================= 97/01/28 =================== Tankiso Tshehla Subject: CCL:disconnect Tankiso Tshehla Subject: CCL:disconnect Subject: CCL:Mopac6 transition dipole moments Jeffrey J Gosper Subject: CCL:PES and structure software Isabel Rozas Subject: CCL:thanks peon@medchem.dfh.dk (Per-Ola Norrby) Subject: CCL:PES and structure software Patrick Bultinck Subject: CCL:Failing optimization (1 imag. freq) peon@medchem.dfh.dk (Per-Ola Norrby) Subject: CCL:(2) basis set balance continued Patrick Bultinck Subject: CCL:More details on Failing optimization (1 imag. freq) kessi@psizi1.psi.ch (Alain Kessi) Subject: CCL:Failing optimization (1 imag. freq) From: shenkin@still3.chem.columbia.edu (Peter Shenkin) Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:Quanta and X terminals From: "Modelling '97" Subject: CCL:Modelling '97 From: picard@ext.jussieu.fr (G.S. PICARD) Subject: CCL:MolDraw From: "EURESCO (Valerie Allspach)" Subject: CCL:Euroconference on Fullerenes 97 From: mw@crystal.uwa.edu.au (Magda Wajrak) Subject: CCL:Mulliken Populations? From: Subject: CCL:Which Softwares exists to help Chiral Synthesis ? david de corte Subject: CCL:GROMOS87-problem A J Turner Subject: CCL:Failing optimization (1 imag. freq) d3g359@fido.pnl.gov (John Nicholas) Subject: CCL:g94opt/basis set opt Subject: CCL:PPro investigations