================= 95/08/18 =================== thomas_w@btm2x2.mat.uni-bayreuth.de (Thomas Wieland) Subject: CCL:Summary: Topological indices noy@tci002.uibk.ac.at (Teerakiat Kerdcharoen) Subject: CCL:Biosym/MSI combination "Dimitris Agrafiotis" Subject: CCL:Biosym/MSI merger Subject: CCL:Mg++2 parameters jtgolab@amoco.com (Joe Golab) Subject: CCL:Concerns with the Merger Craig Taverner Subject: CCL:Biosym/MSI merger Mike Kotelyanski Subject: CCL:Biosym/MSI merger "Stephen R. Heller" Subject: CCL:Biosym/MSI merger "Dimitris Agrafiotis" Subject: CCL:Biosym/MSI merger states@rucola.WUStL.EDU (David J. States) Subject: CCL:Question about Electrostatics in Molecular Mechanics Subject: CCL:homology modeling package gdanitz@hrz.uni-kassel.de (Robert Gdanitz) Subject: CCL:Num. stability of 4-index transf. in CI "Malcolm A. Cline" Subject: CCL:Tripos on World Wide Web "Johan Landin" Subject: CCL:RE PM3 for phosphates "NOYM" Subject: CCL:References to Aaquist and Mg2++ Jochen Kuepper Subject: CCL:References to Aaquist and Mg2++ hinsenk@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Hinsen Konrad) Subject: CCL:References to Aaquist and Mg2++