================= 96/05/29 =================== jacs@citrus.ucr.edu (Jacqueline) Subject: CCL:InsightII electrostatic potential maps? joubert@ext.jussieu.fr (Laurent Joubert) Subject: CCL:Initial Guess with G94 "Andreas Parusel" Subject: CCL:G: Excited State Optimization Jeffrey J Gosper Subject: CCL:IRC with CI in MOPAC. wall@phys.chem.ethz.ch (Ernst U. Wallenborn) Subject: CCL:[S] G94 Excited States "Victor M. Rosas Garcia" Subject: CCL:rigid vs relaxed scan in Gaussian gmercier@helix.nih.gov (Gustavo A. Mercier, Jr.) Subject: CCL:HONDO 8.4 in SGI R8K IRIX 6.1 Subject: CCL:Summer workshops jkromero@presto.ig.com (Jill Koering-Romero) Subject: CCL:Posting a press release Dongchul Lim Subject: CCL:looking for implementations of ring finding algorithm "Timothy G. Mattson" Subject: CCL:Symposium CFP - Cluster and MPP computing Charles Martin Subject: CCL:Columbus in SGI R8K IRIX 6.01 or better "David E. Bernholdt" Subject: CCL:Symposium CFP - Cluster and MPP computing "Renzo Balducci" Subject: CCL:looking for implementations of ring finding algorithm