================= 95/07/10 =================== stoutepf@chemsci5.dmpc.com (Pieter Stouten) Subject: CCL:SGI R8000: GROMOS and compiler flags (summary of responses) D.Winkler@chem.csiro.au (Dr. Dave Winkler) Subject: CCL:Summary: software for cluster analysis "Anthony J. Duben" Subject: CCL:Setting up old SUN workstations Zhang HongYu Subject: CCL:conformation of glycoprotein "Hr Dr. S. Shapiro" Subject: CCL:Two questions bennett@ubaclu.unibas.ch (Frederick Bennett) Subject: CCL:g94 on convex "Hellfried Schreiber" Subject: CCL:Last Call - INT.CONF. FOR MOL.STRUCT.BIOL. - Vienna 95 surles@intsim.com (Mark C. Surles) Subject: CCL:SCULPT and Chemical Intuition ostertag@alf.biochem.mpg.de (Georg Ostertag) Subject: CCL:MOPAC 6.0/Keyword POLAR: Units? jourdann@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Jourdan Nathalie) Subject: CCL:adresses of scotish molecular modeling laboratories wanted "Joe Leonard" Subject: CCL:Seeking code for Slater S-integrals Arne Elofsson Subject: CCL:Windows NT for computational chemistry ?