================= 98/07/08 =================== Josh Bowden <9702029k@lv.levels.unisa.edu.au> Subject: CCL:Mixing basis sets? Harald Lanig Subject: CCL:AMBER optimization of metalloenzymes Sangeeta Sawant Subject: CCL:Is there any script to convert ARC -> CAR or ARC -> pdb? Sangeeta Sawant Subject: CCL:Summary :Superimposition Program Leif Laaksonen Subject: CCL:Do the Windows NT have any impact on the comp chem field? TOPPER ROBERT Subject: CCL:Summary: Visualization of molecules and arbitrary geometric objects BRION Jean Subject: CCL:problem with g94 casscf77 under linux "Smith JA (Jack)" Subject: CCL:Summary: Visualization of molecules and arbitrary geometric o bjects Herbert Homeier t4720 Subject: CCL:G: chkmove error From: Thomas Nowak Subject: CCL:Energy analysis? From: Andreas Goeller Subject: CCL:c70 From: "Ivan I. Oleinik" Subject: CCL:Dmol efficiency: frosen core & basis sets From: "J. Sichel" Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:QUESTIONS:ELECTRON CORRELATION