================= 96/01/30 =================== From: brock@chemie.uni-hamburg.de (Mathias Brock) Subject: CCL:orbital density viewers From: Jeff Hey Subject: CCL:AMBER query reply summary From: Masakatsu ITO Subject: CCL:Any model Hamiltonian of polyene(C4H6,C6H8,C8H10)? From: jmiller@SANDCASTLE.COSC.BROCKU.CA (Jack Martin Miller) Subject: CCL:Re:Semi-empirical programs for teaching From: Miguel Angel San Miguel Jeffrey J Gosper Subject: CCL:WWW pages for Re_View with URL Subject: CCL:Electrost.Pot.Biomol;Graphic Software? joubert@ext.jussieu.fr (JOUBERT laurent) Subject: CCL:Semi-empirical with lanthanides Yakov Sandler Subject: CCL:propellanes Taisung Lee Subject: CCL:Summary: Good Fortran Compiler for computational science on PC Patrick Bultinck Subject: CCL:MMx studies of chelates patnaiss@Picard.ml.wpafb.af.mil (Soumya S. Patnaik MLPJ UTC) Subject: CCL:looking for a rigid body minimization prog Peking Subject: CCL:orbital density viewers Dragan Vuckovic Subject: CCL:HyperChem User Group Meeting - 1996 hinsenk@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Hinsen Konrad) Subject: CCL:Python code for computational chemistry Peking Subject: CCL:looking for a rigid body minimization prog