================= 95/10/30 =================== yoneya@hrl.hitachi.co.jp (Makoto Yoneya) Subject: CCL:link to pdb file in HTML h.rzepa@ic.ac.uk (Rzepa,Henry) Subject: CCL:link to pdb file in HTML wlawton@iss.nus.sg (Wayne Lawton) Subject: CCL:phi,psi computation yoneya@hrl.hitachi.co.jp (Makoto Yoneya) Subject: CCL:link to pdb file in HTML "Don Gregory" Subject: CCL:charges in CHARMm "Simon Kilvington" Subject: CCL:bug in IRIX 4 C compiler Tom Connor Bishop Subject: CCL:geometric analysis of proteins & DNA "Craig Shelley" Subject: CCL:Summary- 3-D Structure File Scott Weston Subject: CCL:geometric analysis of proteins & DNA Subject: CCL:4th conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCT