================= 95/10/20 =================== Terry Yeung Subject: CCL:Computer model for estimating reduced molecular volumes of molecules Subject: CCL:bibliography Robert Franke Subject: CCL:g94 manual ISBN Subject: CCL:IR and Raman Intensities! rickr@scripps.edu (Rick Ross) Subject: CCL:Pittsburgh_Modeling_Meeting From: frits@chemde4.leidenuniv.nl (Frits Daalmans) Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:Routine to derive combinations of r objects chosen from among n (LONG) From: gmercier@helix.nih.gov (Gustavo A. Mercier, Jr.) Subject: CCL:MRI contrast media & comput. chemists? From: Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:G:g94 manual ISBN From: Subject: CCL:Comp. Chem. in Rome From: Subject: CCL:M:Trying to perform IRC calculations aiba@ir.phys.chem.ethz.ch (Ayaz Bakasov, Phys. Chem., ETH Zurich) Subject: CCL:Q: diborane - ab initio and all Patrick Bultinck Subject: CCL:Bonding types in Comp. Chem. Ellsworth H Harpole Subject: CCL:nomail "Anthony J. Duben" Subject: CCL:1996 Summer Computer Simulation Conf "Mark Hanning-Lee" Subject: CCL:Stirling; r objects from am Jan Hrusak Subject: CCL:Thiazole "Augusto C. de Camargo Neto" Subject: CCL:XMol for Linux ... raman@bioc01.uthscsa.edu (C.S.RAMAN) Subject: CCL:porphyrin-protein interactions...