================= 95/03/04 =================== "John Waite, Tel: ++30-1-7238958, N.H.R.F., Organic Chemistry Institute, Vas. Konstantinou 48, Athens 116-35" Subject: CCL:Problem with SGI 'Explorer' using another X-terminal. o.casher@ic.ac.uk (Omer Casher) Subject: CCL:Problem with SGI 'Explorer' using another X-terminal. "Malgorzata Biczysko" Subject: CCL:Topological Index U13145%UICVM.BITNET@phem3.acs.ohio-state.edu Subject: CCL:pKa of reduced amide bond N gilson@indigo14.carb.nist.gov (Michael K. Gilson) Subject: CCL:Threat to the Internet Sheldon Green Subject: CCL:nonreactive molecular dynamics code (MOLSCAT) From: chiremv!andromeda!jeffb@uunet.uu.net (Jeff Blaney) Subject: CCL:Re: CCL:Conformational Analysis