================= 97/12/16 =================== Subject: CCL:summary normal mode force constant dario@rs5.csrsrc.mi.cnr.it (Dario Bressanini) Subject: CCL:UHF tables anywhere? "Dmitry E. Dmitriev" Subject: CCL:Generation of UNIQUE SMILES string John Waite Subject: CCL:Titanium and iron parameters for semiempirical methods gcardena@lauca.usach.cl (Dr. Gloria I. Cardenas-Jiron ) Subject: CCL:suscribe Alfredo Simas Subject: CCL:Forcefield for carbonates John McKelvey Subject: CCL:Compress/Uncompress/TAR for NT or MsW3.11 Adrian Turjanski Subject: CCL:SPC-ion "Wayne Huang" Subject: CCL:Compress/Uncompress/TAR for NT or MsW3.11 "M. Nicklaus" Subject: CCL:Compress/Uncompress/TAR for NT or MsW3.11