================= 98/03/06 =================== "Bruce A. Luxon" Subject: CCL:Boolean Searches Jan Hrusak Subject: CCL:AQCC Method "Jason Lye" Subject: CCL:spelling of semi-empirical David Trunec Subject: CCL:TEOS Steven Bachrach Subject: CCL:PHYS Technical Program for Dallas ACS Meeting From: Girek Tomasz Subject: CCL:Help for MOPAC graph keyword From: manu@asia.chimfarm.unipg.it (autodock) Subject: CCL:Need L-J params for F, Cl, Br, I for Autodoc From: Paul Lyne Subject: CCL:MOPAC for large systems From: Jian-Yun Fang Subject: CCL:Fortran-compiler for Windows From: Jae-Joon Lee Subject: CCL:Enamine effect in IR From: Jonathan Connor Subject: CCL:Special Issue: Chemical Reaction Theory From: David Schmidling Subject: CCL:gas molecular dynamics educational program From: Laurence Lavelle Subject: CCL:General questions on hardware & QM calculations From: Girek Tomasz Subject: CCL:Help for MOPAC graph keyword From: "Malakhov Dima" Subject: CCL:TPA using SOS From: Girek Tomasz Subject: CCL:Help for MOPAC graph keyword Ton van Daelen Subject: CCL:Cerius2 interface to GRID Dr S K Malasubramanian Subject: CCL:Difficulty in sending email to jmol.mod@organik.uni - erlangen.de