================= 97/06/17 =================== shochen michael Subject: CCL:Virial theorem: -V/T=10.2 in Gaussian 94 ! chaudash Subject: CCL:modelling of inorganic compounds nauss@beryllium.crs.uc.edu (Jeffrey L. Nauss) Subject: CCL:semantics : molecular modelling roberto@viol.rockefeller.edu (Roberto Sanchez) Subject: CCL:** ANNOUNCING NEW VERSION OF MODELLER-4 Subject: CCL:modelling of inorganic compounds Marcio Cyrillo - pos Subject: CCL:hyperchem x mopac6 Subject: CCL:modelling of inorganic compounds Subject: CCL:semantics: molecular modelling Lutz Ehrlich Subject: CCL:Simplified residue models (off-lattice) d3g359@fido.pnl.gov (John Nicholas) Subject: CCL:Theoretical study of methyl migrations bianco@lord.Colorado.EDU (Roberto Bianco) Subject: CCL:MCSCF / selection of configurations