Copyright 1993 by Diane K. Kovacs, The Directory Team and Kent State University Libraries. Single copies of this directory from its networked sources, or of specific entries from their networked sources, may be made for internal purposes, personal use, or study by an individual, an individual library, or an educational or research institution. The directory or its contents may not be otherwise reproduced or republished in excerpt or entirety, in print or electronic form, without permission from Diane K. Kovacs, Kent State University Libraries. ACADLIST.FILE4 *Psychology-Writing* ____________________ *Psychology and Psychiatry* ____________________ Section Compiler: Paul Fehrmann (Bitnet) pfehrman@kentvm (Internet) 0528 LN: ADDICT-L@KENTVM TI: ADDICT-L is devoted to discussion of research and information pertaining to addictions. While not including addiction to drugs/alcohol in its focus, it aims for exchanges on all other types of addiction, for example, those related to sexuality, co-dependency, or eating disorders. Researchers, educators, and those recovering from addictions are welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@KENTVM (Internet) LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU ED: No AR: Yes Weekly MO: David Delmonico (Internet) IA: KE: Addictions Psychology ____________________ 0529 LN: APAARIB@GWUVM TI: The Animal Research Information Board is maintained by the Science Directorate of the American Psychological Association. It includes the latest information on activities in Congress, federal regulations, pro- and anti-animal research groups, and campus activities. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@GWUVM ED: AR: MO: Margaret Allen (Bitnet) APASDMAA@GWUVM - Rhonda E. Fisher (Bitnet) APASDREF@GWUVM IA: KE: Psychology Animal research Animal rights ____________________ 0530 LN: APASD-L@VTVM1 TI: The APASD-L list (the Research Funding Bulletin) keeps subscribers informed of policy decisions that take place on Capitol Hill that affect psychologists. The Funding Bulletin also lists current funding opportunities available to researchers. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@VTVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Deborah Segal (Bitnet) APASDDES@GWUVM IA: KE: Grants Funding Psychology ____________________ 0531 LN: APB-L@LAVALVM1 TI: Advancement of Paradigmatic Behaviorism SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@LAVALVM1 ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: RDAVID@LAVALVM1.(Bitnet) ALEDUC@LAVALVM1 IA: KE: Behaviorism Psychology ____________________ 0532 LN: APB-UL-L@LAVALVM1 TI: Avancement du behaviorisme paradigmatique SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@LAVALVM1 ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: IA: KE: Behaviorism Psychology ____________________ 0533 LN: APSSCNET@MCGILL1 TI: This list of the American Psychological Student Caucus provides a forum for students to discuss education, research or policy issues in the behavioral sciences. Additionally, contributors/subscribers can find information on training, research, or scholarship opportunities. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MCGILL1 ED: No AR: No MO: Zografos Cavamanos (Aki) (Internet) APS- AKI@EGO.PSYCH.MCGILL.CA IA: KE: Students Graduate Students Undergraduates Psychology ____________________ 0534 LN: AUTISM@SJUVM TI: This list is devoted to issues related to developmental disabilities. It's purpose is to provide a forum for those who are Developmentally Disabled, their teachers, and others interested in this area. All developmental disabilities can be considered, and the aim is to promote understanding as well as to share information concerning succesful interventions and adaptive strategies. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@SJUVM ED: AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: Bob Zenhausern (Bitnet) drz@sjuvm IA: KE: Autism Psychology Developmental Psychological Disabilities Psychological Disorders ____________________ 0535 LN: BEHAVIOR@ASUACAD TI: BEHAVIOR is a list for discussion of issues related to behavioral disorders in children and youth. Contributions have come from educators, students, university professors and parents. Areas covered have included service provision, remediation and treatment, and medical and legal issues, as well as other topics in research and practice. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ASUACAD (Internet) LISTSERV@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Samuel A DiGangi (Bitnet) ATSAD@ASUACAD Robert B. Rutherford (Bitnet) ATRBR@ASUACAD IA: KE: Children Disorders Psychology ____________________ 0536 LN: BRAIN-L@MCGILL1 TI: This mailing list has been run by the McGill Mind/Brain Discussion Group, a self-organized, inter-disciplinary group of graduate students at McGill University, who have met to discuss mind/brain issues. The group has included members from the departments of computer science, electrical engineering, physics, and psychology, among others, and the list was launched in order to allow wider discussion of mind/brain issues. SU: (Bitnet) LISTERSERV@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA ED: No AR: No MO: Chris Westbury (Bitnet) CXEA@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA IA: KE: Psychology Philosophy Brain Mind ____________________ 0537 LN: CCHD-L@UNCVM1 TI: Carolina Consortium for Human Development. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UNCVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@UNCVM1.OIT.UNC.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Doug Cutlar (Bitnet) UNCDWC@UNCVM1 - P.A. Ornstein (Bitnet) PAO@UNCVM1 IA: KE: Psychology Human Development ____________________ 0538 LN: COGNEURO@PTOLEMY.ARC.NASA.GOV TI: This list is an informal, relatively low-volume way to discuss matters at the interface of cognitive science and neuroscience. The discussion will be scientific and academic, covering biological aspects of behavior and cognitive issues in neuroscience. Also discussable are curricula, graduate programs, and jobs in the field. SU: Please follow these examples exactly, so that my software works. send e-mail to COGNEURO-REQUEST@PTOLEMY.ARC.NASA.GOV Subject: cogneuro: subscribe. You don't need to put anything in the body of the message. There will be no automatic confirmation, but you might get a note from me. ED: AR: Yes, contact moderator. MO: Phil Hetherington (Internet) (Internet) COGNEURO-REQUEST@PTOLEMY.ARC.NASA.GOV IA: KE: Psychology Cognitive Science Neuroscience ____________________ 0539 LN: CREA-CPS@NIC.SURFNET.NL TI: Creativity and Creative Problem Solving (CREA-CPS) is an e-conference for everyone interested in creative thinking and its relation to the problem-soving process. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET ED: No AR: Yes MO: Bram Donkers (Internet) N.A.DONKERS@IO.TUDELFT.NL - Marc Tassoul (Internet) M.TASSOUL@IO.TUDELFT.NL IA: KE: Psychology Problem Solving Creativity Creative Thinking ____________________ 0540 LN: EADP-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: The European Association of Developmental Psychologists was set up in 1984 under the umbrella of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISBD). It promotes exchange and discussion amongst the community of European researchers into the psychology of human development. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: Psychology Developmental ____________________ 0541 LN: EAWOP-L@HEARN TI: The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology_list serves as electronic communication medium for the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. The aim of the association is to support the develpoment and application of W. and O. Psychology in Europe and to promote the cooperation between scientists and professionals working in this field across Europe. SU: Subcription requests should be sent to the moderators. ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Fred R. Zijlstra (Internet) FZYLSTRA@KUB.NL - Johannes M. van Veen (Internet) V73UVEEN@HASASA11 IA: KE: Psychology Organizational psychology Industrial psychology Work Europe ____________________ 0542 LN: ENVBEH-L@POLYVM TI: Environment, Design, and Human Behavior provides for discussion on a variety of topics concerning the relations of people and their physical environments. Anyone may contribute comment related to environmental psychology as such issues are studied by groups such as the American Psychological Association, the Environmental Design Research Association, the International Association of People and their Physical Settings, People and Physical Environment Research, or the Man-Environment research Association. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@POLYVM (Internet) LISTSERV%POLYGRAF.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Tony Monteiro (Bitnet) MONTEIRO@POLYGRAF (Internet) MONTEIRO%POLYGRAF.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU - Richard Wener (Bitnet) RWENER@POLYVM IA: KE: Environment Psychology Ergonomics Behavioral Ecology ____________________ 0543 LN: FAMLYSCI@UKCC TI: Family Science Network is for researchers and scholars whose work focusses on family science, including marriage and family therapy, family sociology, and the behavioral science aspects of family medicine. SU: (Internet) GWBROCK@UKCC.UKY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Greg Brock (Bitnet) GWBROCK@UKCC (Internet) GWBROCK@UKCC.UKY.EDU IA: Department of Family Studies at the University of Kentucky KE: Family Studies Psychology Marriage ____________________ 0544 LN: IAPSY-L@ALBNYVM1 TI: Interamerican Psychologists E-conference (SIPNET). This list is intended to facilitate communication and collaboration among psychologists throughout the Americas, and to aid the Interamerican Society for Psychology/Sociedad Interamericana de Psicologia in its activities. The languages of the e-conference are English, French, Portuguese and Spanish (the languages of the ISP). SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Bernardo M. Ferdman (Bitnet) BMF13@ALBNYVM1 (Internet) BMF13@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU - Bob Pfeiffer (Bitnet) GVAPE@ALBNYVM1 IA: KE: Interamerican Interamericana Spanish Language Psicologia Psychology Portugese Language French Language ____________________ 0545 LN: INTUDM-L@UTEPA TI: Research into the role of intuition in decision making, discuss, conduct and promote interdisciplinary research on the use of intuition in decision making. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UTEPA ED: No AR: Yes MO: Weston H. Agor (Bitnet) HY00@UTEP IA: KE: Intuition Decision-making Psychology ____________________ 0546 LN: MACPSYCH@STOLAF.EDU TI: MACPSYCH is for psychologists and others who are interested in using the Macintosh in research and teaching. It is a list for discussion and an archive of such dialogue and related software. It has been endorsed by the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP), and has been a site for software appearing in the journal Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Chuck Huff (Internet) HUFF@STOLAF.EDU IA: KE: Macintosh Computers Psychology Computer Education ____________________ 0547 LN: MPSYCH-L@BROWNVM TI: MPSYCH-L is a list sponsored by the Society for Mathematical Psychology. The list supports dialogue between Society members and others, focusing on Mathematical Psychology broadly conceived to include work of theoretical character using mathematical methods, formal logic, or computer simulation. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Separate, Private MO: Bob Stout (Bitnet) BI599088@Brownvm - Cynthia Romano (Bitnet) ST702564@Brownvm - Mary Ann Metzger (Bitnet) Metzger@UMBC IA: KE: Mathematics Psychology ____________________ 0548 LN: PSI-L@CUNYVM TI: Parapsychology Discussion Forum is for discussion of experiences, issues, questions, or research related to psi. Not for debates on whether psi exists, but rather for scholarly discussion. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@CUNYVM (Internet) LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, weekly MO: Lusi N. Altman (Bitnet) LNAQC@CUNYVM IA: KE: Psi Psychology ____________________ 0549 LN: PSYC@PUCC TI: Psyc is a refereed electronic journal sponsored on an experimental basis by the American Psychological association. It offers refereed articles/brief reports (70 in 1992) with commentary and responses, which are archived. It also has an unarchived newsletter section. The intent is to provide articles and rapid international/interdisciplinary peer feedback in all areas of psychology and related fields (e.g. biobehavioral, cognitive, neural, social). SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@PUCC (Internet) LISTSERV@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to PRINCETON.EDU MO: Stevan Harnad (Internet) HARNAD@PRINCETON.EDU Harnad@ RILUMINY.UNIV-MRS.FR (Bitnet) HARNAD@PUCC IA: KE: Psychology ____________________ 0550 LN: PSYCGRAD@UOTTAWA TI: Psychology Graduate Students Discussion Group E- conference's main purpose is to provide a medium through which graduate students in the field of psychology can communicate. It is asked that conversation topics be relevant to being a graduate student in psychology. Views, debate, conference information, technique sharing, job announcements and more are available and welcome. An electronic journal PSYGRD-J is also available. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UOTTAWA (Internet) LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.PSYCGRAD ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Matthew Simpson (Bitnet) 054340@UOTTAWA (Internet) 054340@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA IA: KE: Students Graduates Psychology ____________________ 0551 LN: PSYCH-DEV-EUROPE@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: Electronic support for European-based developmental psychologists. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: Psychology Developmental Europe ____________________ 0552 LN: PSYCH-EXPTS@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: Intended for psychologists using experiment generator packages. It enables members to explore and share ideas on teaching and research using these packages and encourages better coordination in the development and sharing of experimental materials within Psychology. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: Psychology Computer Education ____________________ 0553 LN: PSYCHE-D@NKI TI: This list focusses on issues arising from the interdisciplinary study of consciousness and the brain. Discussion can include responses to articles in the peer- reviewed e-journal affliiatioed with the list, namely, PSYCHE-L. However, interaction concerning any related theme is also welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@NKI ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Kevin Korb (Internet) KORB@BRUCE.CS.MONASH.EDU.AU - Patrick Wilken (Internet) X91007@PITVAX.XX.RMIT.EDU.AU IA: KE: Psychology Consciousness Brain ____________________ 0554 LN: SCR-L@MIZZOU1 TI: SCR-L, the Study of Cognitive Rehabilitation list, is a discussion group for professionals working with people with traumatic brain injuries. Clinical issues discussed have related to areas of memory, social awareness, attention/concentration, anger management, denial, executive functions, school reentry, functional evaluations, vocational assessments and community reentry. Conference announcements, call for papers and discussion of articles have been a part of the list. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Joe Silsby (Bitnet) BIRPJOE@MIZZOU1 IA: KE: Rehabilitation Psychology Cognitive Brain Injury Trauma ____________________ 0555 LN: SOCIAL-THEORY@MAILBASE.UK.AC TI: The Social-theory list offers a forum for an analysis of the relationship between psychology and sociology, agency/individual and social structure. It is also aims to provide for the discussion on the following: 1. Issues pertinent to the area of social-psychology, particularly in terms of theoretical underpinnings of this discipline and its relationship to the anaylsis of social behavior, 2. issues such as relativism in the social sciences, the *scientific* status of the social sciences, postmodern theory and the social sciences, and social constuctivism, 3. thematically based discussions (e.g., the interdisciplinary analysis of mental illness), and 4. all issues relating to the interdisciplinary study of human activity, whether methodological, epistemological or ontological. SU: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: AR: MO: DAVID NIGHTINGALE (INTERNET) D.J.NIGHTINGALE@HUD.AC.UK IA: KE: Psychology Sociology Social theory Social Psychology ____________________ 0556 LN: SPORTPSY@TEMPLEVM TI: Exercise and sport psychology. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TEMPLEVM (Internet) LISTSERV@VM.TEMPLE.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Michael Sachs (Bitnet) V5289E@TEMPLEVM IA: KE: Sports Psychology ____________________ *Religious Studies* ____________________ Section Compiler: Paul Fehrmann (Bitnet) pfehrman@kentvm (Internet) 0557 LN: AMERCATH@UKCC TI: History of American Catholicism. Access to AMERCATH is available internationally thus forming a global network of people who research and teach the history of American Catholicism. The use of AMERCATH is a major breakthrough in facilitating instant communication among faculty, students and researchers. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UKCC (Internet) LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU ED: Yes AR: MO: Anne Kearney, Ph.D., (Bitnet) JCCANNEK@UKCC (Internet) JCCANNEK@UKCC.UKY.EDU IA: Jefferson Community College - University of Kentucky KE: American Catholicism Catholic history ____________________ 0558 LN: ARCANA@UNCCVM TI: ARCANA is an academic e-conference for students and scholars of the occult. Some possible topics of discussion include: famous occultists in history the literature, history, or language/etymology of occultism modern literary occultism in the context of its source materials the roots of modern occultism, the tarot, alchemy, and persecution of witches throughout history. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UNCCVM ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Leonard Roberts (Bitnet) ACC00LTR@UNCCVM.- Chris Carlisle (Bitnet) C24884CC@WUVMD - Athan Chilton (Bitnet) AOZXAYC@UICVMC - Mario Rups (Internet) MRUPS@BROOK.EDU - Jae Walker (Internet) JAE@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU - Barbara Weitbrecht (Bitnet) NASOP003@SIVM - Rob Woiccak (Bitnet) REWOICC@ERENJ - (Bitnet) jae+arcadmin@drycas (Internet) IA: KE: Occult - Alchemy - Witches - Folklore ____________________ 0559 LN: BAHAI-FAITH@ONEWORLD.WA.COM IA: A non-threatening forum for discussing and sharing information about the tenets, history, and texts of the Baha'i Faith. SU: Contact the Moderator. (Usenet) SOC.RELIGION.BAHAI ED: Yes AR: No MO: Charles W. Cooper II (Internet) bahai-faith- IA: KE: Bahai Religion ____________________ 0560 LN: BALTUVA@MCGILL1 TI: BALTUVA focuses on issues and questions of concern to observant Jews. The name is derived from "baal t'shuva" which is often used to refer to "newly religious" Jews. Please feel free to post to the list whether or not you consider yourself to be a "baal t'shuva." SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MCGILL1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA ED: No AR: No MO: Claire Austin (Internet) CZCA@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA IA: KE: Judaism ____________________ 0561 LN: BELIEF-L@BROWNVM TI: BELIEF-L is designed to be a forum where personal ideologies can be discussed, examined, and analyzed. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, weekly MO: David B. O'Donnell (Bitnet) LUTHER@MTUS5 (Internet) ATROPOS@NETLAB.CIS.BROWN.EDU - Lois Buwalda (Bitnet) LOIS@UCF1VM IA: KE: Religion - Ideology ____________________ 0562 LN: BUDDHIST@JPNTOHOK TI: Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@JPNTOHOK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Yoshiyuki Kawazoe (Bitnet) KAWAZOE@JPNTOHOK IA: KE: Buddhism ____________________ 0563 LN: CONTENTS@UOTTAWA TI: CONTENTS will announce new and recent publications of relevance to Religious Studies and related disciplines. It will post the table of contents, prices, and when available, abstracts of both books and journals. These postings will be logged in notebooks for searching and, in future, made available as a TELNET accessable and searchable database. The Wilfrid Laurier University Press is the first to make this information available to the CONTENTS e-conference. The rest should come running soon enough. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UOTTAWA (Internet) LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Michael Strangelove (Internet) 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.Ca (Bitnet) 441495@Uottawa IA: KE: Religious Studies ____________________ 0564 LN: ECOTHEOL@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: A forum for discussion of ecological theology. The goal of the list is to enable academic discussion of environmental issues from a theological or ethical perspective. Open to all traditions, contributions are welcome from those in other disciplines, including philosophy and the social sciences. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Ian Tilsed (Internet) IA: KE: ____________________ 0565 LN: ELENCHUS@UOTTAWA TI: ELENCHUS is devoted to discussions of the thought and literature of Christianity during the period 100 to 500 a.d. (c.e.). This will include discussions of patristics, gnosticism, asceticism, monasticism, archeology, the Nag Hammadi and Manichaean corpora, the canon of Scripture and the early translations of the Scriptures (into, among other languages, Latin, Syriac, Coptic), the history of exegesis (including the appropriation by Christians of the texts of Judaism and other religious, philosophical, or ideological groupings), as well as historical and theological developments from the time of the Apologists to the fall of the Western Empire. The languages of discussion will be English or French. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UOTTAWA (Internet) LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: L. Gregory Bloomquist Saint Paul (Bitnet) GBLOOMQ@UOTTAWA (Internet) GBLOOMQ@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA IA: KE: Scripture Biblical Archaeology Exegesis ____________________ 0566 LN: EOCHR@QUEENSU.CA TI: Forum for discussion and exchange of ideas by members of the various Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches around the world, as well as any other people who are seriously interested in Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the concerns of the Orthodox. It exists for polite, open, tolerant, and truly pan-Orthodox discussions of any topics related to the Orthodox faith, to the corporate life of the various national Orthodox churches, and/or to the individual lives of Orthodox Christians. Please let Orthodox Christians know of its existence. SU: (Internet) Dragic.Vukomanovic@QueensU.CA ED: AR: MO: Dragic V.Vukomanovic (Internet) Dragic.Vukomanovic@QueensU.CA IA: KE: Christian Orthodox Religion ____________________ 0567 LN: HISTEC-L@UKANVM TI: HISTEC-L is a non-sectarian forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of information by students and scholars of the history of evangelical Christianity. It is not a medium for proselytizing, and the advocacy or disparagement of any faith or sect are not welcome. The main language of HISTEC-L is English, but postings in other languages are accepted. HISTEC-L is ready to distribute newsletters from study groups, and to post announcements of meetings and calls for papers, short scholarly pieces, queries, and other items of interest. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, available via anonymous ftp to cd malin.histec MO: Daniel H. Bays (Bitnet) BAYS@UKANVM IA: KE: Evangelical Christianity History ____________________ 0568 LN: ISLAM-L@ULKYVM TI: ISLAM-L is a non-sectarian forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of information by students and scholars of the history of Islam. ISLAM-L is not to be used for proselytizing for or against Islam in general, any particular form of Islam, or any other religion or philosophy. ISLAM-L is associated with the general e-conference HISTORY, and co- operates fully with other lists similarly associated. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ULKYVM (Internet) LISTSERV@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: James A. Cocks (Bitnet) JACOCK01@ULKYVM (Internet) JACOCK01@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU IA: The University of Louisville KE: Islam Muslims ____________________ 0569 LN: LITURGY@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: LITURGY provides an academic forum for discussion of all aspects of Christian liturgy. The list does not confine itself to any one historical period, geographical area or Christian tradition. Therefore contributions are welcome from all historical and theological fields. We also welcome discussion from those involved in other disciplines such as literary analysis, comparative religions and sociology of religion. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Michael Fraser (Internet) M.A.FRASER@DURHAM.AC.UK IA: KE: Liturgy Religious Studies Literary Analysis ____________________ 0570 LN: MAILJC@GRIAN.CPS.ALTADENA.CA.US IA: To provide a non-hostile environment for discussion among Christians. Non-Christians may join the e-conference and "listen-in", but full blown debates between Christians and non-Christians are best carried out in soc.religion.christian or talk.religion Usenet newsgroups. SU: (Internet) MAILJC-REQUEST@GRIAN.CPS.ALTADENA.CA.US ED: Yes AR: Yes, Contact Moderator MO: Liz Allen (Internet) LIZ@GRIAN.CPS.ALTADENA.CA.US IA: KE: Jesus Christ Christianity ____________________ 0571 LN: MINISTRY-L@GACVAX1 TI: An open forum for the discussion of concerns and experiences of people who are planning a career in religious ministry, or for those considering such a move. All denominations are welcome (at least!), and a variety of personal backgrounds would probably be helpful. What is intended here, is a discussion of the issues one faces as one approaches the ministry as a career. SU: (Bitnet) MAILSERV@GACVAX1 ED: AR: MO: Charles Piehl (Bitnet) UNDERHILL@GACVAX1 IA: KE: Ministers Ministry Career ____________________ 0572 LN: NT-GREEK@VIRGINIA.EDU TI: NT-GREEK is an electronic conference designed to foster communication concerning the scholarly study of the Greek New Testament. Anyone interested in New Testament Studies is invited to subscribe, but the e-conference will assume at least a working knowledge of Biblical Greek. SU: (Internet) NT-GREEK-REQUEST@VIRGINIA.EDU or (Bitnet) NTGRKREQ@VIRGINIA ED: No AR: No MO: David John Marotta (Bitnet) djm5g@virginia (Internet) IA: The Center for Christian Study, Charlottesville, VA 22903 KE: New Testament Greek ____________________ 0573 LN: OBJ-REL@EMUVM1.CC.EMORY.EDU TI: Objective Discussion of Religion. Once one leaves the college dorm, those late night discussions about religion and the nature of the universe are rather difficult to come by. Many people settle on a set of beliefs and do not wish have any further discussions, but some of us hunger for more information and discussion. OBJ-REL is intended to fill this need. Discussion on OBJ-REL is intended to be centered around such topics as: Existence of God or gods, Creationism versus Evolution, Reasons for the Existence of Religions, Epistimology, Religion and Government,etc. This discussion is NOT intended to be forum for emotional appeals to convert others to your "faith", but discussions about the content of your beliefs AND THE REASONS FOR THOSE BELIEFS are encouraged. In short OBJ-REL is intended to be a Scientific discussion of Religion and Religious beliefs for the layman. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@EMUVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@EMUVM1.CC.EMORY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Bert Bruner (Bitnet) OSAKB@EMUVM1 (Internet) IA: KE: Objectivity and Religion - Scientific Study of Religion ____________________ 0574 LN: ORTHODOX@ARIZVM1 TI: Orthodox is dedicated to the thoughtful exchange of information regarding Orthodox Christianity worldwide, especially its impact upon and resurgence within Russia and her neighbors. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ARIZVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@ARIZVM1.CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: John B Harlan (Internet)JBHARLAN@CARAT.ARIZONA.EDU IA: KE: Orthodox Christianity ____________________ 0575 LN: OT-HEBREW@VIRGINIA TI: OT-HEBREW is designed to foster communication concerning the scholarly study of the Hebrew Old Testament. Anyone interested in Old Testament Studies is invited to subscribe, but the e-conference will assume at least a working knowledge of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic. SU: (Internet) OT-HEBREW-REQUEST@VIRGINIA.EDU or (Bitnet) OTHEBREQ@VIRGINIA ED: AR: MO: David John Marotta. (Internet) IA: The Center for Christian Study, Charlottesville, VA 22903 KE: Old Testament Hebrew Language ____________________ 0576 LN: PAGAN@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU TI: Forum for discussion of pagan religions and paganism. SU: (Internet) (Bitnet) PAGAN-REQUEST@DRYCAS (Internet) PAGAN-REQUEST@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU cd anonymous/pagarchive MO: Uther Locksley (Internet) UTHER@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU IA: KE: Pagan Religions ____________________ 0577 LN: QUAKER-L@UICVMD TI: This list is for discussion of all aspects of Quakerism/the Religious Society of Friends, including Quaker decision making, publications, related umbrella organizations, peace testimony, and social activism. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UICVMD (Internet) LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Bruce Dienes (Internet) Steve Thompson (Internet) IA: KE: Quakers Religious Society of Friends ____________________ 0578 LN: RELIGCOM@UKCC TI: A Discussion forum for Religious Communications SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UKCC (Internet) LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: David D. Tukey (Bitnet) TUKEY@NKUVAX IA: KE: Religious Communications ____________________ 0579 LN: RELIGION@HARVARDA TI: Religions Discussion Group SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@HARVARDA (Internet) LISTSERV@HARVARDA.HARVARD.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: (Bitnet) TBRY@HARVARDA IA: KE: Religious Studies ____________________ 0580 LN: REVIEW-L@UOTTAWA TI: The CONTENTS project has made available a separate listserv distribution, REVIEW-L, for those who wish to automatically receive the FULL TEXT of all reviews and book notes published by the RELIGIOUS STUDIES PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UOTTAWA (Internet) LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Michael Strangelove (Internet) 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA (Bitnet) 441495@Uottawa IA: KE: Religious Studies ____________________ 0581 LN: SHAKER@UKCC TI: Shaker - A forum on the United Society of Believers for those interested in the history, culture, artifacts, and beliefs of the Shakers (The United Society of Believers). Discussions will cover a broad range of subject matter including, but not limited to: social analysis, history, shaker women's studies, antiques and furniture, and organization. Discussions of other utopian communities are also welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UKCC (Internet) LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Marc Rhorer (Bitnet) RHORER@UKCC (Internet) RHORER@UKCC.UKY.EDU IA: KE: Shakers United Society of Believers ____________________ 0582 LN: SSREL-L@UTKVM1 TI: The Scientific Study of Religion list supports discussion of issues in the sociology of religion. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UTKVM1 ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Donald R. Ploch (Bitnet) PLOCH@UTKVX - Bruce Delaney (Bitnet) PA6460@UTKVM1 IA: KE: Religion - Sociology of Religion - Psychology of Religion ____________________ 0583 LN: THEOLOGY@UICVM TI: E-conference dedicated to the intellectual discussion of religion. Intellectual is stressed as opposed to the "personal", the inspirational, or evangelistic. This does not mean one cannot evangelize, but rather that participants should persuade rather than brow-beat or attack those they disagree with. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: AR: MO: Charley Earp (Bitnet) U16481@UICVM (Internet) U16481@UICVM.UIC.EDU IA: KE: Theology - Religious Studies ____________________ 0584 LN: UUS-L@UBVM Unitarian Universalists TI: UUs-L is a global meeting place for Unitarian Universalists and anyone going our way. The list's intent is to provide a forum for sharing of UU-related information across district and regional boundaries to bring into contact people and ideas who normally would never have met and to foster discussion of functional and structural innovations we can make in our organizations and world. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Steve Traugott (Internet) UUS- LMAN@TERRALUNA.SPACECOAST.ORG - Richard Childer (Internet) RCHILDER@US.ORACLE.COM IA: KE: Unitarian Universalists ____________________ *Social Activism* ____________________ Section Compiler: Gladys Bell (Bitnet) gbell@kentvm (Internet) 0585 LN: ACT-UP@WORLD.STD.COM TI: Discusses the work being done by various act-up chapters worldwide, announces events, exchanges ideas related to AIDS activism, and, more broadly, to discuss the politics of AIDS and health care. SU: (Internet) ACT-UP-REQUEST@WORLD.STD.COM ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Health Care AIDS Political Aspects ____________________ 0586 LN: ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1 TI: Activists for peace, empowerment, human rights, justice, etc. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Rich Winkel (Bitnet) MATHRICH@MIZZOU1 (Internet) HARELB@MATH.CORNELL.EDU IA: KE: Peace Human Rights Justice Pacifism ____________________ 0587 LN: ACTIVIST@GUVM TI: Achieving social goals through personal action. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@GUVM ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Social Ethics Social Influence Social Justice ____________________ 0588 LN: ACTNOW-L@BROWNVM TI: College Activism/Information list acts as an information repository for data on college activism and events and items of importance. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: David B. O'Donnell (Bitnet) EL406006@BROWNVM (Internet) ATROPOS@NETLAB.CIS.BROWN.EDU or ATROPOS@GNU.AI.MIT.EDU IA: KE: Student Movements Students Political Activity ____________________ 0589 LN: AR-ALERTS@NY.NEAVS.COM TI: The Animal Rights Alerts List facilitates communication among Animal Rights groups, activists, and other interested individuals. SU: (Internet) MAJORDOMO@NY.NEAVS.COM. ED: No AR: No MO: James Corrigan (Internet) JAMES@NY.NEAVS.COM IA: KE: Animal Rights ____________________ 0590 LN: ARMS-L@BUACCA TI: Discusses policy issues related to peace, war, national security, weapons, the arms race, etc. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BUACCA (Internet) ARMS-D- REQUEST@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU ED: Yes AR: No, but are available from the moderator MO: Rob Gross (Bitnet) GROSS@BCVMS IA: KE: Military Readiness International Relations Peace ____________________ 0591 LN: DEVEL-L@AUVM TI: Discusses technology transfer in international development. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@AUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@AUVM.AUVM.EDU or All requests to be added to or deleted, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to the Moderator. ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Rafe Ronkin (Bitnet) VITA@GMUVAX IA: Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA) KE: Disarmament Pacifism Peaceful Change International Relations ____________________ 0592 LN: DISARM-D@ALBNYVM1 TI: DISARM-D provides monthly digests of selected mail discussions processed through DISARM-L and substantial contributions written for DISARM-D. Sent to all DISARM-L and DISARM-D subscribers. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Donald Parsons (Bitnet) DFP10@ALBNYVM1 (Internet) DFP10@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU IA: KE: Disarmament Pacifism Peaceful Change International Relations ____________________ 0593 LN: FIREARMS-POLITICS@CS.CMU.EDU TI: Political discussion and announcements about firearms legislation and 2nd Amendment rights and trends. Companion list to FIREARMS@CS.CMU.EDU, which is restricted to technical discussion. SU: (Internet) FIREARMS-POLITICS-REQUEST@CS.CMU.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to archive.cis.ohio- cd pub/firearms MO: Karl Kleinpaste (Internet) KARL_KLEINPASTE@N2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU IA: KE: Firearms Law and Legislation United States Constitution 2nd Amendment ____________________ 0594 LN: FREE-L@INDYCMS TI: Fathers' Rights and Equality. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@INDYCMS (Internet) LISTSERV@INDYCM.IUPUI.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Dale Marmaduke (Bitnet) ITOG4000@INDYCMS (Internet) ITOG400@INDYCMS.IUPUI.ED - Anne P. Mitchell (Internet) SHEDEVIL@VIX.COM IA: Sponsored by FREE, the Fathers' Rights and Equality Exchange KE: Fathers' Rights Human Rights ____________________ 0595 LN: HRS-L@BINGVMB TI: Human Rights Systematic Studies. A discussion list for scholars interested in the scientific study of human rights. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BINGVMB (Internet) LISTSERV@BINGVMB.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: David Cingranelli (Bitnet) BG29762@BINGVMB (Internet) BG29762@BINGVMB.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU IA: KE: Human Rights Scientific Study ____________________ 0596 LN: NATIVE-L@TAMVM1 TI: General information exchange about the indigenous peoples of the world. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Gary S. Trujillo (Internet) GST@GNOSYS.SVLE.MA.US IA: KE: Indigenous Peoples Ethnology ____________________ 0597 LN: NATCHAT@TAMVM1 TI: Discussion about the indigenous peoples of the world. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU ED: Yes AR: No MO: Gary S. Trujillo (Internet) GST@GNOSYS.SVLE.MA.US IA: KE: Indigenous Peoples Ethnology ____________________ 0598 LN: NAT-1492@TAMVM1 TI: Discussion about the Columbus Quincentenary. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Gary S. Trujillo (Internet) GST@GNOSYS.SVLE.MA.US IA: KE: Indigenous Peoples Ethnology ____________________ 0599 LN: PCORPS-L TI: For current, returned, and potential volunteers to discuss the "Peace Corps experience" and related subjects of interest to volunteers serving outside their home country. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@CMUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Elliott Parker (Bitnet) 3ZLUFUR@CMUVM (Internet) 3ZLUFUR@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.ED IA: KE: Peace Corps ____________________ 0600 LN: PJAL@UTXVM TI: The Progressive Jewish Activism List (PJAL@UTXVM) is a forum for organizing and activism-oriented discussion by progressive Jews working for peace and social justice. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Steven Carr (Bitnet) CARR@UTXVM (Internet) RTHR427@EMX.CC.UTEXAS.EDU - Seth Grimes (Internet) SETH.S.G.GRIMES@DCC-SDD.OECD>FR IA: KE: Peace Movements Jewish Social Activism ____________________ 0601 LN: PJML@UTXVM TI: The Progressive Jewish Mailing List (PJML) provides accurate information on a variety of Jewish concerns in ways that inspire us to action, and connects activist Jews and their allies from across the globe. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UTXVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UTXVM.CC.UTEXAS.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Steve Carr (Bitnet) CARR@UTXVM (Internet) RTHR427@EMX.CC.UTEXAS.EDU IA: KE: Jewish Social Activism Peace Movements ____________________ 0602 LN: STOPRAPE@BROWNVM TI: Sexual Assault Activist List connects anti-rape campus activists from all over the country. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: M. Moore Robinson (Bitnet) ST102199@BROWNVM Jenny Fallesen (Bitnet) ST801517@BROWNVM IA: KE: Rape Prevention Student Movements ____________________ 0603 LN: Y-RIGHTS@SJUVM TI: Discussion on the rights of kids and teens. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@SJUVM ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: (Bitnet) DRZ@SJUVM (Internet) KARYPM@SJUVM - Kenneth Udut (Bitnet) KUDUT@HAMPVMS (Internet) KUDUT@HAMP.HAMPSHIRE.EDU IA: KE: Children's Rights Human Rights ____________________ *Sociology and Demography* ____________________ Section Compiler: Gladys Bell (Bitnet) gbell@kentvm (Internet) 0604 LN: ABSLST-L@CMUVM TI: Association of Black Sociologists. Facilitates scholarly exchanges among members of the Association of Black Sociologists and other Black Social Scientists. Exchanges on this list should enhance opportunities for collaborative scholarly work and communications about policy matters among subscribers. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@CMUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Robert G. Newby (Bitnet) 3ZASIB3@CMUVM IA: Association of Black Sociologists KE: Sociology Black African American Social Scientists Association of Black Sociologists Social Sciences ____________________ 0605 LN: ADQ@UQUEBEC TI: Association des demographes du Quebec. Ce repertoire est ouvert a quiconque s'interesse a la recherche en sciences sociales qui se fait au Quebec et/ou sur le Quebec. Plutot qu'a ce repertoire destine aux demographes, vous prefererez peut-etre vous inscrire au repertoire general du RQSS. Regroupement quebecois des sciences sociales. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UQUEBEC ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Pierre J. Hamel (Internet) HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQUEBEC.CA (Bitnet) HAMEL@UQUEBEC IA: KE: Quebec Demography ____________________ 0606 LN: CAACSALF@UQUEBEC TI: Conseil d'administration de l'ACSALF. Seuls peuvent s'inscrire a ce repertoire les membres du conseil d'administration de l'ACSALF - Association canadienne des sociologues et des anthropologues de langue francaise. Par contre, tous les autres repertoires cites ci-dessous acceptent les demandes d'abonnement. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UQUEBEC ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Pierre J. Hamel (Internet) HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQUEBEC.CA (Bitnet) HAMEL@UQUEBEC IA: KE: Sociology Anthropology Canada ____________________ 0607 LN: CAPDU-L@UALTAVM TI: Canadian Association of Public Data Users. The purpose of this E-conference is to facilitate communication among members of the Canadian Association of Public Data Users. Discussions on this E-conference should focus on the promotion of the Association and the advancement of open access to public data. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UALTAVM (Internet) LISTSERV@VM.UCS.UALBERTA.CA ED: No AR: Yes, Yearly MO: (Bitnet) CHUMPHRE@UALTAVM IA: Canadian Association of Public Data Users KE: Canada Sociology Demography Public Data ____________________ 0608 LN: CASID-L@MCGILL1 TI: Canadian Association for the Study of International Development. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MCGILL1 ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Myron Frankman (Internet) INMF@MUSICB.MCGILL.CA IA: KE: Canada Sociology International Development ____________________ 0609 LN: CENSUS-PUBLICATIONS@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: Distribution of details of UK Census research reports and other publications. Some of these documents are available in ASCII format as files, and can be obtained by sending the appropriate command (contact Moderator for details). SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: Census United Kingdom Demographics Research Reports ____________________ 0610 LN: CENSUS-NEWS@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: For items of news about UK census datasets and census research and for circulating details of conferences and workshops relevant to the census community. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: Demographics United Kingdom Research Current Events ____________________ 0611 LN: CENSUS-ANALYSIS@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: Forum for discussing problems and solutions, and exchanging ideas about use of UK census data and related research. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: Demographics United Kingdom Research ____________________ 0612 LN: COMSOC-L@AUVM TI: Computers and Society Digest. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@AUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU ED: Yes AR: No MO: Greg Walsh (Internet) SOCICOM@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU - Jim McIntosh (Internet) JIM@AUVM IA: KE: Computers Sociology ____________________ 0613 LN: DISASTER RESEARCH TI: DISASTER RESEARCH is a moderated newsletter for creators and users of hazards research information. Queries, conversations, and contributions are encouraged. Items received will be posted unless otherwise indicated. Send messages to: David Butler, Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center Institute of Behavioral, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0482, USA, Telephone: (303) 492-6818, Fax: (303) 492-2151 (Internet) (Do NOT send messages to: hazards- SU: (Internet) HAZARDS@VAXF.COLORADO.EDU ED: Yes AR: For back issues of Disaster Research, send one of the following commands to: SEND [HAZARDS]INDEX.LIST for a list of available DR issues SEND [HAZARDS]DR##.TXT for a specific back issue - substitute the number of the issue you want (01 - 97) for the ## in the command MO: David Butler (Internet) HAZARDS@VAXF.COLORADO.EDU IA: Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center Institute of Behavioral Science KE: Disaster Research Hazards Research ____________________ 0614 LN: METHO@UQUEBEC TI: Methodologie quantitative, sciences sociales. Groupe francophone d'echange et de discussion sur les methodes quantitatives utilisees en sciences sociales. Regroupement quebecois des sciences sociales. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UQUEBEC ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Simon Langlois (Bitnet) LANGLOIS@LAVALVM1 - Benoit Laplante (Internet) LAPLANTE@INRS-URV.UQUEBEC.CA (Bitnet) LAPLANT@UQUEBEC IA: KE: Social Sciences Quantitative Methods French Language ____________________ 0615 LN: OR-L@UALTAVM TI: An informal e-conference for Official Representatives of the ICPSR. The purpose of this e-conference is to provide an informal forum where Official Representatives can share ideas and exchange information. OR'S are especially invited to discuss experiences they have encountered while serving as the local ICPSR contact at their institution. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: No AR: Yes, Yearly MO: Chuck Humphrey (Bitnet) CHUMPHRE@UALTAVM IA: KE: ICPSR Demography ____________________ 0616 LN: POR@UNC.EDU TI: Public Opinion Research Discussion is an open, unmoderated discussion list for academics and professionals interested in public opinion research. This list appeals to researchers currently conducting survey research projects as well as to educators familiar with the public opinion literature. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@UNC.EDU ED: No AR: MO: Jim Cassell (Internet) Jim_Cassell@UNC.EDU IA: KE: ____________________ 0617 LN: Q-METHOD@KENTVM TI: Discussion of all aspects of Q methodology as innovated and developed by the late William Stephenson (1902-1989). Q methodology is a broad approach to the study of subjectivity, and includes issues of theory, conceptualization, measurement, and analysis. Topics for discussion may therefore range from the Q-sort technique to Q factor analysis to broader concerns about the nature of subjectivity. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@KENTVM (Internet) LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Steven R. Brown (Bitnet) SBROWN@KENTVM (Internet) SBROWN@KENTVM.KENT.EDU IA: KE: Q Methodology Sociology Stephenson, William Subjectivity ____________________ 0618 LN: RQSS@UQUEBEC TI: An e-conference for social scientists interested in research in Quebec or about Quebec, called "Regroupement quebecois des sciences sociales". Dominant language is French. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UQUEBEC (Internet) LISTSERV@INRS- URB.UQUEBEC.CA ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Pierre J. Hamel (Bitnet) HAMEL@UQUEBEC (Internet) HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQUEBEC.CA IA: KE: Quebec Social Scientists Sociology Social Science ____________________ 0619 LN: SOCETH-L@USCVM TI: Social Ethics. A forum for interdisciplinary approaches to Social Ethnics. Topics of discussion include: major traditions of ethical thought, values and moral norms in culture, the construction of moral and ethical meaning, modern moral issues, professional ethics, and public policy. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@USCVM (Internet) LISTSERV@SUVM.SYR.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Aditi Gowri (Internet) GOWRI@USC.EDU - David Edward Armstrong (Internet) IA: KE: Social Ethics Public Policy ____________________ 0620 LN: SOCORG-K@UTORONTO TI: Social Organization of Knowledge Discussion. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UTORONTO (Internet) LISTSERV@VM.UTCC.UTORONTO.CA ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: Dr. Alison Griffith (Bitnet) AIGEL@UNO (Internet) AIGEL@CANAL.CRC.UNO.EDU IA: KE: Knowledge Social Organization Sociology ____________________ 0621 LN: SOCWORK@UMAB TI: Social Work E-conference. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UMAB (Internet) LISTSERV@UMAB.UMD.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Harry Chaiklin (Bitnet) INMATE@UMAB IA: KE: Social Work ____________________ 0622 LN: SOS-DATA@UNC.EDU TI: Social Science Data Discussion List. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@UNC.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jim Cassell (Internet) CASSELL@UNC.EDU - Dave Sheaves (Bitnet) UIRDSS@UNCVM1 - Doug Cutler (Bitnet) UNCDWC@UNCVM1 IA: KE: Social Science Demography Statistics ____________________ 0623 LN: STARDATA@HASARA11 TI: Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Databestanden. De lijst is bedoeld voor eenieder die interesse heeft in het gebruik van databestanden in sociaal- wetenschappelijk onderzoek. De lijst biedt ruimte aan vragen en informatie over databestanden, waaronder - de bestanden van het Steinmetzarchief - de bestanden van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek - bestanden uit buitenlandse data-archieven. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@HASARA11 ED: Yes AR: Yes, Separate MO: Paul de Guchteneire (Bitnet) A9530005@HASARA11 Steinmetzarchief (Bitnet) A953STAR@HASARA11 IA: KE: Social Sciences Statistics ____________________ *Theater, Film and Television* ____________________ Section Compiler: Kara Robinson (Bitnet) krobinso@kentvm (Internet) 0624 LN: CINEMA-L@AUVM TI: This e-conference is dedicated to the discussion of all forms of cinema, in all its aspects. Its founding is based on the understanding that most people who watch and enjoy movies do so from a variety of viewpoints, and that a general, unlimited forum is desirable for both the integration and expansion of cinematic ideas, techniques, and understanding. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@AUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@AUVM.AUVM.EDU (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.CINEMA-L ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Mike Karolchik (Bitnet) MIKE@WVNVM IA: KE: Cinema Film Film Criticism ____________________ 0625 LN: CJMOVIES@ALBNYVM1 TI: Designed to serve the Criminal Justice community by providing film reviews, the purpose of which is to give Criminal Justice educators an opportunity to utilize popular culture as pedagogical tool. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@ALBANY.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Sean Anderson (Bitnet) SA1171@ALBNYVM1 - Graeme Newman (Bitnet) SUNYCJR@ALBNYVM1 - Greg Ungar (Bitnet) GU8810@ALBYNVM1 IA: KE: Criminal Justice - Movies - Popular Culture ____________________ 0626 LN: FILM-L@VMTECMEX TI: E-conference to serve as a crossroad of different points of view about cinema: the film as art, entertainment, business, or communications media. Also serves as a source for help for amateur film makers on any format. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@VMTECMEX (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.FILM-L. ED: AR: MO: Alejandro Kurczyn S. (Bitnet) 499229@VMTECMEX (Internet) 499229%VMTECMEX.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU IA: KE: Cinema - Film-making - Film Criticism ____________________ 0627 LN: FILMMAKERS@GRISSOM.LARC.NASA.GOV TI: Filmmakers deals with all aspects of motion picture production, with an emphasis on technical issues. Heavily stressed are construction and design issues for those working on tight budgets. It should be emphasized that the subject is film, and not video. SU: (Internet) FILMMAKERS-REQUEST@GRISSOM.LARC.NASA.GOV ED: No AR: No MO: Scott Dorsey (Internet) FILMMAKERS- REQUEST@GRISSOM.LARC.NASA.GOV IA: KE: Film-making Cinema Film Production ____________________ 0628 LN: PERFORM@IUBVM TI: Medieval Performing Arts. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@IUBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Clifford Flanigan (Bitnet) FLANIGAN@IUBVM - Jesse Hurlbut (Internet) FREJDH@UKCC.UKY.EDU IA: KE: Medieval Theater Music Performance ____________________ 0629 LN: PERFORM-L@ACFCLUSTSER.NYU.EDU TI: PERFORM-L is concerned with facilitating the exchange of ideas, etc, regarding "performing" in the broad sense. This discussion trades on theory, criticism, metaphysics, as well as down-to-earth performance observations and questions. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@ACFCLUSTER.NYU.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Sharon Mazer (Internet) MAZERS@ACFCLUSTER.NYU.EDU IA: KE: Performance Theory Performance Criticism ____________________ 0630 LN: REED-L@UTORONTO TI: Records of Early English Drama Discussion. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UTORONTO (Internet) LISTSERV@VM.UTCC.UTORONTO.CA ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Dr. Abigail Young (Internet) REED@EPAS.UTORONTO.CA IA: KE: Theater Drama Theater History English Drama ____________________ 0631 LN: SCREEN-L@UA1VM TI: E-conference for all who study, teach, theorize about or research film and television--mostly in an academic setting, but not necessarily so. SCREEN-L ranges from the abstract (post- post-structuralist theory) to the concrete (roommate match-ups for the next SCS/UFVA conference). Pedagogical, historical, theoretical, and production issues pertaining to film and TV studies are welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UA1VM (Internet) LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jeremy Butler (Bitnet) JBUTLER@UA1VM (Internet) JBUTLER@UA1VM.UA.EDU IA: KE: Television Research Cinema ____________________ 0632 LN: THEATRE@GREARN TI: The purpose of this e-conference is to offer all people who are or want to be involved with theatre as a hobby a way to communicate and share ideas and experiences. SU: (EARN) LISTSERV@GREARN ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Theodore J. Soldatos (EARN) THEODORE@GREARN (Internet) THEODORE@KNOSOS.CC.UCH.GR IA: KE: Theater ____________________ 0633 LN: TV-L@TREARN TI: E-conference on all kinds of TV programs. SU: (EARN) LISTSERV@TREARN ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Esra Delen (EARN) POSTMAST@TREARN IA: KE: Television Sitcoms - Movies - Popular Culture ____________________ 0634 LN: VIDPRO-L@BGU.EDU TI: For individuals interested in all aspects of video production and operations. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ECNUXA (Internet) LISTSERV@BGU.EDU ED: No AR: Yes MO: P. Gordon Sroufe (Bitnet) CFPGS1@ECNUXA (Internet) CFPGS1@UXA.ECN.BGU.EDU IA: KE: Video Production - Video Techniques ____________________ *Urban Planning* ____________________ Section Compiler: Leslie Haas (Bitnet) lhaas@kentvm (Internet) 0635 LN: URBAN-L@TREARN TI: E-conference for information exchange, ideas, etc, on the science of Urban Planning. SU: (EARN) LISTSERV@TREARN ED: No AR: Yes, Annual MO: Turgut Kalfaoglu (Bitnet) POSTMAST@TREARN IA: KE: Business Urban Planning ____________________ *Women's Studies/Gender Studies* ____________________ Section Compiler: Diane Kovacs (Bitnet) dkovacs@kentvm (Internet) 0636 LN: EDUCOM-W@BITNIC TI: Technology and Education Issues of Interest to Women facilitates discussion of issues in technology and education that are of interest to women. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BITNIC (Internet) LISTSERV@BITNIC.EDUCOM.EDU ED: Yes AR: No MO: Betty Johnson (Bitnet) BETTYJ@MAINE Eloise Kleban (Bitnet) ELOISE@MAINE Pat Huylsey (Bitnet) HAP@OKCU Diane Kovacs (Bitnet) DKOVACS@KENTVM (Internet) DKOVACS@KENTVM.KENT.EDU IA: KE: Women and Technology Women's Studies ____________________ 0637 LN: FEMINIST@MITVMA LN: FEMINIST addresses sexism in libraries and librarianship. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MITVMA (Internet) LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Sherre Dryden (Bitnet) DRYDENSH@VUCTRVAX (Internet) DRYDENSH@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU 615-343-6043 Theresa A. Tobin (Internet) TAT@ATHENA.MIT.EDU IA: Feminist Task Force of the American Library Association. KE: Sexism Libraries Women in Librarianship ____________________ 0638 LN: FEMISA@MACH1.WLU.CA TI: FEMISA is a discussion list for those who are interested in the connections between feminism, gender or women and international relations, global political economy or world politics. FEMISA is also a network for the Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Section of the International Studies Association. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@MACH1.WLU.CA ED: No AR: Yes, anonymous ftp to MO: Deborah Stienstra (Internet) IA: KE: Women's Studies Gender Studies ____________________ 0639 LN: FEMREL-L@UMCVMB TI: FEMREL-L is an open discussion and resource list concerning women & religion and feminist theology. Our goal is open, stimulating discussion of any and all issues pertaining to these topics. All religions, creeds, beliefs, opinions, etc, are welcome, although we do ask that participants respect differences. SU: LISTSERV@UMCVMB via mail ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Cathy Quick (Bitnet) c497487@UMCVMB - Bonnie Vegiard (Bitnet) c421536@UMCVMB IA: KE: Women and Religion - Feminism Feminist Theology ____________________ 0640 LN: GENDER@RPITSVM LN: Gender is an academic list discussing issues pertaining to the study of communication and gender. SU: (Bitnet) COMSERVE@RPITSVM (Internet) COMSERVE@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU ED: Yes AR: No MO: Comserve Staff (Bitnet) Support@RPITSVM (Internet) Support@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU IA: Comserve, a free electronic information and discussion service for communication students, faculty and professionals. KE: Gender and Communications ____________________ 0641 LN: MAIL-MEN@USL.COM LN: MAIN-MEN discusses men's issues, intending to create an atmosphere of openess and understanding for discussions about being male. SU: (Internet) MAIL-MEN-REQUEST@USL.COM ED: Yes AR: Yes, Private MO: Marcel-Franck Simon (Internet) MINGUS@ATTUNIX.ATT.COM IA: KE: Men's Issues ____________________ 0642 LN: WIML-L@IUBVM LN: Women's issues in music librarianship SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@IUBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU ED: Yes AR: No MO: Laura Gayle Green (Bitnet) LGREEN@IUBVM IA: KE: Women in Music Librarianship ____________________ 0643 LN: WMST-L@UMDD LN: Intended primarily to serve the academic and professional needs of people involved with women's studies as teachers, researchers, and program administrators. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UMDD (Internet) LISTSERVL@UMDD.UMD.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Joan Korenman (Bitnet) KORENMAN@UMBC (Internet) KORENMAN@UMBC2.UMBC.EDU IA: KE: Women's Studies Gender Studies ____________________ 0644 LN: SOC.WOMEN TI: Women's Studies Usenet Newsgroups SU: Since methods of accessing Usenet newsgroups vary from system to system, the best thing would be to ask your system manager. ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Women's Studies Gender Studies Feminism ____________________ 0645 LN: SOC.MEN TI: Men's Studies Usenet Newsgroups SU: Since methods of accessing Usenet newsgroups vary from system to system, the best thing would be to ask your system manager. ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Men's Studies Gender Studies ____________________ 0646 LN: SOC.FEMINISM TI: Women's Studies Usenet Newsgroups SU: Since methods of accessing Usenet newsgroups vary from system to system, the best thing would be to ask your system manager. ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Women's Studies Gender Studies Feminism ____________________ 0647 LN: SOC.GENDER-ISSUES TI: Gender Studies Usenet Newsgroups SU: Since methods of accessing Usenet newsgroups vary from system to system, the best thing would be to ask your system manager. ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Women's Studies Gender Studies Feminism ____________________ 0648 LN: WON (Women Online) TI: An electronic political group for women, the Women's Online Network (WON) will distribute information, aid in the coordination of useful political action, and provide a forum for devloping strategies to improve the position of women in our society. Carmela M. Federico and Stacy M. Horn founded WON in January 1992. It is based in New York City on ECHO, Ms. Horn's public BBS...Groups have already used WON to distribute information about silicone breast implants and to coordinate efforts to prevent the re-election of Congresspeople who voted to confirm Judge Thomas. SU: To join WON, members will contact the co-founders at (212)255-3839 (voice), (212) 989-8411 (ECHO) or via email to either: or Membership entails a yearly fee of $20, negotiable if necessary. ED: AR: MO: Beth Edberg (Bitnet) EDBERG@NYUacf (Internet) IA: KE: Women's Studies Feminism Women's Health ____________________ *Writing* ____________________ Section Compiler: Diane Kovacs (Bitnet) dkovacs@kentvm (Internet) 0649 LN: COMPOS01@ULKYVX TI: The Composition Digest is a moderated weekly newsgroup for the study of computers and writing, specifically writing instruction in computer based classrooms. It is intended to be a forum for writing professionals (those who must use computers for their writing) and computing professionals (those who design the hardware and software that writers depend upon) to meet and discuss issues relevant to both fields, but notes are also welcome from novice computer writers. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ULKYVX ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Composition Writing Instruction ____________________ 0650 LN: CREWRT-L@MIZZOU1 TI: Creative Writing Pedagogy for Teachers and Students is a place to discuss how and why creative writing is being taught at colleges and universities, including the role it plays in the curriculum, the history of creative writing programs, the shape and flavor of creative writing courses, and the influence it has or should have on students' lives. Any teacher who has ever taught a creative writing course (poetry or fiction) and any student who has ever taken such a course should feel welcome to participate. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Eric Crump (Bitnet) LCERIC@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LCERIC@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU IA: KE: Creative Writing ____________________ 0651 LN: CW-L@TTUVM1 TI: Computers and writing discussion SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TTUVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TTUVM1.TTU.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Fred Kemp (Bitnet) ykfok@ttacs (Internet) IA: KE: Writing and Computers ____________________ 0652 LN: DARGON-L@NCSUVM TI: Dargon Project Writers Forum is the forum for writers involved in the Dargon Project. This is a closed e- conference, open only to Dargon Project writers. If you are interested in writing for the Dargon Project, forward your request to Dafydd at the userid WHITE@DUVM. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@NCSUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@NCSUVM.CC.NCSU.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Dafydd, Dargon Project Director (Bitnet) white@duvm IA: Dargon Writers Project KE: Writers ____________________ 0653 LN: DTP-L@YALEVM TI: Desktop Publishing Digest is for the exchange of information on desktop publishing in general, and on the subtleties and complexities of specific programs, including, but not limited to, Quark Xpress, Aldus PageMaker and FreeHand, Adobe Illustrator, Ventura Publisher, Framemaker, Interleaf, and Fontographer. Please note that these would not be system level discussions they would deal more at the user- level. Also, technical discussions of PostScript for its own sake (and not how it related to these programs) would be covered in the PostScript forums and digests. Send submissions to the owners SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@YALEVM (Internet) LISTSERV@YALEVM.YCC.YALE.EDU ED: AR: MO: Jeff Wasilko (Internet) Glenn Fleishman (Internet) Glenn_Fleishman@yccatsmtp.ycc.yale.EDU IA: KE: Desktop Publishing Electronic Publishing ____________________ 0654 LN: FICTION@PSUVM TI: Fiction Writers Workshop gives people interested in writing fiction professionally a support group of peers for where information can be shared and discussions of the task of writing can be carried on, creates an environment where Works In Progress can be passed around and criticized so that the author can find the weak spots and polish the manuscript into a sellable work. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@PSUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU ED: ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Chris Conn (Internet) IA: KE: Fiction Writers Writing Writers ____________________ 0655 LN: MBU-L@TTUVM1 TI: Megabyte University. MBU is an e-conference devoted to discussion of computers and composition in particular, and more generally to theoretical issues in writing instruction and the application of technology to the writing classroom. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TTUVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TTUVM1.TTU.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Fred Kemp (Bitnet) ykfok@ttacs (Internet) IA: KE: Writing and Computers Composition ____________________ 0656 LN: PURTOPOI@PURCCVM TI: Purdue Rhetoric, Professional Writing, and Language Discussion Group is a scholarly forum for the discussion of current issues or "topoi" in the fields of rhetoric and composition, professional writing, and language research. While the e-conference began as an e-conference for Purdue only, it became so popular that it has been opened up for general subscriptions. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Tharon Howard (Bitnet) XUCC@PURCCVM (Internet) - Pat Sullivan (Internet) IA: KE: Rhetoric Writing ____________________ 0657 LN: RHETORIC@RPITSVM TI: Rhetoric, social movements, persuasion SU: (Bitnet) COMSERVE@RPITSVM (Internet) COMSERVE@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.RHETORIC ED: No AR: No MO: Comserve Staff (Bitnet) Support@RPITSVM (Internet) Support@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU IA: Comserve, a free electronic information and discussion service for communication students, faculty and professionals. KE: Rhetoric Expository Writing ____________________ 0658 LN: SCRNWRIT@TAMVM1 TI: Screen Writing Discussion. SCRNWRIT is a discussion of the joy and challenge of screenwriting for film and TV. Any topic of interest to writers or potential writers is appropriate (i.e., format, story ideas, dialogue, characters, agents, producers, directors, actors, studios, problems and/or solutions). SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jack Stanley (Bitnet) JRS4284@PANAM IA: KE: Screen writing ____________________ 0659 LN: TECHWR-L@OSUVM1 TI: For technical communicators and related issues. Anything related to any facet of technical communication (practice, research, teaching) is appropriate. Some possible topics or questions could include: * How do you handle uncooperative engineers or programmers? * What do others do about making technical writing a priority in their companies? * I am researching user documentation (vendor-ware) and would like to contact anyone who has written after-market documentation for any platform... SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@OSUVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.UCC.OKSTATE.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Eric J. Ray (Internet) IA: KE: Writing Writers Technical Writing ____________________ 0660 LN: WORKS-L@NDSUVM1 TI: WORKS-L is a sub-group of WRITERS that is used to share longer works. No conversation or discussion is permitted on this e-conference, but is forwarded automatically back to Writers. SU: LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 LISTSERV@VM1>NODAK.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Separate, Private MO: Pat Carey (Bitnet) carey@ndsuvm1 (Internet) IA: KE: Writers Writing ____________________ 0661 LN: WRITERS@NDSUVM1 TI: Online discussion group for professional writers and those who aspire to be writers. Discussions center around the art, craft, and business of writing, and keep members informed about new and varied opportunities for writers. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Pat Corey (Internet) COREY@PLAINS.NODAK.EDU - Sandy Sprofka (Bitnet) NU020746@NDSUVM1 IA: KE: Writing Writers ____________________ 0662 LN: WWP-L@BROWNVM TI: Brown University Women Writer's Project SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Separate, Private MO: Elaine Brennan (Bitnet) elaine@brownvm (Internet) IA: KE: Writing Women Writers