================= 98/09/29 =================== Michael Doyle Subject: CCL:xafs / exafs Juan Frau Subject: CCL:Summary-NMR Software "Curt M. Breneman" Subject: CCL:Computational Intelligence and Data Mining in High-Throughput Screening: "Dirty QSAR" Adrian Turjanski Subject: CCL:linux memory availability "Artiben Taylor" Subject: CCL:IR intensity Units Deepak Singh Subject: CCL:QUANTA help "S. Roy Kimura" Subject: CCL:Lennard-Jones parameters for negative ions? Reinaldo Pis Diez Subject: CCL:g94 on an Alpha/linux -> problems! "Boyd" Subject: CCL:REVIEWS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY fredvc@esalp2.dnet.dupont.com Subject: CCL:Fitting a potential by a family of functions...