================= 95/03/23 =================== Subject: CCL:correlation time estimation "Gerald Loeffler" Subject: CCL:? X-PLOR mailing list/newsgroup ? qftramos@usc.es (Antonio Fernandez Ramos) Subject: CCL:least squares fit tevelde@chem.vu.nl (Bert te Velde) Subject: CCL:optimization with constraints Matthew.Harbowy@tjlus.sprint.com Subject: CCL:BSSE and semiempirical methods raman@bioc01.uthscsa.edu (C.S.RAMAN) Subject: CCL:? X-PLOR mailing list/newsgroup ? Subject: CCL:bond order analysis Subject: CCL:least squares fit hans.lischka@itc.univie.ac.at (Hans Lischka) Subject: CCL:MRCI, COLUMBUS query "E. Lewars" Subject: CCL:PYRROLE Z-MATRIX mjf@biosym.com (Mark J Forster ) Subject: CCL:Correlation time estimation Konstantin Momot Subject: CCL:correlation time estimation SEONGBIN PARK Subject: CCL:elementary question (rms deviation) From: chiremv!andromeda!martine@uunet.uu.net (Eric Martin) Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:optimization with constraints