================= 96/02/06 =================== noy@atc.atccu.chula.ac.th (Teerakiat Kerdcharoen) Subject: CCL:Compiling GAMESS on SGI Power Challenge ? Amir Gil Subject: CCL:CHARMm trajectory files-difference between SGI and alpha outputs "tamasgunda@tigris.klte.hu" Subject: CCL:Gaussian Z-matrix Walter Polkosnik Subject: CCL:CHARMm trajectory files-difference between SGI and alpha outputs rosa@risc2.iaif.pa.cnr.it (Rosina Noto) Subject: CCL:software to analize normals mode cundarit@cc.memphis.edu (Thomas R. Cundari) Subject: CCL:semi-empirical calcs on phosphorus compounds nfc512@chemibm1.chemie1.uni-rostock.de (Michael Lalk ) Subject: CCL:DeFT for CRAY jjv5@unfunf.chem.psu.edu (James Vincent) Subject: CCL:Request for comments "E. Lewars" Subject: CCL:ANALYZING G92 FREQS "Wayne Huang" Subject: CCL:software to analize normals mode Artem Masunov Subject: CCL:software to analize normal modes hebant@ext.jussieu.fr (Pascal HEBANT) Subject: CCL:Iglo basis Dragan Vuckovic Subject: CCL:HyperChem Lite! Subject: CCL:solvent effect on spectra Jeffrey J Gosper Subject: CCL:Contouring code/algorithms