================= 97/01/24 =================== Walter Polkosnik Subject: CCL:Running Quanta remotely (Was: Quanta on AlphaStation clones?) From: Subject: CCL:CCL:Charge From: "Wilson, Bruce" Subject: CCL:Need references on term symbols From: "Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt" Subject: CCL:Workshop Announcement From: "W. Todd Wipke" Subject: CCL:Summer Undergraduate research in Computational Chemistry Wolfgang Roth Subject: CCL:Probl. with CASSCF: Where are the CSF's? Subject: CCL:Probl. with CASSCF: Where are the CSF's? "Gabriele Costantino" Subject: CCL:How to implement new parameters in MOPAC 6.0 "serge" Subject: CCL:consistent force field berriz@chasma.harvard.edu (Gabriel Berriz) Subject: CCL:Quanta, Alphas & Xterms (Was: "Running Quanta remotely" & "Quanta on AlphaStation clones?") Luca Pedocchi Subject: CCL:core ionization potentials TOPPER ROBERT Subject: CCL:fortran ising models berriz@chasma.harvard.edu (Gabriel Berriz) Subject: CCL:Quanta, Alphas & Xterms (Was: "Running Quanta remotely" & "Quanta on AlphaStation clones?") A J Turner Subject: CCL:CCL:Charge Konrad Hinsen Subject: CCL:Quanta, Alphas & Xterms (Was: "Running Quanta remotely" & "Quanta on AlphaStation clones?") haney@netcom.com (Dr. David N. Haney) Subject: CCL:AMBER DNA parameters to CHARMM (fwd) Michael Wrinn Subject: CCL:parallel linear algebra (BLAS) library available for Intel processors haney@netcom.com (Dr. David N. Haney) Subject: CCL:Running Quanta remotely (Was: Quanta on AlphaStation clones?) (fwd) willsd@conrad.appstate.edu Subject: CCL:core ionization potentials "Val Kulkov" Subject: CCL:Java-based property prediction beta site just opened at www.acdlabs.com "Peter Comba" Subject: CCL:volume Stephen Urquhart Subject: CCL:core ionization potentials