================= 95/12/14 =================== "Dr. Paolo Mencarelli" Subject: CCL:rotational entropy in solution ariane@WAPinorg.chemie.uni-halle.de (Ariane) Subject: CCL:how construct aux. dft bases Wang Youliang Subject: CCL:UHF v.s. ROHF balajiv@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Balaji Veeraraghavan) Subject: CCL:GAUSSIAN 94 WORKSHOP "Moshe Olshansky" Subject: CCL:Improving performance of the HARTREE-FOCK SCF ROOTHAAN Computations. "T. Koch" Subject: CCL:SUMMARY: How to measure stability? David Livingstone Subject: CCL:(Fwd) Octanol/Water Partitioning qfsaulo@usc.es (Saulo Vazquez Rodriguez) Subject: CCL:SUMMARY:RRKM Matt Stahl Subject: CCL:new software release - PADRE