================= 99/03/30 =================== Sven Bovin Subject: CCL:Upgrading to Fortran 90/95 "Pablo Vitoria" Subject: CCL:QM and Mathematica Christos Garoufalis Subject: CCL:mopac solid state "Jerry C.C. Chan" Subject: CCL:shielding calculation of macro-ring From: Jochen Kuepper Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:exptl. dipole moment for indole? From: Christoph Maerker Subject: CCL:object-oriented programming tools From: "Domingo Mariano A. Vera" Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:M:MOPAC partial atomic charges Liang Shide Subject: CCL:for help Shiang-Tai Lin Subject: CCL:PC GAMESS on a multi-processor PC Iraj Daizadeh Subject: CCL:DNA and SinglePoints