Criticism 0630 REED-L@UTORONTO Theater Drama Theater History English Drama 0631 SCREEN-L@UA1VM Television Research Cinema 0632 THEATRE@GREARN Theater 0633 TV-L@TREARN Television Sitcoms - Movies - Popular Culture 0634 VIDPRO-L@BGU.EDU Video Production - Video Techniques *Urban Planning* 0635 URBAN-L@TREARN Business Urban Planning *Women's Studies/Gender Studies* 0636 EDUCOM-W@BITNIC Women and Technology Women's Studies 0637 FEMINIST@MITVMA Sexism Libraries Women in Librarianship 0638 FEMISA@MACH1.WLU.CA Women's Studies Gender Studies 0639 FEMREL-L@UMCVMB Women and Religion - Feminism Feminist Theology 0640 GENDER@RPITSVM Gender and Communications 0641 MAIL-MEN@USL.COM Men's Issues 0642 WIML-L@IUBVM Women in Music Librarianship 0643 WMST-L@UMDD Women's Studies Gender Studies 0644 SOC.WOMEN Women's Studies Gender Studies Feminism 0645 SOC.MEN Men's Studies Gender Studies 0646 SOC.FEMINISM Women's Studies Gender Studies Feminism 0647 SOC.GENDER-ISSUES Women's Studies Gender Studies Feminism 0648 WON (Women Online) Women's Studies Feminism Women's Health *Writing* 0649 COMPOS01@ULKYVX Composition Writing Instruction 0650 CREWRT-L@MIZZOU1 Creative Writing 0651 CW-L@TTUVM1 Writing and Computers 0652 DARGON-L@NCSUVM Writers 0653 DTP-L@YALEVM Desktop Publishing Electronic Publishing 0654 FICTION@PSUVM Fiction Writers Writing Writers 0655 MBU-L@TTUVM1 Writing and Computers Composition 0656 PURTOPOI@PURCCVM Rhetoric Writing 0657 RHETORIC@RPITSVM Rhetoric Expository Writing 0658 SCRNWRIT@TAMVM1 Screen writing 0659 TECHWR-L@OSUVM1 Writing Writers Technical Writing 0660 WORKS-L@NDSUVM1 Writers Writing 0661 WRITERS@NDSUVM1 Writing Writers 0662 WWP-L@BROWNVM Writing Women Writers *Biological Sciences FILE 5* *Agriculture, Veterinary Science and Zoology* 0663 AAVLD-L@UCDCVDLS Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories 0664 AG-EXP-L@NDSUVM1 Expert Systems Agricultural Production Agricultural Management 0665 AGRIC-L@UGA Agricultural Science Agricultural Management 0666 ANSSTDS@MSU Science Animal Dairy Poultry 0667 AQUA-L@UOGUELPH Aquatic Agriculture Aquatic Species 0668 BEE-L@ALBNYVM1 Bees Wasps 0669 BNFNET-L@FINHUTC Biology Nitrogen 0670 BRINE-L@UGA Brine Shrimp 0671 CAMEL-L@SAKFU00 Camels 0672 CRUST-L@SIVM Biology Crustaceans Inverteberate Zoology 0673 DAIRY-L@UMDD Dairy Industry Educational Consulting 0674 DIS-L@IUBVM Drosophila Fruit Fly 0675 ECS-NEWS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Cetaceans 0676 ECS-HELPDESK Cetaceans 0677 EQUINE-D@PCCVM Horses 0678 EQUINE-L@PSUVM Horses 0679 ETHOLOGY@SEARN Animal Behavior Behavioral Ecology 0680 ITRDBFOR@ASUACAD Tree Rings Dendrochronology 0681 L-ETHO@UQAM Ethologists 0682 LPN-L@BROWNVM Primates Animal Laboratories 0683 MEH2O-L@TAUNIVM Middle East Water Geology 0684 MOLLUSKA@UVVM 0685 OTS-L@YALEVM Tropical Studies 0686 PFERDE@DLRVM Horses German Language 0687 SM-RUM@ICNUCEVM Small Ruminants 0688 VETCAI-L@KSUVM Computer-Assisted Instruction Veterinary Medicine 0689 VETINFO@UCDCVDLS Veterinary Medicine and Technology 0690 VETMED-L@UGA Veterinary Medicine Veterinarians Animals *Botany/Horticulture* 0691 BEN@CUE.BC.CA Botany Plant Ecology 0692 GARDENS@UKCC Home Gardening Gardeners 0693 HORT-L@VTVM1 Horticulture Gardening 0694 MICRONET@UOGUELPH Mycorrhizae Fungus Roots 0695 NEWCROPS@PURCCVM Agriculture Horticulture 0696 ORCHIDS@SCU Orchids - Orchid Growers - Flowers 0697 PHOTOSYN@NET.BIO.NET Photosynthesis 0698 PLANT-TAXONOMY@MAILBASE.AC.UK Plants Taxonomy 0699 PTG-FORUM@MAILBASE.AC.UK Biology Plants *Ecology and Environmental Studies* 0700 AR-TALK@THINK.COM Animal Rights 0701 ASEH-L@TTUVM1 Environmental Science History, Environment 0702 AQUIFER@IBACSATA Aquifer Management 0703 BIODIV-L@BDT.FTPT.ANSP.BR Biodiversity Network 0704 BIOSPH-L@UBVM Biosphere Pollution Climate 0705 BIRD_RBA@ARIZVM1 Birds Birding Birdbanding 0706 CLIMLIST@OHSTVMA Climatology Climate 0707 ECONET@IGC.ORG Environment Ecology Fee-Based Services 0708 ENVST-L@BROWNVM Environmental Studies Higher Education 0709 ECIXFILES@IGC.ORG Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy 0710 ENV-LINK+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Environmental Studies 0711 IRNES@MAILBASE.AC.UK Ecosystem IRNES (Interdisciplinary Research Network on the Environment and Society) 0712 NATURA-L@UCHCECVM Ecology Environment Chile Spanish Language 0713 ODP-L@TAMVM1 Ocean Drilling Program 0714 RECYCLE@UMAB Recycling 0715 SAFETY@UVMVM Safety Issues Higher Education *General Biology/Biophysics/Biochemistry* 0716 CONSBIO@UWAVM 0717 CYAN-TOX@GREARN Cyanobacterial Toxins Toxic Cyanobacteria Blue-green Algae 0718 DEEPSEA@UVVM Deep-sea biology Hydrothermal vent biology 0719 DIBUG@COMP.BIOZ.UNIBAS.CH Biosym Software 0720 EBCBCAT@HDETUD1 Biotechnology Software 0721 EMBINFO@IBACSATA Molecular Biology European Molecular Biology Network 0722 HUMBIO-L@FAUVAX Anthropology Biology 0723 HUMEVO@GWUVM Human Evolution Evolutionary Medicine 0724 INFO-GCG@UTORONTO Molecular Biology Computers Genetics Computer Group 0725 LACTACID@SEARN Lactic Acid Bacteria Biology 0726 MARINE-L@UOGUELPH Marine Studies Education E-mail Connectivity 0727 MARINE-TECH@MAILBASE.AC.UK Marine Technology 0728 MORPHMET@CUNYVM Biology Statistics Morphometrics 0729 TITNET Paridae Hole-Nesting Birds Tits (Birds) *Genetics* 0730 CLASS-L@SBCCVM Classification Clustering Data Analysis *Medical Practice/Medical Personnel/Patients* 0731 AIDS@RUTVM1 AIDS 0732 AIDS-STAT@WUBIOS.WUSTL.EDU [may be aids-stats] AIDS Center for Disease Control 0733 ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 0734 ANCHODD@CC.UTAS.EDU.AU Drugs Pharmaceuticals Australia 0735 AYURVEDA@NETCOM.COM Ayurvedic Medicine 0736 C+HEALTH@IUBVM 0737 CLAN@FRMOP11 Cancer 0738 CPRI-L@UKANAIX.CC.UKANS.EDU 0739 DRUGABUS@UMAB Drug Abuse Education Research 0740 FAMILY-L@MIZZOU1 Family Medicine Clinical Medicine 0741 GERINET@UBVM Gerontology Geriatrics Health Care 0742 GRADNRSE@KENTVM Nursing 0743 HL-7@VIRGINIA.EDU Health HL-7 0744 HSPNET-L@ALBNYDH2 Hospital Networks Rural Hospitals Major Medical Centers 0745 ICECA@RUTVM1 AIDS (ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME) Computer-Mediated Communications 0746 IMMUNE@WEBER.UCSD.EDU Immune System Breakdowns 0747 MEDINF-L@DEARN Medicine Informatics 0748 MEDMAC-L@CSEARN Czech Republic Medicine Czech Republic Health Education 0749 MEDNETS@NDSUVM1 Computer Networks - Medical Networking 0750 MEDNEWS@ASUACAD Medicine - Health 0751 MEDSTU-L@UNMVM Medicine Medical Education Medical Students 0752 NRSING-L@NIC.UMASS.EDU Nursing Informatics 0753 PANET-L@YALEVM Medicine Education Health Information 0754 PEDIATRIC-PAIN Pediatric Pain Control 0755 PHARM@DMU.AC.UK Pharmacy Pharmacists 0756 PHYSIO@MAILBASE.AC.UK Physiology Physiotherapists 0757 PUBLIC-HEALTH@MAILBASE.AC.UK Public Health Epidemiology 0758 RADSIG@UWAVM Radiology 0759 REVES@FRMOP11 Health 0760 SNURSE-L@UBVM Nursing 0761 STROKE-L@UKCC Cerebro Vascular Accident Stroke 0762 TBI-SPRT@SJUVM Traumatic Brain Injury 0763 TELEMED@FRMOP11 TELEMED 0764 WHOORAL-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Oral Health 0765 WITSENDO@DARTCMS1 Endometriosis Medicine *Medical Sciences/Research* 0766 AI-MEDICINE@MED.STANFORD.EDU Artificial Intelligence Medicine Computers 0767 AMALGAM@DEARN Mercury Poisoning - Amalgam Fillings 0768 ANEST-L@UBVM Anesthesiology 0769 AROMA-TRIALS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Olfaction Aromatherapy 0770 BIOMED-L@NDSUVM1 Biomedical Ethics 0771 CANCER-L@WVNVM Cancer 0772 COMPUMED@SJUVM Medicine Computers 0773 CROMED-L@AEARN Croatia Medicine Current Events 0774 CRYONICS Cryonics 0775 DENTALMA@UCF1VM Dentistry - Dental Technique 0776 DIABETES@IRLEARN Diabetes Diabetes Research International Research Project on Diabetes 0777 DNH-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Diet Nutrition Health 0778 EMFLDS-L@UBVM Electromagnetic Fields Medicine Science Communications 0779 EYEMOV-L@SPCVXA Eye Movements 0780 FET-NET@HEARN Fetal Physiology Neonatal Physiology Perinatal Physiology 0781 HEALTH-L@IRLEARN Health Research 0782 HYPBAR-L@TECHNION Medicine Hyperbaric Diving 0783 LASMED-L@TAUNIVM Lasers in Medicine 0784 LIVE-EYE@YORKVM1 Color Science Vision Research Opthalmology 0785 MEDIMAGE@POLYGRAF Medical Imaging 0786 MEDPHYS@RADONC.DUKE.EDU Medical Physicists Communications 0787 METHODS@RPITSVM Biomedical Research Methodology 0788 MUCO-FR@FRMOP11 Cystic Fibrosis 0789 NEURO1-L@UICVM Neurology Neuroscience 0790 NUTEPI@DB0TUI11 Nutrition Epidemiology 0791 PRENAT-L@ALBNYDH2 Perinatal Health Information Resources 0792 PRION@ACC.STOLAF.EDU Slow Virus Infection 0793 SBNC-L@BRUSPVM Neuroscience Sociedade Brasileirade Neurocienciase Brazil 0794 SMDM-L@DARTCMS1 Decision-making Clinical Practice Health Care Policy Health Care Administration 0795 SMS-SNUG@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU Shared Medical Systems Hospitals SMS Inc Products 0796 THPHYSIO@FRMOP11 Thermal Physiology *Physical Sciences FILE 6* *Astronomy* 0797 ASTRONOMY@BBN.COM Astronomy Meetings and Conferences Massachusetts Boston 0798 ASTR-O@BRFAPESP Astronomy - Astronomy Meetings and Conferences 0799 CANSPACE@UNBVM1 Geodetic Astronomy - Aeronautics - Geodesy 0800 COSSACK@COSMIC.UGA.EDU 0801 ISDS@UIUCVMD Space Exploration Observations 0802 ISSS@LISTSERV@JHUVM 0803 JCMT-L@UALTAVM Telescopes James Clerk Maxwell Telescope 0804 SATEDU-L@WCU 0805 SEDS-L@TAMVM1 Extraterrestrial Bases Space Exploration 0806 SEDSNEWS@TAMVM1 Extraterrestrial Bases Space Exploration 0807 SPACE@UBVM Spaceflight Space 0808 SPACE@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Space Astronomy 0809 SPACE-IL@TAUNIVM Space Exploration Israel Remote Sensing *Chemistry/Chemical Engineering* 0810 ChE Electronic Newsletter Chemical Engineering 0811 CHEM-COMP@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computational Chemistry 0812 CHEM-ENG Chemical Engineering 0813 CHEM-MOD@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computational Chemistry 0814 CHEM-TALK Chemists Chemistry 0815 CHEME-L@PSUVM Chemical Engineering Technological Innovations 0816 CHEMED-L@UWF Chemistry Teaching 0817 CHEMIC-L@TAUNIVM Chemistry Research 0818 Chemistry Software - Chemistry Methodology 0819 CHMINF-L@IUBVM Chemistry Chemical Compounds 0820 CONFOCAL@UBVM Confocal Microscopy 0821 HIRIS-L@IVEUNCC High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy 0822 ICS-L@UMDD Chemicals Statistical Methods Chemicals Mathematical Models Analysis 0823 IFPHEN-L@WSUVM1 Surface Chemistry 0824 INTERF-L@TAUNIVM Surface Chemistry 0825 MATERI-L@TAUNIVM Materials Science Israel 0826 MOSSBA@USACHVM1 Mossbauer Spectroscopy Effect 0827 SHARE-L@FRORS12 Spectroscopy 0828 SUP-COND@TAUNIVM Superconductivity *Engineering General* 0829 ADV-ELI@UTFSM Electrical Engineering 0830 ADV-ELO@UTFSM Electronics Technological Advances 0831 AELFLOW@TECHNION Aerospace Engineering Aeronautical Engineering 0832 AERONAUTICS@RASCAL.ICS.UTEXAS.EDU Aeronautics Technological Innovations 0833 AVIATION-THEORY@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU Aeronautics Theory 0834 CCES-L@UNBVM1 Engineering Students 0835 CEC@QUCDN Acoustical Engineering Canadian Electro-Acoustics Community 0836 CEM-L@UTDALLAS Engineering Mathematics 0837 CIRCUITS-L@UWPLATT.EDU Electrical Engineering Teaching Electric Circuit Analysis 0838 CIVIL-L@UNBVM1 Civil Engineering Teaching 0839 CYBSYS-L@BINGVMB Cybernetics - System Analysis - Systems Engineering 0840 DYNSYS-L@UNCVM1 Ergodic Theory - Entropy - Information Theory - Dynamical Systems 0841 EEJOBS via ST6267@AIX370.SIU.EDU Electrical Engineering Vocational Guidance 0842 ENERGY-L@TAUNIVM Energy Research 0843 ENGINEERING-CACE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computer-aided Control System Design - Computer-aided Control Engineering 0844 ENGINEERING-DESIGN@MAILBASE.AC.UK Engineering Research Design Centers 0845 ETHCSE-L@UTKVM1 Software Engineering Ethics Engineers Ethics 0846 GEODESIC@UBVM Fuller, R. Buckminster Philosophy 0847 HFS-L@VTVM1 Human Factors - Ergonomics 0848 IEEE-L@BINGVMB IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Students 0849 IEEE@USACHVM1 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Students Spanish 0850 MECH-L@UTARLVM1 Mechanical Engineering 0851 MILITARY@ATT.ATT.COM Technology Military Aspects 0852 NEII@CNI.ORG Engineering Information Resources 0853 SBSWE-L@SBCCVM Women Engineers State University of New York Stony Brook Students 0854 TECHSERV@NIST.GOV Technology Technology Transfer 0855 WISENET@UICVM Women Scientists Women Engineers *Futurology/Future Studies* 0856 FUTURE@NYX.CS.DU.EDU Technology Forecasting Future Studies 0857 FUTURE-L@BITNIC Forecasting 0858 HIT@UFRJ Technology - Technological Innovations 0859 INFO-FUTURES@ENCORE.COM Technology Forecasting Computer Research *Geology* 0860 ORG-GEOCHEM Organic Geochemistry 0861 QUAKE-L@NDSUVM1 Seismology Earthquakes 0862 SEISMD-L@BINGVMB Seismology 0863 STAT-GEO@UFRJ Geology - Geography - Statistics *Mathematics and Statistics* 0864 ALLSTAT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Statistics Statistics Teaching 0865 COM-ALG@NDSUVM1 Commutative Algebra 0866 CRYPTO-L@JPNTOHOK Cryptography Signs Symbols 0867 CSA-DATA@UICVM Statistics China 0868 CTI-MATHS Mathematics Teaching Mathematics Computer Applications Computer Education 0869 EDSTAT-L@NCSUVM Statistics Teaching 0870 EWM@ICNUCEVM Women Mathematicians Europe 0871 GRAFOS-L@UFRJ Computational Mathematics 0872 GRAPHNET@NDSUVM1 Graph Theory Mathematics 0873 ILAS-NET@TECHNION Linear Algebra 0874 KURT GOEDEL SOCIETY Kurt Goedel Society Mathematics Societies 0875 MATH-L@YALEVM Mathematical Texts 0876 MEDSTAT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Statistics Medicine 0877 NA-NET@NA-NET.ORNL.GOV Numerical Analysis 0878 NMBRTHRY@NDSUVM1 Number Theory 0879 PSTAT-L@IRLEARN Statistics Programming 0880 SAME@FRULM11 Algebraic Manipulations Europe Symbolic Manipulations 0881 SEMIGROUPS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Mathematics Semigroup Theory 0882 SOMACHI@PUCING Mathematics Chile 0883 SYMBOLIC MATH (LEFF@SMU.UUCP) Mathematics Symbolic Algorithms *Miscellaneous Science and Technology* 0884 AIRLINE@CUNYVM Airlines Airliners 0885 ALL-ICEIMT@FTP.EINET.NET Microelectronics and Computers 0886 C-ALERT.MATHPHYS@ELSEVIER.NL (USENET newsfeeds) Mathematics Physics 0887 CIT$W@PLEARN Technology 0888 DEFENCE-SCI-AND-TECH-POLICY@MALBASE.AC.UK Defense Europe Research Industrial Technology 0889 EV@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU Alternative Transportation Electrical Vehicles 0890 FIST@HAMP.HAMPSHIRE.EDU Feminism Women Scientists Science Feminist Aspects Technology Feminist Aspects 0891 IPR-SCIENCE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Science Intellectual Property Science Research 0892 ITEX-L@TAUNIVM Technology Research Israel 0893 MERSENNE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Science Technology Medical Science 0894 MICRO-EL@TAUNIVM Microelectronics Research 0895 NAITLIST@RA.MSSTATE.EDU Industrial Technology - Industrial Technologists 0896 POL$CRYS@PLEARN 0897 SAIS-L@UNBVM1 Science Awareness 0898 SCI-AND-TECH-HUMAN-RESOURCES@MAILBASE.AC.UK Science Technology Labor Force 0899 STACNET@SEARN Philippines Science and Technology 0900 STAC-WG@SEARN Philippines Science and Technology 0901 SVJPS@DHDSPRI6 Springer Journals Abstracts 0902 TEL@USCVM Turkish Scientists 0903 TEXTILES@TREARN Textile Arts - Textile Crafts - Clothing 0904 TSSNEWS@PSUVM Tunisian Science News 0905 XXI@UCHCECVM Science Technology *Physics* 0906 ASTRO-PH@BABBAGE.SISSA.IT Astrophysics 0907 BUILDING-MODELS-COMBINE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Data Models Development 0908 BURG-CEN@HEARN Fluid Mechanics 0909 COND-MAT@BABBAGE.SISSA.IT Condensed Matter 0910 CUPLE-L@UBVM Physics Software 0911 DASP-L@CSEARN Digital Audio Broadcasting Signal Processing 0912 FISICA-L@BRUFMG Physics 0913 FRAC-L@GITVM1 Fractals Computer Graphics Mathematical Models 0914 FUNCT-AN@BABBAGE.SISSA.IT Functional Analysis 0915 FUSION@NDSUVM1 Fusion 0916 GR-QC@XXX.LANL.GOV General Relativity Cosmology Quantum Physics 0917 HEP-LAT@FTP.SCRI.FSU.EDU Computational Physics Lattice Physics 0918 HEP-PH@XXX.LANL.GOV High Energy Physics 0919 HEP-TH@XXX.LANL.GOV High Energy Physics 0920 LC-OM@ALCOM-P.CWRU.EDU Liquid Crystals Optical Materials 0921 NDRG-L@WVNVM Engineering Nonlinear Dynamics Applications Science Economics 0922 OPTICS-L@TAUNIVM Optics Research 0923 PHYSICS@MIAMIU Physics 0924 PHYSICS@QEDQCD.RYE.NY.US Physics Theoretical Physics 0925 PHYS-L@UWF Physics Teaching 0926 PHYS-STU@UWF Physics Teaching - Physics Students 0927 PHYSIC-L@TAUNIVM Physics 0928 POLYMERP@RUTVM1 Polymer Physics 0929 RELATIV1@UWF Special Relativity 0930 RELATIV2@UWF Special Relativity 0931 STOMP-DEVELOP@MAILBASE.AC.UK Physics Teaching Physics, Modular 0932 STOMP-MEASURE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Physics Teaching Physics, Modular 0933 STOMP-SYSTEM@MAILBASE.AC.UK Physics Teaching Physics, Modular 0934 STOMP-WAVES@MAILBASE.AC.UK Physics Teaching Physics, Modular 0935 WKSPHYS@IDBSU Physics Teaching *Weather and Meteorology* 0936 SCI.GEO.METEOROLOGY Weather Communications 0937 WX-LSR@UIUCVMD Weather Broadcasting Local Storms 0938 WX-MISC@UIUCVMD Weather Weather Broadcasting 0939 WX-NATNL@UIUCVMD Weather Weather Broadcasting 0940 WX-PCPN@UIUCVMD Precipitation Weather Broadcasting 0941 WXSPOT-L@UIUCVMD Severe Storms Forecasting Weather Broadcasting 0942 WX-WSTAT@UIUCVMD Weather Storms Weather Broadcasting 0943 WX-STLT@UIUCVMD Weather Satellites Weather Broadcasting 0944 WX-SWO@UIUCVMD Weather Severe Storms Weather Broadcasting 0945 WX-TALK@UIUCVMD Weather Weather Broadcasting 0946 WX-TROPL@UIUCVMD Hurricanes Typhoons Weather Broadcasting 0947 WX-WATCH@UIUCVMD Weather Weather Broadcasting *Business, Miscellaneous Academic and News FILE 7* *Business* 0948 AJBS-L@PUCC Japan International Economics 0949 CTI-ACC-AUDIT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Accounting Auditing International 0950 CTI-ACC-BUSINESS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Finance Accounting Management International 0951 E-EUROPE@PUCC International Business European Marketing 0952 ESBDC-L@ferris Small business 0953 FLEXWORK@PSUHMC Job Sharing Business Flex-time Telecommuting Human Resources Labor 0954 GC-L@URIACC International business education 0955 MARKET-L@UCF1VM Marketing Business Research 0956 MBA-L@MARIST MBA Graduate Education 0957 ORCS-L@OSUVM1 Computers Operations Research 0958 QUALITY@PUCC TQM Management Industry 0959 RE-FORUM@UTARLVM1 Real Estate Analysis Announcements 0960 RISKNET@BONGO.CC.UTEXAS.EDU Business Insurance International 0961 SPACE-INVESTORS@CS.CMU.EDU Space Announcements Business Investing 0962 SIS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Business Management Information Systems *Economics* 0963 CORRYFEE@HASARA11 Econometrics Universities Business Management International 0964 CSEMLIST@HASARA11 Econometrics Computer Science International Research 0965 CTI-ECON@MAILBASE.AC.UK Economics Announcements England International 0966 ECON-DEV@CSN.ORG International Economic Development 0967 ECONOMY@TECMTYVM Third World Industry - International Business 0968 ISO9000 Standards - Economic Development 0969 RURALDEV@KSUVM International Business 0970 University Faculty *Human Resources and Industrial Psychology* 0971 ACADEMIC-INDUSTRY-RELATIONS@MAILBASE.AC.UK International England 0972 HRD-L@MIZZOU1 Labor 0973 HRIS-L@UALTAVM Canada International Labor 0974 ICEN-L@IUBVM International Employment - International Labor 0975 IOOB-L@UGA Labor Psychology - Business Psychology 0976 LABOR-L@YORKVM1 Labor 0977 England Employment Labor 0978 TRDEV-L@PSUVM Training Labor *Miscellaneous Academia* 0979 AAUA-L@UBVM Universities Higher Education Administration 0980 ADVISE-L@UGA Advising Computer Consultants 0981 AIR-L@INDYCMS Institutional Research - University Planning 0982 ALL-OF-ELSA@JUS.UIO.NO International Law Students 0983 BRUNONIA@BROWNVM Alumni Fundraising 0984 CACI-L@UALTAVM Canada Italy International Research 0985 CAMPCLIM@UAFSYSB College University - Campus Physical Environment 0986 CAUCE-L@UREGINA1 Academia International Canada Continuing Education 0987 CHAIRS-L@FAUVAX Universities Faculty Academia 0988 COMMCOLL@UKCC International Community Colleges 0989 ENTERPRISE-HE@MAILBASE.AC.UK Education England Employment Labor 0990 FACSER-L@WVNVM Academic Facilities Academic Services 0991 FINAID-L@PSUVM Universities - Higher Education Administration Financial Aid 0992 FRALL-L@UCSBVM Funding in the Humanities - Funding in the Arts - Funding in the Social Sciences - Funding in the Physical Sciences 0993 FUNDLIST@JHUVM Fundraising for Universities 0994 GRAD-ADV@ACS.UNC.EDU Academic Advising - Graduate Schools 0995 GRANTS-L@JHUVM NSF (National Science Foundation) - Science Funding Grants 0996 IRVL-L@BYRD.MU.WVNET.EDU 0997 JOBLIST@FRORS12 EARN (European Academic Research Network) Employment Labor 0998 JOBPLACE@UKCC Human Resources Labor 0999 MELLON-L@YORKVM1 Fellowships 01000 NAC@NDSUVM1 Conference Announcements 01001 NACUBO@BITNIC Universities Business Management Faculty 01002 International Research Standards 01003 REGIST-L@GSUVM1 Registration Universities 01004 RESEARCH@TEMPLEVM Funding Grants Universities Announcements 01005 SGANET@VTVM1 Student Government Universities 01006 TECHNET@UOTTOWA University Staff 01007 TQM-L@UKANVM TQM Universities Management 01008 UGRAD-FORUM@YORKU.CA International University Undergraduate *News* 01009 CHINA-ND@KENTVM International China News 01010 CROATION-NEWS/HRVATSKI-VJESNIK Croatia News International 01011 CRO-NEWS Croatia News International 01012 DONOSY Poland News International 01013 NATODATA@CC1.KULEUVEN.AC.BE NATO Announcements News 01014 NAVNEWS@NCTAMSLANT.NAVY.MIL Navy News Announcements 01015 ROMANIANS@SEP.STANFORD.EDU Romania Language News International 01016 TRAVEL-ADVISORIES@STOLAF.EDU Travel Advisory News United States State Department *FILE 8 Computer Science; Social, Cultural, and Political Aspects of Computers; and Academic Computing Support* *Computer Science:* *C.S. Research -- Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Virtual Reality* 01017 AESRG-L@MIZZOU1 Expert Systems Computer Science 01018 AI-CHI@LLL-LCC.LLNL.GOV Artificial Intelligence - Computer-Human Interfaces 01019 CYBSYS-L@BINGVMB Cybernetics System Analysis Systems Engineering System Theory 01020 DISTRIBUTED-AI@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computer Science Distributed Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence 01021 ESE-L@SBCCVM Expert Systems Computer Science VM/CMS MVS 01022 FLAIRS@UCF1VM Artificial Intelligence - Computer Research Florida 01023 IAMEX-L@TECMTYVM Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence Latin America Mexico 01024 NEURON-UK@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computer Science Neural Networks 01025 NL-KR@CS.RPI.EDU Computer Science - Natural Language Knowledge Representation - Artificial Intelligence 01026 OPT-PROC@TAUNIVM Optical Computing - Holography 01027 RNA@UTFSM Artificial Intelligence 01028 VIRTU-L@UIUCVMD Virtual Reality 01029 VISION-LIST@TELEOS.COM Computer Vision Robot Vision Pattern Recognition - Artificial Intelligence *C.S. Research -- Computer Engineering* 01030 ASMICRO-L@VME131.LSI.USP.ANSP.BR Computer Engineering Application-specific Microprocessors 01031 CASE-L@UCCVMA.UCOP.EDU Computer Science Computer-Aided Software Engineering CASE 01032 CPE@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU Computer Science Computer Performance Evaluation 01033 ECTL@SNOWHITE.CIS.UOGUELPH.CA Computer Speech Interfaces 01034 FASE@CS.UH.EDU Computer Science Academic Software Engineering Software Engineering 01035 SOFTWARE-MEASUREMENT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Software Engineering Metrics Measurement 01036 SOFTWARE-TESTING@MAILBASE.AC.UK Software Engineering Software Testing 01037 TESTING-ARCHIVE@ERNIE.CS.UIUC.EDU Software Engineering Software Testing 01038 TESTING-RESEARCH@ERNIE.CS.UIUC.EDU Software Engineering Software Testing 01039 VTCAD-L@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU Computer-Aided Design CAD *C.S. Research -- General Academic* 01040 ACM-L@KENTVM.KENT.EDU ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) 01041 ACSOFT-L@WUVMD Computer Science Academic Courseware Software Development Hypermedia 01042 ADV-INFO@UTFSM Computer Advances Cutting Edge Computing 01043 BIG-DB@MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU Computer Science Large Databases 01044 CELLULAR-AUTOMATA@THINK.COM Computer Science Cellular Automata 01045 CLP.X@XEROX.COM Computer Science - Concurrent Logic Programming - Parallel Languages 01046 COMP-SCI@ILNCRD Computer Science in Israel 01047 CTF-DISCUSS@CIS.UPENN.EDU Computer Science Computing the Future CSTB NRC 01048 DATA-PROTECTION@MAILBASE.AC.UK Data Protection 01049 DISTOBJ@HPLB.HPL.HP.COM, DISTOBJ@HPL.HP.CO.UK Computer Science Distributed Object Systems 01050 DPMAST-L@CMSUVMB DPMA (Data Processing Management Association) 01051 INSOFT-L@CIS.VUTBR.CS Computer Software - Computer Programming Internationalization 01052 INTERFACES-P-M@CRIM.CA Computer Science User Interface Design Computer-Human Interfaces CRIM 01053 LITPROG@SHSU.EDU Computer Science Literate Programming 01054 PARA-DAP@IRLEARN Computer Science Parallel Processing Concurrent Processing Distributed Processing SIMD AMT DAP 01055 RES-COMP@NKI Computer Science Computing Research Support User Support 01056 SHOTHC-L@SIVM Technology History Computing History 01057 SIMULATION@UFL.EDU Computer Simulation 01058 THEORYNET@WATSON.IBM.COM 01059 THEORY-A@VM1.NODAK.EDU Computer Science Theory 01060 THEORY-B@VM1.NODAK.EDU Computer Science Theory 01061 THEORY-C@VM1.NODAK.EDU Computer Science Theory *Computer Standards* 01062 CNI-ARCH@UCCVMA Computer Networks - Computer Network Architectures Computer Standards CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) 01063 FASTBS-L@UALTAVM Computer Standards IEC ANSI IEEE STD 960-1986 FASTBUS 01064 HEADER-PEOPLE@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU E-Mail Standards E-Mail Formats E-Mail Headers 01065 IFIP-GTWY@ICS.UCI.EDU Computer Standards Telecommunications IFIP Gateways X.400 01066 INFO-ODA+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Computer Standards ISO 8613 Office Document Architecture CCITT Open Document Architecture ODA 01067 ISDN@TEKNOLOGI.AGDERFORSKNING.NO Computer Standards Telecommunications ISDN Digital Telephone 01068 ISO10646@JHUVM Computer Standards ISO 10646 ISO 8859 Unicode 01069 ISO@NIC.DDN.MIL Computer Standards ISO Protocol Stack ISODE 01070 ISODE@NIC.DDN.MIL Computer Standards - Computer Network - ISO Development Environment ISODE TCP/IP RFC 983 01071 JTTAG@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computer Standards Job Transfer Technical Advisory Group JTTAG ISO JTM Red Book JTMP 01072 MHSNEWS@ICS.UCI.EDU (from North America), MHSNEWS@SINTEF.No (from Europe) Computer Standards X.400 01073 MSP-L@ALBANY Computer Standards RFC 1312 Message Send Protocol MSP2 TCP/IP 01074 MULTICAST@ARIZONA.EDU Computer Standards OSI - Computer Networks 01075 NAMEDROPPERS@NIC.DDN.MIL Computer Standards - Internet Domain Names 01076 POSIX-ADA@VERDIX.COM Computer Standards POSIX Ada (Computer language) IEEE 1003.5 01077 POSIX-TESTING@MINDCRAFT.COM Computer Standards POSIX IEEE 1003.x 01078 PROTOCOL@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU Computer Standards Archiving Encoding Network Protocol 01079 RFC@NIC.DDN.MIL Computer Standards Internet Request For Comments RFC Internet Announcements 01080 STD-UNIX@UUNET.UU.NET Computer Standards UNIX IEEE P1003 Portable Operating System Environment Draft 01081 TCP-IP@NIC.DDN.MIL Computer Standards - TCP/IP - Computer Networks 01082 X11-3D@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Computer Standards - X-Windows - X11 - X11 3D Extensions 01083 X-ADA@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU Computer Standards X-Windows X11 X11 Ada (Computer language) Extensions Ada (Computer language) 01084 XGKS@UNIDATA.UCAR.EDU Computer Standards X-Windows X11 X11 GKS GKS 01085 XIMAGE@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU Computer Standards X-Windows X11 X11 Image Processing Image Processing 01086 XPERT@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU Computer Standards X-Windows X11 X11 Software Development Software Development 01087 XVIDEO@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU 01088 XWIN-L@VM3090.EGE.EDU.TR Computer Standards Computer Programming - X-Windows X11 01089 Z3950IW@NERVM Computer Standards - Library Automated Systems - Z39.50 *Information Retrieval and Information Systems* 01090 CARISUSE@SUN1.COGS.NS.CA Geography Geographic Information Systems CARIS Mapping 01091 CWIS-L@WUVMD CWIS (Campus-Wide Information Systems) - Computer Networks 01092 GIS-ARTICLES@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geographic Information Systems Research Reports 01093 GIS-CONFERENCES@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geographic Information Systems Current Events 01094 GIS-HELP@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geographic Information Systems Information Graphics 01095 GIS-JOBS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geographic Information Systems Employment 01096 GIS-L@UBVM Geographic Information Systems Geography 01097 GIS-NEWS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geographic Information Systems United Kingdom 01098 IDRISI-UK@MAILBASE.AC.UK United Kingdom User Groups Teaching Methods Geographic Information Systems 01099 III-OPEN@MAILBASE.AC.UK SERC Image Interpretation 01100 IIS-SCOTLAND@MAILBASE.AC.UK Scotland IIS (Institute of Information Scientists) Information Science 01101 IIRS@TAUNIVM Israel Information Retrieval 01102 INGRAFX@PSUVM Computer Graphics Information Graphics Geography Scientific Visualization 01103 IUIC-HYPER@MAILBASE.AC.UK Hypermedia IUIC 01104 IUIC-INFS@MAILBASE.AC.UK CWIS Campus Wide Information Systems - Computer Networks IUIC 01105 IR@MAILBASE.AC.UK Information Systems Information Retrieval BCS IRSG CEPIS 01106 IR-L@UCCVMA Information Systems Information Retrieval ACM SIGIR (the Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval of the Association for Computing Machinery) 01107 RRL-NEWS@MAILBASE.AC.UK Geographic Information Systems 01108 UIGIS-L@UBVM Geography Geographic Information Systems Software *Programming Languages* 01109 ABC@CWI.NL Computer Programming Languages - ABC 01110 ADA-SW@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Computer Programming Languages - Ada (Computer language) 01111 APL-L@UNB.CA Computer Programming Languages - APL 01112 BETA@MJOLNER.DK Computer Programming Languages - - BETA - Object-Oriented Programming 01113 C-L@INDYCMS Computer Programming Languages - C 01114 EXPRESS-USERS@CME.NIST.GOV Computer Programming Languages - EXPRESS Information Modelling 01115 ICON-GROUP@ARIZONA.EDU Computer Programming Languages - Icon 01116 INFO-ADA@AJPO.SEI.CMU.EDU Computer Programming Languages - Ada (Computer language) 01117 INFO-C@RESEARCH.ATT.COM Computer Programming Languages - C 01118 INFO-M2@UCF1VM.CC.UCF.EDU Computer Programming Languages - Modula2 01119 INFO-PASCAL@BRL.MIL Computer Programming Languages - Pascal 01120 LANG-LUCID@CSL.SRI.COM Computer Programming Languages - Lucid 01121 PROLOG@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU Computer Programming Languages - Prolog 01122 SIMULA@BITNIC Computer Programming Languages - Simula 01123 VPLLIST@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU Computer Programming Languages - Visual Programming Languages *Social, Cultural and Political Aspects of Computing* 01124 AFRICANA@WMVM1 Africa - Computer Networking 01125 ANN-LOTS@NDSUVM1 Internet Announcements - Computer Networks - Information Science - Meta-Lists 01126 ARACHNET@KENTVM.KENT.EDU E-Mail - E-Conferences - Electronic Publishing - Virtual Culture - Society and Computers 01127 CHINANET@TAMVM1 China - Chinese Networking 01128 CJI@JERUSALEM1.DATASRV.CO.IL Computer Jobs 01129 CNI-COPYRIGHT@CNI.ORG Copyright Intellectual Property CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) 01130 CNI-DIRECTORIES@CNI.ORG CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) - Computer Network - Network Directories 01131 CNI-LEGISLATION@CNI.ORG CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Legislation - Computer Networks 01132 CNI-MANAGEMENT@CNI.ORG CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Computer Training - Computer Networks Education 01133 CNI-MODERNIZATION@CNI.ORG CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Publishing Research 01134 CNI-PUBINFO@CNI.ORG CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Public Information Access Public-Access - Computer Networks 01135 CNI-TRANSFORMATION@CNI.ORG Scholarly Communications CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) 01136 COM-PRIV@PSI.COM Commercialization of Computer Networks - Internet - Computer Networks 01137 COMP-ACADEMIC-FREEDOM-TALK@EFF.ORG Society and Computers EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) Academic Freedom Privacy 01138 COMP-PRIVACY@PICA.ARMY.MIL Society and Computers Information Technology Privacy 01139 Comp-Soc@LIMBO.INTUITIVE.COM Society and Computers Information Technology 01140 CONFER-L@NCSUVM Academic Interactive Conferencing Interactive Conferencing 01141 CPSR@GWUVM CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Professional Ethics 01142 CPSR-CPU@CPSR.ORG CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Computer Jobs Computer Industry 01143 DERIV@CNI.ORG CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Derivative Works 01144 ETHCSE-L@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU Software Engineering Professional Ethics (Computer science) 01145 EUEARN-L@UBVM Computer-Mediated Communications - Eastern European Research Networks 01146 GNET@DHVX20.CSUDH.EDU Computer-Mediated Communications - Telecommunications 01147 HELPNET@NDSUVM1 Computer Networks - Disaster Relief 01148 HELP-NET@TEMPLEVM 01149 I-REDES@UTFSM Spanish Language Computer Networks 01150 INFO-FUTURES@WORLD.STD.COM Future Technology Forecasting 01151 IPCT-L@GUVM Interpersonal Computing Technology Education 01152 LIST-MANAGERS@GREATCIRCLE.COM Discussion Lists E-Mail E-Conferences 01153 L-OHACAD@AKRONVM Ohio Higher Education Computer Council 01154 LSTOWN-L@SEARN 01155 NETSCOUT@VMTECMEX Computer Networks - Bitnet User Information - Internet User Information - NetScout 01156 NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1 E-Mail E-Conferences Discussion Lists 01157 NEW-LISTS@MAILBASE.AC.UK E-Mail E-Conferences Discussion Lists New Lists Mailbase 01158 NREN-DISC@PSI.COM NREN (National Research and Education Network) 01159 OWNERSHIP@CNI.ORG Intellectual Property 01160 PLEARN-L@UBVM Computer-Mediated Communications - Eastern European Research Networks - EARN (European Academic Research Network) - Poland 01161 PUBNET@CHINACAT.UNICOM.COM 01162 REDALC@FRMOP11 Computer-Mediated Communications - Latin American Computer Networks - Caribbean Cultures 01163 REPOST@CNI.ORG Society and Computers - Rights in Computer Conferencing - Intellectual Property 01164 RESOURCES@CNI.ORG Resource Allocation Network Resources 01165 RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM Risks of Computing Society and Computers 01166 SHOTHC-L@SIVM Technology History Society for History of Technology SHOT Society and Computers 01167 SOFTPATS@UVMVM.UVM.EDU Software Patents 01168 SUEARN-L@UBVM Computer-Mediated Communications - Eastern European Research Networks - EARN (European Academic Research Network) - USSR XSU 01169 TECHNOLOGY-TRANSFER-LIST@SEI.CMU.EDU SEI(Software Engineering Institute) - Technology Transfer 01170 TELECOM-PRIV@PICA.ARMY.MIL Telecommunications Privacy 01171 UG-L@BITNIC Computer Networks Usage Guidelines - Computer Networks Usage Policies - Netiquette 01172 USENET.HIST@UCSD.EDU Society and Computers - Usenet History *Academic Computing Support* *Academic Computing Training and User Support* 01173 BIG-LAN@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU Computer Networks - Campus-Wide Networks - Local Area Networks (LANS) 01174 BILLING@HDETUD1 Computer Resource Billing 01175 CNSF-L@UBVM Cornell National Supercomputing Facility CNSF 01176 COMP-CEN@UCCVMA.UCOP.EDU Computer Center Operations Computer Operations 01177 CONS-L@MCGILL1 Academic Computing Centers Consultants 01178 CW-MAIL@TECMTYVM Campus-Wide E-Mail Development E-Mail Telecommunications 01179 FIREWALLS@GREATCIRCLE.COM Computer Security Firewall 01180 HDESK-L@WVNVM User Support Help Desk 01181 INFO-NETS@THINK.COM Computer Networks - Internet - E-Mail 01182 IUIC-NEWSLETTER@MAILBASE.AC.UK Academic Computing Support - IUIC - CHEST - NISS 01183 LABMGR@UKCC Microcomputer Support - Computer Networks User Support 01184 MAIL-BBONES@YORKU.CA E-Mail E-Mail Backbone Campus-Wide E-Mail 01185 NEARNET@NIC.NEAR.NET NEARnet (New England Academic and Research Network) 01186 NEARNET-TECH@NIC.NEAR.NET NEARnet (New England Academic and Research Network) NEARnet Technical Contacts 01187 NETTRAIN@UBVM Computer Education Internet Bitnet Computer User Training Computer User Support 01188 NIS@CERF.NET Computer Network - CERFnet Announcements 01189 NODEINFO@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Network Information Mail Delivery Problems 01190 OPERS-L@AKRONVM Computer Operations Mainframe Computer Operations VM/CMS MVS Vax/VMS 01191 PCSUPT-L@YALEVM Microcomputer Support User Support IBM-PC MS-DOS 01192 PROFSALT@UCCVMA 01193 TECHNET@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA Computer Support Technical Support 01194 TELECOM@EECS.NWU.EDU Telecommunications Modems Communication Systems 01195 SECURITY@AIM.RUTGERS.EDU Physical Security Computer Security Security 01196 VIRUS-L@LEHIIBM1 Computer Viruses Trojan Horse 01197 VM-UTIL@TRINITY Computer Utilities - VM/CMS 01198 VMVIRUS@PCCVM Computer Viruses VM/CMS MVS VSE 01199 UNIX-WIZARDS@BRL.MIL Computer Software - Operating Systems - Unix *Computer Hardware and Software Discussions (non-specific)* 01200 AOPS-L@ESOC Computer Operations Automated Operations 01201 BBS-L@SAUPM00 Microcomputers Bulletin Board Systems BBS Telecommunications 01202 BIBSOFT@INDYCMS Bibliographic Database Management Bibliographic Software 01203 CDPUB@KNEX.VIA.MIND.ORG CD-ROM Publishing Electronic Publishing 01204 CDROM-L@UCCVMA CD-ROMs 01205 CDROMLAN@IDBSU CD-ROM Local Area Networks (LANS) 01206 COMTEN-L@UCSBVM Computer Network - Local Area Networks (LANS) - Wide Area Networks (WANS) 01207 EMULPC-L@USACHVM1 Computer Software - Terminal Emulation 01208 HACK@ALIVE.ERSYS.EDMONTON.AB.CA Microcomputers - Computer Software - Trojan Horses - Pirated Software 01209 HY-PEOPLE@ORVILLE.ARC.NASA.GOV Computer Networks - Hyperchannel - TCP/IP 01210 INFO-ANDREW@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Computer Operating Systems - Andrew 01211 INFO-ANDREW-BUGS@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Computer Operating Systems - Computing Environment Andrew User Environment Andrew Bugs 01212 INFO-MICRO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Microcomputers 01213 INFO-MODEMS@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Telecommunications Modems 01214 INFO-UNIX@BRL.MIL Computer Operating Systems - Unix 01215 INFO-V@PESCADERO.STANFORD.EDU Computer Operating Systems - V 01216 MACPROG@WUVMD.WUSTL.EDU Computer Software - Computer Programming - Software Development - Macintosh Computers 01217 MMEDIA-L@VMTECMEX Computer Training - Multimedia Education 01218 MSDOS-ANN@TACOM-EMH1.ARMY.MIL Microcomputers - Computer Software - Software Archive 01219 PACKET-RADIO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Computer Network - TCP/IP Ham Radio Packet Radio 01220 PCBUILD@TSCVM.TRENTON.EDU Microcomputers Computer Hardware 01221 PCIP@UDEL.EDU Computer Networks - TCP/IP - Computer Software - PCIP 01222 SOFTREVU@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU Computer Software - Software Reviews 01223 SRVREQ-L@INDYCMS 01224 WORKS@RUTGERS.EDU Workstations *Public Domain and Publically Supported Software* 01225 ARJUNA@MAILBASE.AC.UK Computer Programming C++ Software Development Distributed Applications 01226 CLU-SW@SEISMO.CSS.GOV 01227 CMSUG-L@UTARLVM1 Computer Operating Systems - VM/CMS 01228 CMU-TEK-TCP@CS.CMU.EDU Computer Network - TCP/IP CMU-TEK VAX/VMS 01229 DISSPLA@TAUNIVM Computer Programming FORTRAN Computer Graphics 01230 GATED-PEOPLE@DEVVAX.TN.CORNELL.EDU Computer Networks - GateDaemon Network Routing Protocol 01231 HYTEL-L@KENTVM.KENT.EDU Computer Software - Hytelnet - Internet Resources 01232 I-Finger@SPCVXA Computer Network - Finger 01233 INFO-GNU-MSDOS@WUGATE.WUSTL.EDU Computer Software - MS-DOS GNU Project 01234 INFO-KERMIT@WATSON.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU Computer Software - Telecommunications FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Kermit 01235 INFO-MACH@CS.CMU.EDU Computer Operating Systems - Unix - Mach 01236 INFO-MINIX@UDEL.EDU Computer Operating Systems - Unix - Minix 01237 INFO-TeX@SHSU Computer Software - Typesetting TeX LaTeX BibTeX METAFONT 01238 INFO-VM@UUNET.UU.NET Computer Software - GNU Emacs VM Mail 01239 INFO-ZIP@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Computer Software - Mainframe Zip Zip 01240 ITALIC-L@IRLEARN Computer Software - Typesetting Tex Latex GML SGML Ireland 01241 IVRITEX@TAUNIVM Computer Software - Typesetting TeX Hebrew Language Aramaic Language 01242 JANET@GWUVM Microcomputer Network Software Janet 01243 LDBASE-L@UKANVM Computer Software - VM LISTSERV Listserv Database LDBase 01244 MUTEX@STOLAF.EDU Computer Software - Typesetting TeX MusicTeX MuTeX 01245 MVSGOPHER@LISTS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU MVS Gopher 01246 NNMVS-L@USCVM Computer Software - Usenet Net News Transfer Protocol NNTP MVS NNMVS 01247 NUNTIUS-L@CORNELL.EDU Computer Software - Net News Transfer Protocol NNTP Newsreader Macintosh Computers Nuntius 01248 PERL-USERS@VIRGINIA.EDU 01249 RUSTEX-L@UBVM Computer Software - Typesetting Russian Language TeX RusTeX 01250 TEX-D-L@DEARN Computer Software - Typesetting German Language Tex 01251 TEXHAX@CS.WASHINGTON.EDU Computer Software - Typesetting TeX METAFONT 01252 TEX-PUBS@SHSU Computer Software - Typesetting TeX TeX Publication Distribution 01253 UNIX-SOURCES@BRL.MIL Computer Software - Computer Software Distribution - Unix 01254 UNIX-SW@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Computer Software - Computer Software Distribution - Unix - SIMTEL20 01255 YTERM-L@YALEVM Computer Software - VT100 Terminal Emulation - YTerm 01256 YUNUS@TRMETU Computer Software - Typesetting - TeX - Turkish Language --------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 by Diane K. Kovacs, The Directory Team and Kent State University