================= 95/09/01 =================== "Igor Baskin" Subject: CCL:Finding conformations analytically "Hr Dr. S. Shapiro" Subject: CCL:Questions re dielec. const. & conformers murakami@lab.takeda.co.jp (Morio Murakami) Subject: CCL:Inquiry about Computer Assisted Organic Synthesis murakami@lab.takeda.co.jp (Morio Murakami) Subject: CCL:Inquiry about Computer Assisted Organic Synthesis "Moshe Olshansky" Subject: CCL:Direct versus conventional SCF "Moshe Olshansky" Subject: CCL:Direct versus conventional SCF - summary of responses shenkin@still3.chem.columbia.edu (Peter Shenkin) Subject: CCL:Questions re dielec. const. & conformers Stefan Schulz Subject: CCL:SPARTAN MANUALS underhil@hp.rmc.ca (Ross Underhill) Subject: CCL:GEAR integration of chemical reactions jim@wavefun.com (jim Parisi) Subject: CCL:Wavefunction/Spartan Manuals sgustaf@appsdiv.cray.com (Susan M. Gustafson) Subject: CCL:Announcing UniChem 3.0 smb@smb.chem.niu.edu (Steven Bachrach) Subject: CCL:ECCC-2 Abstracts Due Date BILL WELSH Subject: CCL:Postdoctoral Position(s) post1@lascar.puc.cl (postgrado quimica1) Subject: CCL:Photochemical amine , Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Organic synthesis