Copyright 1993 by Diane K. Kovacs, The Directory Team and Kent State University Libraries. Single copies of this directory from its networked sources, or of specific entries from their networked sources, may be made for internal purposes, personal use, or study by an individual, an individual library, or an educational or research institution. The directory or its contents may not be otherwise reproduced or republished in excerpt or entirety, in print or electronic form, without permission from Diane K. Kovacs, Kent State University Libraries. ACADLIST.FILE3 *Linguistics-Political Science* ____________________ *Linguistics and Text Analysis* ____________________ Section Compiler: Diane Kovacs (Bitnet) dkovacs@kentvm (Internet) 0398 LN: AIBI-L@UOTTAWA TI: AIBI-L is an on-going forum and meeting place for AIBI members and others who wish to join the discussion of issues related to the computerised-analysis of Biblical and related texts. Of particular interest will be a discussion of a new edition of the Biblia Hebraica, incorporating insights from computer-based analysis. The language of exchange will be English. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UOTTAWA (Internet) LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: Gregory Bloomquist (Bitnet) GBLOOMQ@UOTTAWA (Internet) GBLOOMQ@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA IA: KE: Bible and Computers Bible Biblical Texts ____________________ 0399 LN: CONTEX-L@UOTTAWA TI: CONTEX-L is for all who are interested in the cross- disciplinary analysis of ancient texts. This e-conference provides a forum for the scholarly, informal and polite discussion of the social worlds behind and within the texts of antiquity, including those of the Hebrew bible, early Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism and all the literature associated with the Graeco-Roman world. Any discussion which involves cross (inter/multi) disciplinary modeling and analysis and attempts to move beyond intuitive historical criticism is considered valid. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UOTTAWA (Internet) LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Michael Strangelove (Internet) 441495@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA (Bitnet) 441495@UOTTAWA IA: KE: Ancient Texts Textual Analysis ____________________ 0400 LN: CORPORA@X400.HD.UIB.No TI: Open for information and questions about text corpora such as availability, aspects of compiling and using corpora, software, tagging, parsing, bibliography, etc. SU: (Internet) CORPORA-REQUEST@X400.HD.UIB.No ED: AR: MO: Knut Hofland (Internet) IA: Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, Harald Haarfagres gt. 31, N-5007 Bergen, Norway KE: Corpora Text Processing Parsing Bibliography ____________________ 0401 LN: EDMAC@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: A discussion about the development of a TeX macro package for the formatting of critical editions. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: Critical Editions ____________________ 0402 LN: ELLHNIKA@DHDURZ1 TI: Greek TeX. Languages of the e-conference are English and Greek (Modern please!!) It would be appreciated if you use Silvio Levy's transliteration for Greek, as long as No other transliteration has been fixed. If you have to use a different one, please precise the correspondences at top of the message. The e-conference is intended for linguists of any origin having to typeset ancient Greek, as well as for people using Greek as their everyday's language. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@DHDURZ1 ED: Yes AR: MO: Yannis Haralambous (Bitnet) YANNIS@FRCITL81 IA: KE: Modern Greek Literature Modern Greek Linguistics ____________________ 0403 LN: GUTNBERG@UIUCVMD TI: Machine Readable Texts E-conference SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UIUCVMD (Internet) LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Michael Hart (Internet) HART@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU IA: KE: Electronic Texts ____________________ 0404 LN: LINGUIST@TAMVM1 TI: An e-conference which will serve as a place of discussion for those issues which concern the academic discipline of linguistics and related fields. The e-conference is international in orientation, and hopes to provide a forum for the community of linguists as they exist in different countries. There is no areal, ideological or theoretical bent, and discussion of any linguistic subfield are welcomed. For information about a Linguists nameserver contact Norval Smith (Internet) LINGUIST-REQUEST@UNIWA.UWA.OZ.AU. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Anthony Aristar (Internet) - Helen Dry (Internet) IA: KE: Linguistics Linguists ____________________ 0405 LN: LN@FRMOP11 TI: Computational Linguistics. Le bulletin electronique LN a pour LN is an international e-conference but de favoriser la circulation for computational linguists. d'informations a travers la commu- Its goal is to naute "Informatique Linguistique"... discussions sur des French-speaking, but many items sujets techniques, etc. Le bulle- are circulated in English. SU: (EARN) LISTSERV@FRMOP11 (Internet) LISTSERV@FRMOP11.CNUSC.FR ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jean Veronis (Bitnet) VERONIS@VASSAR - Pierre Zweigenbaum (Bitnet) ZWEIG@FRSIM51 IA: KE: Linguistics Computational Linguistics ____________________ 0406 LN: MEDTEXTL@UIUCVMD TI: Medieval Text - Philology, Codicology, and Text Analysis. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UIUCVMD (Internet) LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: James Marchand (Internet) marchand@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU - Gerhard Obenaus (Internet) gobenaus@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU IA: KE: Medieval Texts Medieval Philology ____________________ 0407 LN: MULTI-L@BARILVM TI: MULTI-L provides for the exchange of information, news, and opinions about all aspects of minority language education. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BARILVM ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Bernard Spolsky (Bitnet) F24030@BARILVM IA: Scientific Commission on Language and Education in Multilingual Settings of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) KE: Minority Language Multilingual Linguistics ____________________ 0408 LN: NOTABENE@TAUNIVM TI: News and information exchange for Nota Bene users SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TAUNIVM (Internet) LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Itamar Even-Zohar (Bitnet) B10@TAUNIVM - David Sitman (Bitnet) A79@TAUNIVM IA: KE: Nota Bene ____________________ 0409 LN: SCHOLAR@CUNYVM TI: SCHOLAR is concerned with all aspects of natural language processing, including the editing of historical texts. My feeling is that much of what is going on among historians and literary scholars would be of reciprocal interest and mutual benefit and I intend that SCHOLAR will contribute to that interaction. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@CUNYVM (Internet) LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Joseph Raben (Bitnet) JQRQC@CUNYVM IA: KE: Natural Language Textual Analysis ____________________ 0410 LN: SGML@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: For discussion, news and reviews of SGML (the Standard Generalized Markup Language defined in ISO 887:186) and all related Standards, products and services -- including the work of the ISC-funded SGML Project. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: KE: SGML Text Standards ____________________ 0411 LN: SGML-MATH@MATH.AMS.ORG and SGML-TABLE@MATH.AMS.ORG TI: These e-conferences are devoted to important aspects of SGML that have an impact on publishing in the mathematical sciences. SU: (Internet) POSTMASTER@MATH.AMS.ORG ED: AR: MO: (Internet) POSTMASTER@MATH.AMS.ORG IA: KE: SGML Mathematical Texts ____________________ 0412 LN: TEI-ANA@UICVM TI: Text Encoding Initiative Text Analysis SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UICVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Terry Langendoen (Bitnet) LANGENDT@ARIZVM1 IA: KE: Text Encoding Initiative Text Analysis ____________________ 0413 LN: TEI-L@UICVM TI: Text Encoding Initiative public e-conference SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UICVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Bitnet) V35395@UICVM (Internet) LOV@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK IA: KE: Text Encoding Initiative ____________________ 0414 LN: TEI-META@UICVM TI: Text Encoding Initiative - Metalanguage Committee SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UICVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Bitnet) V35395@UICVM (Internet) BARNARD@QUCIS.QUEENU.CA IA: KE: Text Encoding Initiative Metalanguage ____________________ 0415 LN: TEI-REP@UICVM TI: Text Encoding Initiative - Text Representation SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UICVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Terry Langendoen (Bitnet) LANGEND@ARIZVM1 IA: KE: Text Encoding Initiative ____________________ 0416 LN: TEXTCRIT@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK TI: The TEI Working Group on Textual Criticism is responsible for the preparation of the section relating to Textual Criticism to appear in the final report of the Text Encoding Initiative, due for publication in June 1992. The working group consists at the moment of Robin Cover (formerly of the Dallas Theological Seminary), Bob Kraft (Pennsylvania), Peter Shillingsburg (Mississippi) and myself, Peter Robinson (Oxford) I am the group chair. Other members will be appointed to the group later. The group will be reviewing the recommendations concerning encoding of Critical Apparatus offered in Version 1.1 of the "The Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of Machine-Readable Texts", published in October 1990, reprinted Jun 1991 (Section 5.10, pages 108-22). SU: (Internet) TEXTCRIT@VAX.OX.AC.UK ED: AR: MO: Peter Robinson (Internet) TEXTCRIT@UK.AC.OX.VAX (Internet) TEXTCRIT@VAX.OX.AC.UK IA: The Computers and Manuscripts Project, Oxford University Computing Service KE: Textual Criticism ____________________ 0417 LN: TOLKLANG@LFCS.ED.AC.UK TI: Discussions of the linguistic aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien's works. This covers everything from Elvish vocabulary and grammar to his use of Old English. SU: (Internet) TOLKLANG-REQUEST@LFCS.ED.AC.UK ED: Yes AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to FTP.DCS.ED.AC.UK MO: Julian Bradfield (Internet) JCB@DCS.ED.AC.UK IA: KE: Tolkien, J.R.R. Elvish Language ____________________ *Literature* ____________________ Section Compiler: Diane Kovacs (Bitnet) dkovacs@kentvm (Internet) 0418 LN: AMLIT-L@MIZZOU1 TI: The American Literature Discussion has been created for the discussion of topics and issues in field of American Literature. Consultations, conferences, and an ongoing exchange of information among scholars and students of American Literature can be expected on this list. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Michael O'Conner (Bitnet) ENGMO@MIZZOU1 (Internet) ENGMO@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU IA: KE: American Literature ____________________ 0419 LN: AUSTEN-L@MCGILL1 TI: A moderated digest for readers of Jane Austen. If you enjoy Jane Austen's novels and those of her contemporaries, such as Fanny Burney, Maria Edgeworth and Mary Wollstonecraft, you might want to exchange views with others on any aspect of her work and her time. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MCGILL1 ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Dr. Jacqueline Reid-Walsh (Bitnet) MICHAEL@VM1.MCGILL.CA IA: KE: Austen, Jane Women Writers British Literature ____________________ 0420 LN: BALZAC-L@CC.MONTREAL.CA TI: devoted to French Studies, specifically French literature but also francophone subjects. SU: (Internet) BALZAC-L-REQUEST@CC.MONTREAL.CA ED: No AR: No MO: Christian Allegre (Internet) - Michel Pierssens (Internet) IA: KE: French Literature French Studies ____________________ 0421 LN: CAMELOT@CASTLE.ED.AC.UK TI: Covers the mythology and history surrounding King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Grail -- commonly known as the Matter of Britain. All related subjects are discussed, including re-enactment, literature, linguistics, archaeology and mysticism. SU: (Internet) CAMELOT-REQUEST@CASTLE.ED.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, irregularly, available via anonymous ftp to ( cd pub/camelot MO: Chris Thornborrow (Internet) CT@CASTLE.EDINBURGH.AC.UK IA: KE: Arthur, King Holy Grail - Arthurian Mythology ____________________ 0422 LN: CHICLE@UNMVMA TI: Chicano literature discussion group. SU: (Bitnet) CHICLE@UNMVM (Internet) CHICLE@UNMVMA.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Teresa Marquez (Bitnet) TMARQUEZ@UNMB IA: KE: Chicano Literature ____________________ 0423 LN: CHPOEM-L@UBVM TI: CHPOEM-L is devoted to sharing and discussing Chinese poems. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: XiaoFei Wang (Bitnet) V118RAGA@UBVMS (Internet) XIAOFEI@EINSTEIN.PHYSICS.BUFFALO.EDU IA: KE: Chinese Poetry ____________________ 0424 LN: CHAUCER@VTVM1 TI: Medieval English Literature is an open-forum for Medieval English Literature. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@VTVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Dan Mosser (Bitnet) MOSSERD@VTVM1 IA: KE: Chaucer, Geoffrey Medieval English Literature ____________________ 0425 LN: CHAUCERNET@UNLINFO.UNL.EDU TI: Chaucernet is devoted to Chaucer and Middle English language and culture 1100-1500. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@UNLINFO.UNL.EDU ED: AR: MO: Thomas H. Bestul (Bitnet) tbestul@unlvax1 (Internet) IA: New Chaucer Society IA: KE: Geoffrey Chaucer Middle English Language ____________________ 0426 LN: DERRIDA@CFRVM TI: An e-conference devoted to a discussion of Jacques Derrida and deconstruction. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@CFRVM (Internet) LISTSERV@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: David L Erben (Bitnet) DQFACAA@CFRVM (Internet) DQFACAA@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU IA: KE: Jacques Derrida Deconstruction ____________________ 0427 LN: DERYNI-L@MINTIR.NEW-ORLEANS.LA.US TI: For readers and fans of Katherine Kurtz' novels and other works. While primary focus is on the Deryni universe, discussion of Kurtz' other works (the _Adept_ series, for example) is also encouraged. SU: Send an e-mail message to with the following in the body: SUBSCRIBE DERYNI-L. ED: No AR: Yes, Contact the Moderator MO: Edward J. Branley (UUCP) IA: KE: Kurtz, Katherine Literature ____________________ 0428 LN: DOROTHYL@KENTVM TI: Discussion of Mystery Literature. Digested version is also available. SU: LISTSERV@KENTVM (Internet) LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Daily MO: Kara L. Robinson (Bitnet) krobinso@kentvm (Internet) - Joseph P. Brown (Bitnet) browne@uofport - Judith Hopkins (Bitnet) ulcjh@ubvms - Karen Howell (Internet) - Kim Laird (Bitnet) lairdk@etsu Diane Kovacs (Internet) - Roald A. Zellweger (Earn) RZELLWE@DGOGWDG1 IA: KE: Mystery Literature Sayers, Dorothy L. ____________________ 0429 LN: E-POETRY@UBVM TI: Distribution of the interactive literary journal: RIF/T and related exchange (2) collection of any information related to contemporary poetics. | RIF/T provides a forum for poets that are conversant with the media to explore the full potential of a true electronic journal. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Ken Sherwood (Internet) IA: KE: Poetry Poets ____________________ 0430 LN: EROFILE@UCSBUXA TI: Electronic Reviews of French & Italian Literary Essays _EROFILE_ will disseminate a collection of solicited and unsolicited reviews and therefore welcomes submissions from QUALIFIED reviewers. Publishers of scholarly journals in appropriate fields may also wish to consider sending backlogged reviews to _EROFILE_ for early electronic publication. The well-known interdisciplinary journal, SUBSTANCE, has already shown interest in such an arrangement. _EROFILE_ will also provide an open forum for comments on previously published reviews. In this way, we hope to create a on-going dialogue on a variety of issues in the field SU: (Bitnet) EROFILE@UCSBUXA (Internet) EROFILE@UCSBUXA.UCSB.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Charles La Via and Jonathan Walsh (Bitnet) EROFILE@UCSBUXA (Internet) EROFILE@UCSBUXA.UCSB.EDU IA: Department of French & Italian University of California, Santa Barbara KE: Literature Reviews French Literature Italian Literature ____________________ 0431 LN: HOUNDS@BELOIT.EDU TI: The Hounds of the Internet is the first Internet-based scion of the Baker Street Irregulars. We discuss the Watsonian Canon, the tales of the times of Mr. Sherlock Holmes and his friend, Dr. John Watson. We discuss anything and everything relating to the Holmesian world. We currently have about 75 members from five different countries. We discuss one story per week. SU: Contact moderator ED: No AR: Yes MO: Alan Block (Internet) IA: KE: Holmes, Sherlock Literature Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur ____________________ 0432 LN: IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1 TI: IOUDAIOS (Greek for "Jew") is an electronic seminar devoted to the exploration of first-century Judaism its special interest is in the writings of Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus. The Philonic and Josephan corpora are extensive enough that they invite all sorts of analysis -- from literary, historical, and philosophical perspectives, to name a few. There is also considerable interest, among participants, in the social realities that lie behind these texts. Prospective members are warmly welcomed. (The discussion assumes a significant background in first-century Judaism and also the ability to read Greek. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@YORKVM (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.YORKU.CA ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: David Reimer (Internet) DREIMER@VM1.YORKU.CA IA: KE: First-century Judaic Literature ____________________ 0433 LN: ELECTRONIC COLLEGE OF THEORY TI: The Society for Critical Exchange is a member-based organization devoted to promoting collaborative research in literary theory. One of its activities, the Electronic College of Theory, is a SIG and conferencing facility that records information of interest to theorists. SU: Write to Society for Critical Exchange, Guilford House, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH 44106 or send e- mail to asking to join the Society and to participate in the College. The one other step in the latter part is obtaining a userid and password from Cleveland FreeNet. Complete instructions available from the SCE, but the gist is to connect to Freenet by telnet ("freenet-in-" or telephone, 216-368-3888) ED: Yes AR: Yes, Contact the Moderator MO: Gary Stonum (Internet) gxs11@po.CWRU.Edu IA: KE: Literary Theory ____________________ 0434 LN: ENGLMU-L@MIZZOU1 TI: Discussion pertaining to the use of electronic communication in instruction and research of English, writing, and literature. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Yearly MO: Eric Crump (Bitnet) LCERICE@MIZZOU1 - Michael O'Connor (Bitnet) C359452@MIZZOU1 IA: KE: Computer-Mediated Communications and Writing ____________________ 0435 LN: FWAKE-L@IRLEARN TI: A forum for a broad discussion about James Joyce's FINNEGANS WAKE. The James Joyce Institute of Ireland's Finnegans Wake Study Group has been doing their best to get the jokes in Finnegans Wake for the past decade or so. The Study Group thinks it is time for such groups to pool their findings. SU: (EARN) LISTSERV@IRLEARN (Internet) LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: Michael O'Kelly (Internet) MOKELLY@IRLEARN.UCD.IE (Bitnet) MOKELLY@IRLEARN IA: KE: Joyce, James - Finnegans Wake ____________________ 0436 LN: HESSE-L@UCSBVM TI: This international discussion group is devoted to the study of the life and literary works of Hermann Hesse, the Swiss-German Nobel-Prize winner of 1946. The principal languages of the list will be English and German. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UCSBVM ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Gunther Gottschalk (Bitnet) HCF2HESS@UCSBUXA (Internet) GS01GOTT@HUMANITAS.UCSB.EDU IA: KE: Hesse, Hermann ____________________ 0437 LN: HORROR@PACEVM TI: Horror Films and Fiction SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@PACEVM ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Cliff Brenner (Bitnet) VMAN@PACEVM IA: KE: Horror Fiction Horror Films ____________________ 0438 LN: JACK-LONDON@SONOMA.EDU TI: The Jack London network invites participation from those with any special interest in the writings and political activism of this often misunderstood author. It encourages announcements, discussion of pedagogy concerning the teaching of London, sharing of needs and new information, and friendly gossip concerning the lively London underground. SU: (Internet) JACK-LONDON-REQUEST@SONOMA.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Claire Stasz (Internet) STASZ@SONOMA.EDU IA: KE: London, Jack ____________________ 0439 LN: LITERA-L@TECMTYVM TI: A medium for exchanging ideas about literature and related topics, like linguistics, semantics, philology, etc. and moreover, allow users to share their literary creations and receive a constructive criticism of it to improve their writing style. What about your favorite authors or translations of their works? Also, the e-conference, attempts some exchanging between english and spanish literature, Vgr.: common grounds, opinions about authors, works, literary styles....and additionally about translations of english to spanish and viceversa. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TECMTYVM (Internet) LISTSERV@TECMTYVM.MTY.ITESM.MX ED: Yes AR: No MO: Fernando Careaga Sanchez (Internet) PL157961@TECMTYVM.MTY.ITESM.MX (Bitnet) PL157961@TECMTYVM Claudia Puertos Gonzalez (Internet) PL247526TECMTYVM.MTY.ITESM.MX (Bitnet) PL247526@TECMTYVM). IA: KE: Writers Writing ____________________ 0440 LN: LITERARY@UCF1VM TI: E-conference for any lover of literature. Discussions will include favorite authors, favorite works, literary styles, criticisms, etc. (in fact, basically anything you can think of regarding literature, unless postings become too numerous). Postings from scholars as well as interested parties are welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UCF1VM (Internet) LISTSERV@UCF1VM.CC.UCF.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Lois Buwalda (Bitnet) LOIS@UCF1VM IA: KE: Literary Criticism Literature ____________________ 0441 LN: LITSCI-L@UIUCVMD TI: Society for Literature and Science - philosophical, tech, cyber discussion. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UIUCVMD ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Joe Amato (Bitnet) JAMATO@UIUCVMD (Internet) JAMATO@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU IA: KE: Literature and Science ____________________ 0442 LN: MILTON-L@URVAX TI: John Milton E-conference is a moderated electronic digest for scholars, students, and others interested in the life and work of John Milton. As participation grows Milton-L will also serve as a repository for information on the current state of Milton scholarship (proposals and projects, bibliographies, and conferences). SU: (Bitnet) MILTON-REQUEST@URVAX (Internet) MILTON- REQUEST@URVAX.URICH.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, Contact Moderator MO: Kevin J.T. Creamer (Bitnet) CREAMER@URVAX (Internet) IA: KE: Milton, John ____________________ 0443 LN: MODBRITS@KENTVM TI: Modern British and Irish literature (1895-1955). A medium for announcements and bulletins, notes and queries, scholarly papers, and spontaneous, informal conversations on its subject(s). For scholars, teachers, students, and those who share their interests. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@KENTVM (Internet) LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly MO: S. W. Reid (Bitnet) SREID@KENTVM (Internet) SREID@KENTVM.KENT.EDU IA: KE: Modern Irish Literature Modern British Literature ____________________ 0444 LN: NESFAD TI: Nordic Electronic SF Address Directory Distribution publishes e-addresses to fans of science fiction-literature in the Nordic area (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland). SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: Yes AR: Yes, Contact the Moderator MO: Ahrvid Engholm (Internet) - Ben Roimola (Internet) and simply say that you want NESFAD. IA: KE: Science Fiction Literature ____________________ 0445 LN: PYNCHON-L@SFU.CA TI: Discussion of Thomas Pynchon and his works. SU: Contact the Moderator ED: AR: MO: John (Jody) K. Gilbert (Internet) IA: KE: Pynchon, Thomas ____________________ 0446 LN: RRA-L@KENTVM TI: RRA-L is a discussion and idea list for lovers of the Romance genre. RRA-L stands for Romance Readers Anonymous. Suitable subjects for posting are: Announcements of forthcoming books and previews reviews, criticisms, comments, and appreciations of mysteries (books, plays, films) great bookshops awards. Tenets of RRA-L: Everyone is welcome those who wish to adopt the name of a favorite character or author may use that name in the postings the participants WILL have fun. ED: Yes AR: Yes, Weekly SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@KENTVM (Internet) LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU MO: Leslie Haas (Bitnet) LHAAS@KENTVM - Kara Robinson (Bitnet) KROBINSO@KENTVM IA: KE: Romantic Literature ____________________ 0447 LN: SBRHYM-L@SBCCVM TI: SUNY/Stony Brook Literary Underground SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@SBCCVM ED: No AR: Yes, Single, Private MO: Stefanas Maniatis (Bitnet) SMANIATI@SBCCVM IA: KE: Literature ____________________ 0448 LN: SFLOVERS@RUTGERS.EDU TI: Science Fiction lovers. SF-LOVERS has discussed many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of science fiction or fantasy. The topics have ranged very widely from rewritten stories, bad SF movies, and SF conventions to reviews of books, movies and television shows. The range of topics is quite wide and anyone is welcome to submit material on these or other. SU: (Internet) SF-LOVERS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to GANDALF.RUTGERS.EDU cd /u2/ftp/pub/sfl MO: Saul Jaffe (Internet) IA: KE: Science Fiction Literature ____________________ 0449 LN: SHAKSPER@UTORONTO TI: The Global Electronic Shakespeare Conference: SHAKSPER is the international electronic conference for Shakespearean researchers, instructors, students, and those who share their interests and concerns. It currently involves several hundred Shakespeareans from France, Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Israel, Taiwan, Korea, Brazil, Canada, and the United States. Like the national and international Shakespeare Association conferences, SHAKSPER offers announcements and bulletins, scholarly papers, and the formal exchange of ideas -- but SHAKSPER also offers ongoing opportunities for spontaneous informal discussion, eavesdropping, peer review, and a fresh sense of worldwide scholarly community. The SHAKSPER Fileserver offers conference papers and abstracts, an International Directory of Shakespeare Institutes, biographies of conference members, and a variety of announcements and bibliographies. Members of a number of seminars at upcoming Shakespeare Association of America Conferences will find their colleagues ready to share papers, comments, and strategies in advance. Open to all persons interested in Shakespeare. SU: Contact the Moderator ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, Private. MO: Dr. Hardy M. Cook (Internet) IA: KE: Shakespeare, William Shakespeare Literature ____________________ 0450 LN: SUPERGUY@UCF1VM TI: Superguy is a multi-author world of, mainly, superheroes. There are also alternate universes of SFstory, Neo-Generation and others! Readers are welcome and Authors are begged for! SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UCF1VM (Internet) LISTSERV@UCF1VM.CC.UCF.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Tad Simmons (Bitnet) SIMMONS@UCF1VM (Internet) SIMMONS@UCF1VM.CC.UCF.EDU IA: KE: Superheroes Science Fiction Literature ____________________ 0451 LN: TWAIN-L@YORKVM1 TI: The Mark Twain Forum is for persons having a scholarly interest in the life and writings of Mark Twain. Postings may include queries, discussion, conference announcements, calls for papers, information on new publications, or anything else that is related to Mark Twain studies. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@YORKVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.YORKU.CA ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Taylor Roberts (Bitnet) TROBERTS@YORKVM1 (Internet) TROBERTS@VM1.YORKU.CA IA: KE: Twain, Mark ____________________ 0452 LN: TOLKIEN@JHUVM TI: E-conference for J.R.R.Tolkien's books readers SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@JHUVM ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) GANDALF@MALLOCO.ING.PUC.CL IA: KE: Tolkien, J.R.R. ____________________ 0453 LN: TOLKIEN@PUB.VSE.CZ TI: The discussion, held in Czech and Slovak languages only, concerns works of J. R. R. Tolkien, especially their Czech and Slovak translations. SU: (Internet) LISTSERVER@PUB.VSE.CZ or TOLKIEN- ED: No AR: MO: Hynek Med (Internet) IA: KE: Tolkien, J.R.R. ____________________ 0454 LN: WEIRD-L@BROWNVM TI: Mmytacist Mmanufacture. Weird-l is an e-conference devoted, mainly, to bizarre/disturbing/offensive short stories and ramblings, not humor. Subscribers are strongly encouraged to post regularly. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jeremy Bornstein (Bitnet) jeremy@brownvm (Internet) JEREMY@APPLE.COM IA: KE: Bizarre Literature ____________________ *Music* ____________________ Section Compiler: Kara Robinson (Bitnet) krobinso@kentvm (Internet) 0455 LN: 78-L@CORNELL.EDU TI: 78-L is a discussion group devoted to music and recordings of the pre-LP era. The group is open to collectors and lovers of all kinds of music of this era, such as early jazz and blues, big bands, show music, vaudeville, classical, etc., as well as spoken word and other historical recordings. We also welcome discussion of recording history, discography, the collectors' market, and vintage phonographs. The common element is that what we listen to was recorded at (or near) 78 rpm. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@CORNELL.EDU ED: No AR: MO: Doug Elliot (Internet) DE3@CORNELLC.CIT.CORNELL.EDU IA: KE: .78RPM Jazz Blues Music Big Band Music Show Tunes Classical Music ____________________ 0456 LN: ALLMUSIC@AUVM TI: Discusses all forms of music, in all its aspects, from appreciation to performance. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@AUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@AUVM.AUVM.EDU (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.ALLMUSIC ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Mike Karolchik (Bitnet) MIKE@WVNVM (Internet) U6183@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU IA: KE: Music Vocal Music Instrumental Music Popular Music Classical Music ____________________ 0457 LN: BAGPIPE@CS.DARTMOUTH.EDU TI: Any topic related to bagpipes, most generally defined as any instrument where air is forced manually from a bellows or bag through drones and/or over reeds. All manner of Scottish, Irish, English, and other instruments are discussed. SU: (Internet) BAGPIPE-REQUEST@CS.DARTMOUTH.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to CS.DARTMOUTH.EDU MO: Wayne Cripps (Internet) BAGPIPE-REQUEST@CS.DARTMOUTH.EDU IA: KE: Bagpipes Instrumental Music Forced Air Instruments ____________________ 0458 LN: BARBERSHOP@BIGD.CRAY.COM TI: Discussion about barbershop harmony, quartets and choruses and the activities of organizations promoting the barbershop singing such as the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Sweet Adelines and Harmony, Inc. SU: (Internet) BARBERSHOP-REQUEST@BIGD.CRAY.COM ED: No AR: No MO: David Bowen (Internet) BARBERSHOP-REQUEST@BIGD.CRAY.COM IA: KE: Barbershop Quartets A Cappella Music Harmonizing ____________________ 0459 LN: BGRASS-L@UKCC TI: Discusses issues related to the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) and blugrass and old-time music in general SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UKCC (Internet) LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Frank Godbey (Bitnet) UKA016@UKCC (Internet) UKA016@UKCC.UKY.EDU IA: KE: Bluegrass Music IBMA (International Bluegrass Music Association) ____________________ 0460 LN: BLUES-L@BROWNVM TI: Discussion of blues music and its performers, from Blind Blake and Charley Patton to Robert Cray and Stevie Ray Vaughn, as well as related topics people may think up. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Jacob Haller (Bitnet) ST102315@BROWNVM (Internet) ST102315@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU IA: KE: Blues Music ____________________ 0461 LN: BRASS@GEOMAG.GLY.FSU.EDU TI: Forum for people interested in brass musical performance and related topics, especially small musical ensembles of all kinds. SU: (Internet) BRASS-REQUEST@GEOMAG.GLY.FSU.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to GEOMAG.GLY.FSU.EDU MO: Ted Zateslo (Internet) ZATESLO@GEOMAG.GLY.FSU.EDU IA: KE: Brass Instruments Instrumental Music Music Performance Ensemble Music Wind Music ____________________ 0462 LN: CLASSM-L@BROWNVM TI: Classical Music E-conference SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Internet) LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Catherine Yang (Bitnet) CYANG@BROWNVM (Internet) CYANG@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU IA: KE: Music Classical Music Music Research ____________________ 0463 LN: CUNYMUS@CUNYVMS1 TI: CUNY Graduate School of Music Discussion. Provides students with discussions of music on a scholarly level, a forum for communication between CUNY music students and a means of keeping informed of activities taking place in the music programs. Though intended for students at the Graduate Center, other students are encouraged to subscribe for the purpose of seeking the views of the students of CUNY. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@CUNYVMS1 (Internet) LISTSERV@CUNYVMS1.GC.CUNY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes MO: Bob Kosovsky (Internet) KOS@CUNYVMS1.GC.CUNY.EDU Theresa Muir (Internet) TFD@CUNYVMS1.GC.CUNY.EDU IA: KE: CUNY Graduate Students Music Scholarship ____________________ 0464 LN: EARLYM-L@AEARN TI: A forum for the exchange of news and views about Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music. SU: (EARN) LISTSERV@AEARN (Usenet) REC.MUSIC.EARLY ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Gerhard Gonter (EARN) GONTER@AWIWUW11 (Internet) GONTER@OLYMP.WU-WIEN.AC.AT IA: KE: Medieval Music Music History Renaissance Music Baroque Music ____________________ 0465 LN: EMUSIC-L@AUVM TI: EMUSIC is a complementary pair of e-conferences that discuss electronic music. EMUSIC-D is the digest. EMUSIC-L is the discussion. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@AUVM (Internet) LISTSERV@AUVM.AUVM.EDU ED: EMUSIC-D: Yes EMUSIC-L: No AR: Both: Yes, Weekly MO: Eric Harnden (Bitnet) EHARNDEN@AUVM (Internet) EHARNDEN@AUVM.AUVM.EDU - Joe McMahon (Internet) XRJDM@TWINPEAKS.GSFC.NASA.GOV IA: KE: Electronic Music Instrumental Music Computers Composition ____________________ 0466 LN: FILMUS-L@IUBVM TI: Discussion of film music, i.e. dramatic music for films and television. Some possible topics are reviews of current film scores and soundtrack albums, discussion of film composers, film music history and theory, and requests for information about film music. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@IUBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: A. Ralph Papakhian (Bitnet) PAPAKHI@IUBVM - H. Steven Wright (Bitnet) C60HSW1@NIU IA: KE: Film Scores Composers Television Scores Soundtracks ____________________ 0467 LN: FOLK_MUSIC@NYSERNET.ORG TI: FOLK_MUSIC pertains to New American Folk Music. List traffic consists of tour schedules, reviews, album release information and other information on artists like Shawn Colvin, Mary-Chapin Carpenter and others. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@NYSERNET.ORG ED: Yes AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to cd FOLK_MUSIC MO: Alan Rowoth (Internet) ALANR@NYSERNET.ORG IA: KE: Folk Music Music News Music Reviews ____________________ 0468 LN: FOLKTALK@WMVM1 TI: Traditional and Contemporary Folk Music. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@WMVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@WMVM1.CC.WM.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Scott Hammer (Bitnet) SCOTH@WMVM1 (Internet) SHAMMER@LEO.VSLA.EDU IA: KE: Folk Music Traditional Music ____________________ 0469 LN: GRIND@UNH.EDU TI: Grindcore, Death Metal and Heavy Thrash Music. Digest format. SU: (Internet) GRIND-REQUEST@UNH.EDU ED: Yes AR: No MO: Matt Jukins (Internet) MPJ@KEPLER.UNH.EDU IA: KE: Grindcore Music Death Metal Music Heavy Thrash Music ____________________ 0470 LN: HARP-L@WKUVX1 TI: Discusses all forms and styles of Harmonica playing and theory. All styles of music (and musicians) welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@WKUVX1 ED: No AR: Yes MO: Chris Pierce (Bitnet) PIERCCM@WKUVX1 (Internet) PIERCC@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU IA: KE: Harmonica Instrumental Music Music Performance ____________________ 0471 LN: KLARINET@VCCSCENT TI: Features news, information, research and teaching items of interest, and other related information concerning clarinet players, teachers, students, and enthusiasts. Discussion includes topics such as repertoire, performances, research, makers, etc. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@VCCSCENT ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jim Fay (Bitnet) NVFAYXJ@VCCSWEST - Cap Bromley (Bitnet) NVBROMH@VCCSWEST IA: KE: Clarinet Music Performance Instrumental Music ____________________ 0472 LN: LUTE@CS.DARTMOUTH.EDU TI: Lute playing and performance. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: No AR: Yes, via anonymous FTP and Gopher MO: Wayne Cripps (Internet) LUTE-INFO@CS.DARTMOUH.EDU IA: KE: String Music Instrumental Music Lutes ____________________ 0473 LN: MED-AND-REN-MUSIC@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: Enables those engaged on research into any aspect of Medieval and Renaissance Music to exchange information. This includes questions of research, conference details and reports, library information and any other useful material. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Dr. Isobel Preece (Internet) med-and-ren-music- IA: KE: Medieval Music Renaissance Music Music Research ____________________ 0474 LN: MUSIC-RESEARCH@PRG.OXFORD.AC.UK TI: The Music-Research e-conference brings together musicologists, music analysts, computer scientists, and others working on applications of computers in music research. SU: MUSIC-RESEARCH-REQUEST@PRG.OXFORD.AC - US Redistributor: (Internet) MUSIC-RESEARCH-REQUEST@CATTELL.PSYCH.UPENN.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Stephen Page (Internet) SDPAGE@ANDERSEN.CO.UK IA: KE: Musicology Music and Computers Music Research ____________________ 0475 LN: MUSIC@FINHUTC TI: A redistribution of MUSIC-RESEARCH (based in Finland). SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@FINHUTC (Internet) LISTSERV@FINHUTC.HUT.FI ED: No AR: No MO: Peter Marvit (Internet) MARVIT@CATTELL.PSYCH.UPENN.EDU IA: KE: Musicology Music and Computers Music Research ____________________ 0476 LN: MUSIC-ED@UMINN1 TI: Music Education SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UMINN1 ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Dave Schempp (Bitnet) IDAV@UMINN1 IA: KE: Music Education Misoc Research ____________________ 0477 LN: OPERA-L@BRFAPQ TI: Opera SU: (Bitnet) MAILSERV@BRFAPQ (Internet) MAILSERV%BRFAPQ.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU ED: AR: MO: Francisco Antonio de M.A. Doria (Bitnet) DORIA@SUWATSON (Internet) DORIA@SUWATSON.STANFORD.EDU IA: KE: Opera Music Research ____________________ 0478 LN: PIPORG-L@ALBNYVM1 TI: Pipe Organs and Related Topics: technical and historical aspects of organs of all kinds -- classical, theater, electronic, reed, tracker, electropneumatic, etc., etc. Stoplists, recitals (past and future), recordings, jobs (wanted and available), restoration hints, news of progress in restoration projects are all interesting. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@ALBANY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: Dave Schutt (Internet) SCHUTT@NETCOM.COM - Ben Chi (Bitnet) BEC@ALBNYVM1 IA: KE: Pipe Organs Organs Restoration ____________________ 0479 LN: RMUSIC-L@GITVM1 TI: Discusses the music industry. Includes concert and album reviews, trivia, lyrics and artists. All types of music for all types of people. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@GITVM1 ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Paul Harris (Bitnet) PHARRIS@UMKCVAX1 IA: KE: Music Industry Trivia Popular Music Music Reviews ____________________ 0480 LN: SAVOYNET@CESSC.BRIDGEWATER.EDU TI: Gilbert and/or Sullivan and related matters. SU: (Internet) SAVOYNET-REQUEST@CESSC.BRIDGEWATER.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Yearly MO: Ralph MacPhail, Jr. (Internet) R.MACPHAIL@CESSC.BRIDGEWATER.EDU - William C. Venman (Internet) VENMAN@EDUC.UMASS.EDU IA: KE: Operetta Gilbert, W.S. Sullivan, Arthur Musical Theater ____________________ 0481 LN: SMT-LIST@HUSC.HARVARD.EDU TI: Discussion for professional and pre-professional music theorists. SU: (Internet) LISTSERVER@HUSC.HARVARD.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Private MO: Lee A. Rothfarb (Bitnet) SMT-EDITOR@HUSC (Internet) SMT- EDITOR@HUSC.HARVARD.EDU IA: Society for Music Theory KE: Music Theory Society for Music Theory (SMT) ____________________ 0482 LN: TML-L@IUBVM TI: Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum Database for Latin music theory. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@IUBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Yearly MO: Thomas J. Mathiesen (Bitnet) MATHIESE@IUBVM IA: KE: Music Theory Latin ____________________ 0483 LN: UPNEWS@MARIST TI: The critically acclaimed newsletter, "Update-Electronic- Music-News" highlights "underground" music, independent and major label artists and companies, contains record reviews, interviews, perspectives, and a host of other topics that differ from issue to issue. Update is also attempting to close the popular music gap, or mass music gap, by bringing to the forefront those artists and aspects of the music industry that are struggling to make their voice heard. Update is providing artists and other areas of the music industry with an opportunity to have recordings, music products, and/or music services presented directly to a large music audience. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MARIST (Internet) LISTSERV@VM.MARIST.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Christopher DeRobertis (Bitnet) UICD@MARIST - A. Harry Williams (Bitnet) HARRY@MARIST IA: KE: Music News Music Underground Independent Recording Labels Major Recording Labels Music Reviews ____________________ *Philosophy and Ethics* ____________________ Section Compiler: Paul Fehrmann (Bitnet) pfehrman@kentvm (Internet) 0484 LN: APF@VULCAN.ANU.EDU.AU TI: A forum for the exchange of information and ideas between philosophers working in the Australasian region. SU: Send an e-mail message to with the string "admin" in the "Subject:" line, and include any details you want. You are talking to a person, not a mchine. ED: No AR: Yes, Contact the moderator> MO: Robin Davies (Internet) RAD@VULCAN.ANU.EDU.AU IA: Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University KE: Philosophy Australasian Asian ____________________ 0485 LN: AYN-RAND@UA1VM TI: AYN-RAND is devoted to the specifically philosophical aspects of Objectivism. Generally, contributions are technically sophisticated. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UA1VM (Internet) LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jimmy Wales (Bitnet) JWALES@IUBVM IA: KE: Philosophy Rand, Ayn Objectivism ____________________ 0486 LN: COMP-SOC@LIMBO.INTUITIVE.COM TI: Impact of Computing on Society Discussion of various issues related to the impact of technology and information on society. Among the issues being discussed are: Computers and social responsibility, Dealing with information overload,The classed society in the information age, Public perceptions of computers, The value of information,Dangers and advantages of reliance on machines. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: AR: MO: Dave Taylor (Internet) taylor@LIMBO.INTUITIVE.COM IA: KE: Society Technology Computers ____________________ 0487 LN: ETHICS-L@TWNMOE10 TI: ETHICS-L is devoted to discussions of ethics in computing. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TWNMOE10 ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Jane Robinett (Bitnet) JROBINET@POLYTECH - Matthew J. Miner (Bitnet) MINER@POLYGRAF - Harry Williams (Bitnet) HARRY@MARIST (Internet) HARRY@MARISTVM.MARIST.EDU IA: KE: Philosophy Computing Ethics Computers ____________________ 0488 LN: FNORD-L@UBVM TI: F-NORD-L, the New Ways of Thinking conference, aims to discuss and promote implementation of views such as those found in the publications and discussions of Robert A. Wilson, Timothy Leary, John Lilly, Antero Alli, and Christopher Hyatt. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.FNORD-L ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Patrick G. Salsbury (Internet) IA: KE: Philosophy ____________________ 0489 LN: HEGEL@VILLVM TI: The Hegel Society of America, which was established in 1969, is the sponsor of this list which deals exclusively with matters of interest to students of the philosopher G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831). SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@VILLVM ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Dr. Lawrence S. Stepelevitch (Bitnet) STEPELEV@VUVAXCOM IA: KE: Philosophy Hegel ____________________ 0490 LN: HOPOS-L TI: This list covers all periods of the History of Philosophy of Science. Contributions from related historical areas (e.g. history of logic or mathematics) and those treating diverse methodologies are also welcome. Information exchange, job notices, sourse syllabi, and conference announcements can be found. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UKCC (Internet) LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Don Howard (Internet) EINPHIL@UKCC.UKY.EDU IA: KE: Philosophy Science History History of Science Philosophy of Science ____________________ 0491 LN: HPSST-L TI: The History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching conference provides for exploration of topics related to the interplay between history, philosophy and sociology of science, and the teaching of science. Topics have included science, technology and society curriculum reform and teacher education, scientific literacy, women and science, and conceptual change and constructivism.. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@QUCDN ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Doug Farquhar (Bitnet) FARQUADAD@QUCDN.QUEENSSU.CA - Skip Hills (Bitnet) HILLSS@QUCDN.QUEEN.CA IA: KE: Philosophy Science History Teaching History of Science Philosophy of Science ____________________ 0492 LN: MASONIC@ASGARD.BBN.COM TI: Discussion of Freemasonry, its affiliated bodies, and other (non-university) fraternal and sororal organizations. This e-conference is moderated, but is open to all. SU: Contact the Moderator. ED: Yes AR: MO: Peter Trei (Internet) PTREI@ASGARD.BBN.COM IA: KE: Philosophy Freemasons ____________________ 0493 LN: MERTON-L@BYRD.MU.WVNET.EDU TI: MERTON-L was formed for substantive discourse on research and scholary inquiry to create and and develop knowledge about contemplative life. Discourse is encouraged that is consistent with this purpose. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@BYRD.MU.WVNET.EDU ED: AR: Yes, Private MO: Ermel Stepp (Internet) ESTEPP@BYRD.MU.WVNET.EDU IA: KE: ____________________ 0494 LN: NSP-L@RPITSVM TI: Noble Savage Philosphers is a list which has provided for academic dialogue concerning philosophy between people from all levels of academic background. Papers, thoughts, and articles have all been welcome. SU: (Bitnet) COMSERVE@RPITSVM (Internet) COMSERVE@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Barry B. Floyd (Bitnet) USERF98F@RPITSVM - Comserve Staff (Bitnet) Support@RPITSVM (Internet) Support@Vm.ITS.VPI.EDU IA: Comserve, a free electronic information and discussion service for communication students, faculty and professionals. KE: Philosophy ____________________ 0495 LN: OBJECTIVISM@VIX.COM TI: A mailing list where students of Objectivism can discuss their ideas, concrete issues, exchange news, etc. Any issue that may have some relevance to Objectivists is appropriate here. SU: Contact the Moderator ED: No AR: Yes, Ongoing MO: Paul Vixie (Internet) OBJECTIVISM-REQUEST@VIX.COM IA: KE: Philosophy - Objectivism ____________________ 0496 LN: OBJECTIVISM-PHILOSOPHY@TWWELLS.COM TI: A mailing list for discussion of the philosophy of Objectivism. This is not a general Objectivism mailing list. Discussions are restricted to the philosophy itself. SU: (Internet) OBJECTIVISM-PHILOSOPHY-REQUEST@TWWELLS.COM ED: AR: MO: T. William Wells (Internet) OBJECTIVISM- REQUEST@TWWELLS.COM IA: KE: Philosophy - Objectivism ____________________ 0497 LN: PEIRCE-L@TTUVM1 TI: An Open Forum for Discussion of the Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce. This list is open to the discussion of all topics pertaining to the work of the American philosopher/logician/scientist Charles Sanders Peirce. Since Peirce is especially associated not only with topics in logic and the philosophy of science, but also with theory of representation and interpretation ("semiotic"), and with the conception of thought as essentially communicational and social, it is likely that the list will be highly interdisciplinary in character. This will be encouraged; but the intention is to keep a continuing focus on the philosophical basis of his thought as well, and to sustain discussion which is philosophical in type: no empty rhetoric, no dogmatism, no personal attacks in lieu of reasoned arguments, and a standing willingness not only to be critical but to receive and even seek out criticism as well. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TTUVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@TTUVM1.TTU.EDU ED: AR: MO: Joseph Ransdell (Bitnet) BNJMR@TTACS (Internet) BNJMR@TTACS.TTU.EDU IA: Peirce Telecommunity Project of the Electronic Peirce Consortium, and The Department of Philosophy of Texas Tech University KE: ____________________ 0498 LN: PHILCOMM@RPITSVM TI: This e-conference offers a forum for the discussion of the philosophy of communication, communication theory, and epistemology. SU: (Bitnet) Comserve@RPITSVM (Internet) COMSERVE@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Comserve Support Staff (Bitnet) Support@RPITSVM (Bitnet) Support@RPISTVM (Internet) Support@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU IA: Comserve, a free electronic information and discussion service for communication students, faculty and professionals. KE: Philosophy Communications ____________________ 0499 LN: PHILOS-L@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK TI: PHILOS-L, a list for philosophers worldwide (waged or unwaged), is a place where topics can be discussed and jobs and conference information is shared. SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Stephen Clark (Internet) SRLCLARK@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK IA: KE: Philosophy ____________________ 0500 LN: PHILOSED-L@SUVM TI: This list, the Philosophy of Education Network, provides a forum for students and teachers to discuss philosophy of education. Along with topical discussion, announcements (job, conference) are also welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@SUVM ED: No AR: No MO: Thomas F. Green (Bitnet) TFGREEN@SUVM IA: KE: Philosophy Education ____________________ 0501 LN: PHILOSOP@YORKVM1 TI: Academic philosophy e-conference and file server. The files posted by subscribers can be of all sorts: work in progress, comments thereon, advertisements for conferences, newsletters, journals, or associations, job postings. Items contributed must have some connection with academic Philosophy but that's not interpreted too narrowly. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@YORKVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.YORKU.CA ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: P.A Danielson (Internet) DANIELSN@UNIXG.UBC.CA - Nollaig MacKenzie (Internet) GL250011@ORION.YORKU.CA IA: KE: Philosophy ____________________ 0502 LN: RELEVANT-LOGIC@EXETER.AC.UK TI: Relevant Logic Forum aims to provide an opportunity for people working in the field of Relevant Logic to exchange ideas, and information on conferences and publications. SU: Contact Geoff B. Keene via e-mail. Address is ED: Yes AR: No MO: Geoff B. Keene (Internet) IA: University of Exeter, Devon, England KE: Logic Philosophy Relevant Logic ____________________ 0503 LN: SCIFRAUD@ALBNYVM1 TI: SCIFRAUD is dedicated to the discussion of fraud in science. Topics have been identified with these names: David Baltimore, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, Shervert Frazier, Viswa Jit Gupta, Philip Berger, Robert Slutsky, and many others. Other topics have been the prevalence of fraud in science, the use of fraud and dishonesty productively in science, the structure of science, competition in science, Institutionalized Science, and the history of fraud in science. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Al Higgins (Bitnet) ACH13@ALBNYVMS IA: KE: Philosophy Science Ethics Fraud ____________________ 0504 LN: SKEPTIC@YORKVM1 TI: This e-conference is a discussion group designed for philosophers, psychologists, natural and biological scientists, writers, etc. to take a 'skeptical' and scientifically informed look at claims of the paranormal, etc. ie Creationism, Health Fraud, witchcraft, crypto- zoology. Anything that might appear in _The Skeptical Inquirer_ is fair game. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@YORKVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.YORKU.CA ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Norman R. Gall (Bitnet) gall@yunexus IA: KE: Philosophy Skepticism ____________________ 0505 LN: SOCETH-L@USCVM TI: This list aims to provide a forum for interdisciplinary approaches to Social Ethics. Topics include major traditions of ethical thought, the place of values and moral norms in culture, the construction of moral and ethical meaning, analysis of modern moral issues, professional ethics, and public policy. Queries, leading questions, reports on conferences, informal reviews of books and articles, requests for collaboration, and ivitation to critiques of ideas - all are welcome. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@USCVM - (Internet) LISTSERV@VM.USC.EDU ED: No AR: Yes MO: Aditi Gowri (Internet) GOWRI@SCF.USC.EDU IA: University of Southern California KE: Social Ethics Ethics Philosophy ____________________ 0506 LN: SOPHIA@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK TI: For the discussion of Ancient Philosophy (from Hesiod to Iamblichus, Spain to Palestine). SU: (Internet) LISTSERV@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK ED: AR: MO: Stephen Clark (Internet) IA: KE: ____________________ 0507 LN: SWIP-L TI: This list provides a forum for members of the Society for Women in Philosophy to discuss feminist philosophy. Others who are interested in feminist philosophy are also invited to join in the discussions. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@CFRVM (Internet) LISTSERV@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU ED: NO AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Linda Lopez McAlister (Bitnet) DLLAFAA@CFRVM IA: KE: Philosophy Feminism Women's Studies ____________________ 0508 LN: URANTIAL@UAFSYSB TI: The perspective of the e-conference is holistic. Contributions are welcomed from the full scope of scientific and theological perspectives as long as they serve to enhance our understanding of ourselves and pertain constructively to the conceptual framework of the URANTIA material. The goal of this e-conference is to utilize _The URANTIA Book_ to gain integration of knowledge and consolidation of worldviews toward an improved life for all on Earth. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UAFSYSB ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: Michael Million (BITNET) MM24681@UAFSYSB IA: KE: Urantiain Philosophy ____________________ *Political Science and Politics* ____________________ Section Compiler: Gladys Bell (Bitnet) gbell@kentvm (Internet) 0509 LN: AMERICA TI: For people interested in how the United States is dealing with foreign trade policies, congressional status, and other inside information about the government that is freely distributable. SU: Send subscription requests to SUBSCRIBE@XAMIGA.LINET.ORG using this format:#america username@domain ED: Yes AR: MO: SUBSCRIBE@XAMIGA.LINET.ORG IA: KE: United States Political Science Government ____________________ 0510 LN: BALT-L@UBVM TI: BALT-L is an online forum devoted to communications to, and about, the Baltic Republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It aims to further networking with those countries, in two senses of that word: a technical one of establishing the basic links to permit electronic communications and the softer definition of a network of people building up people- to people contacts and working together on matters of common interest. A core aim of this e-conference is to foster practical projects. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.BALT-L ED: Yes AR: Yes MO: Edis Bevan (Internet) AEB_BEVAN@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX Jean- Michel Thizy (Internet) JMYHG@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA (Bitnet) JMYHG@UOTTAWA IA: KE: Social Networking - Computer Networking - Baltic Republics - Lithuania - Latvia - Estonia ____________________ 0511 LN: EC@TRMETU TI: European Community. Discussion of the European Community. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@TRMETU (Internet) LISTSERV@VM.CC.METU.EDU.TR ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Egemen Metin Turan (Bitnet) turan@trmetu (Internet) IA: KE: European Community ____________________ 0512 LN: ECPR-PILOT@MAILBASE.AC.UK TI: The European Consortium for Political Research is concerned with the development of research and teaching in political science in Europe. There are approximately 2000 individual members in 154 academic institutions throughout Western Europe. SU: (Internet) MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: (Internet) IA: European Consortium For Political Research KE: Political Science Teaching - Political Science Research ____________________ 0513 LN: IPE@CSF.COLORADO.EDU TI: International Political Economy. A discussion that will allow persons around the world interested in International Political Economy to discuss matters of mutual concern. Possible topics for discussion on the list might include any of the following: 1) Substantive discussion over topics such as NAFTA, regional trading blocs, trade regimes, international debt, long cycles, historical world systems, EEC, currency and market crises, democracy and governance in latin and South America, Africa and Asia, commodity negotiations. SU: MAILSERV@CSF.COLORADO.EDU ED: No AR: MO: Lev S. Gonick LGONICK6@MACH1.WLU.CA IA: KE: Political Science Economics International ____________________ 0514 LN: IRL-POL@IRLEARN TI: Discussion of current Irish politics. This is defined as being the politics of the Republic of Ireland (26 countries) since 1922. Postings about Northern Ireland are welcome if they relate directly to the political process in the Republic. Postings about Hunger strikes, IRA attacks, or the Rev. IAN Paisley are NOT welcome. Postings about elections, opinion polls, political figures, etc. are all welcome so long as they relate to the politics of the Republic of Ireland. SU: (EARN) LISTSERV@IRLEARN (Internet) LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: James P. McBride (Bitnet) BRIDEC92@IRLEARN (Internet) BRIDEC92@IRLEARN.UCD.IE - Fin Keleher (Bitnet) FIN@IRLEARN (Internet) KELEHC91@IRLEARN.UCD.IE IA: KE: Political Science Ireland Politics ____________________ 0515 LN: KENTUCKY@UKCC TI: KY Civic and Political Discussion. Civic life and politics are the themes of this discussion list. The purpose of the list is to share information, ideas, opinions, and inquiries about public life, both civic and political, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UKCC (Internet) LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthlyf MO: Bob Moore (Bitnet) STROO2@UKCC (Internet) STROO2@UKCC.UKY.EDU IA: KE: Kentucky Politics Civics ____________________ 0516 LN: LIBERNET@DARTMOUTH.EDU TI: An electronic e-conference/discussion group/magazine for libertarians, classical liberals, objectivists, and anybody else interested in a free market/social tolerance approach to political issues. SU: (Internet) LIBERNET-REQUEST@DARTMOUTH.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, available via anonymous ftp to ( cd Libernet MO: Barry Fagin (Internet) BARRY.FAGIN@DARTMOUTH.EDU IA: KE: Politics Political Science Information Exchange Libertarians Classical Liberals Objectivists ____________________ 0517 LN: MIDEUR-L@UBVM TI: E-conference concerning the history, culture, politics and current affairs of those countries lying between the Mediterraneadriatic and the Baltic Seas, and between the Germaustrian borders and the Soviet Union. The emphasis is particularly on the nationalities policies of these countries, their economic development, their possible union or disunion, and their place in a united Europe. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UBVM (Internet) LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.MIDEUR-L ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly MO: Jan George Frajkor (Internet) GFRAJKOR@CCS.CARLETON.CA IA: KE: Middle Europen Area Studies ____________________ 0518 LN: MOPOLY-L@MIZZOU1 TI: Missouri Political Issues. The discussion on this e- conference will be pretty much up to those who participate. Topics I can think of include any Missouri state-wide issue, whether candidates for office or other issues. With the current revenue shortage and it's effect on education, that may well be a popular topic. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Len Rugen (Bitnet) C4322LR@UMVMA (Internet) C4322LR@UMVMA.UMSYSTEM.EDU IA: KE: Missouri Politics ____________________ 0519 LN: POLCAN@YORKVM1 TI: Canadian Political Science Discussion. POLCAN is an electronic information system pilot project which enables Canadian political scientists to access papers, exchange news, and look up the electronic mail addresses of other political scientists. POLCAN is primarily to assist members of the Canadian Political Science Association, but we also invite students of related disciplines. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@YORKVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@VM1.YORKU.CA ED: Yes AR: Yes, Single, Private MO: Ian Greene (Bitnet) YFPS0013@YORKVM1 (Internet) YFPS0013@VM1.YORKU.CA - Bob MacDermid (Bitnet) RMADC@YORKVM1 (Internet) RMADC@VM1.YORKU.CA IA: Canadian Political Science Association KE: Canada Political Science Political Scientists ____________________ 0520 LN: POLCOMM@RPITSVM TI: Political communication SU: (Bitnet) COMSERVE@RPITSVM (Internet) COMSERVE@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU (Usenet) BIT.LISTSERV.POLCOMM ED: Yes AR: No MO: Comserve Staff (Bitnet) Support@RPITSVM (Internet) Support@VM.ITS.VPI.EDU IA: Comserve, a free electronic information and discussion service for communication students, faculty and professionals. KE: Politics Communications ____________________ 0521 LN: POLI-SCI@RUTVM1 TI: POLI-SCI is a spinoff from the HUMAN-NETS e-conference. Since then POLI-SCI has begun to consider other topics including the history of the Carter and Nixon presidencies, the Iranian hostage crisis, etc. (with a little less dignity, the e-conference might be characterized as a permanent distributed political bull session). SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@RUTVM1 (Internet) LISTSERV@RUTGERS.EDU or POLI-SCI-REQUEST@RUTGERS.EDU. ED: Yes AR: No MO: Charles McGrew (Internet) MCGREW@ARAMIS.RUTGERS.EDU IA: KE: Politics Government ____________________ 0522 LN: POLITICA@UFRJ TI: Discussoes sobre a Politica Brasileira. O objetivo desta lista e' incentivar discussoes politicas sobre a conjuntura nacional. As opinioes aqui contidas refletem apenas as posicoes politicas de quem as emitiu e nao dos assinantes e/ou da instituicao. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UFRJ (Internet) LISTSERV%UFRJ.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Monthly, Private MO: Nilson Theobald Barbosa (Bitnet) NILSON@UFRJ - Sergio Guedes (Bitnet) GUEDES@UFRJ IA: KE: Politics Brazil ____________________ 0523 LN: POLITICS@UCF1VM TI: An e-conference for the serious discussion of politics, hosted by the University of Central Florida. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UCF1VM (Internet) LISTSERV@UCF1VM.CC.UCF.EDU ED: No AR: Yes, Weekly, Private MO: Eric Anderson (Bitnet) ANDERSON@UCF1VM - Jim Ennis (Bitnet) JIM@UCF1VM IA: University of Central Florida KE: Politics ____________________ 0524 LN: PSRT-L@MIZZOU1 TI: Political Science Research and Teaching E-conference. A moderated e-conference on Bitnet which deals with issues of interest to professional political scientists, both researchers and teachers. The e-conference is not intended to serve as a public forum for debate over current issues in politics, as other lists already fill that niche. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Internet) LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Bill Ball and Michael Malaby (Bitnet) POLPSRT@MIZZOU1 IA: KE: Political Science Education Political Scientists ____________________ 0525 LN: SQSP@UQUEBEC TI: Societe quebecoise de science politique. SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UQUEBEC ED: Yes AR: Yes, Monthly MO: Pierre J. Hamel (Bitnet) HAMEL@UQUEBEC (Internet) HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQUEBEC.CA IA: KE: Political Science Quebec Canada ____________________ 0526 LN: STATEPOL@UMAB IT: Politics in the American States SU: (Bitnet) LISTSERV@UMAB (Internet) LISTSERV@UMAB.UMD.EDU ED: No AR: No MO: Jim Hoefler (Bitnet) HOEFLER@DICKINSN IA: KE: Politics United States ____________________ 0527 LN: TALK.POLITICS.SOVIET TI: Discussion of Soviet Politics. SU: Since methods of accessing Usenet newsgroups vary from system to system, the best thing would be to ask your system manager. ED: AR: MO: IA: KE: Soviet Union Politics