================= 99/03/26 =================== From: Jan Labanowski Subject: CCL:From the Arministrator: Problems with distributing CCL... From: Christian Mück-Lichtenfeld Subject: CCL:NBO analysis of acetamide From: Steven.Creve@dsm-group.com Subject: CCL:PC-modelling From: Xiaomei Yang Subject: CCL:Summary: convert PDB to CHARMm] From: Hua-Jun Fan Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:technical problem with gaussian98 job From: Victor Manuel "Rosas-García" Subject: CCL:Imaginary freqs in Spartan From: Jochen Kuepper Subject: CCL:OFFTOPIC (was: Re: CCL:xmgr-linux) From: cronos Subject: CCL:BSSE and solvent effects From: Jonathan Connor Subject: CCL:chemical reaction theory From: Jonathan Connor Subject: CCL:Roger Grice From: Mark Alan Thompson Subject: CCL:UFF force field From: STK <3tksk@qlink.queensu.ca> Subject: CCL:CCL: Computational Chemist vs Theoretical Chemist From: Michael Soliman Subject: CCL:Extracting Homo-Lumo Energies "I. Kerkines" Subject: CCL:eisai monos ?diabase to (fwd) "Achim Lienke" Subject: CCL:Cis-/Trans-Influence in transition metal complexes uccatvm Subject: CCL:exptl. dipole moment for indole?