================= 96/07/22 =================== Darren.Andrews@man.ac.uk (Darren Andrews) Subject: CCL:Orient 3.2g Joel Foreman Subject: CCL:CADPAC pseudopotentials koike@ (Asako Koike) Subject: CCL:lattice Monte Carlo Kenneth Geisshirt Subject: CCL:lattice MC TOPPER ROBERT Subject: CCL:MGMS-EC1 - Stochastic Session "Tapas Kar" Subject: CCL:IP and EA for di and tri-atomic molecules "Tapas Kar" Subject: CCL:CASSCF in MOLCAS for excitrd states foton263@central.ntua.gr (foton263) Subject: CCL:VIII Int. Symp. on Magnesium Fred Salsbury Subject: CCL:Hartree-Fock Electron Densities foton263@central.ntua.gr (foton263) Subject: CCL:VIII Int. Symp. on Magnesium Subject: CCL:ACS Symposium on Pharmacophore Mapping, April 1997 Subject: CCL:MM/MD at Fall West Coast Regional ACS Meeting