================= 93/11/24 =================== From: "Michael Engel (The Hebrew University)" Subject: AVS interface to ab-initio packages? From: jaeger@Kodak.COM (Ed Jaeger) Subject: Question about neural networks From: gene@calv2.cray.com (Eugene Fleischmann) Subject: Re: AVS interface to ab-initio packages? From: "DR. DOUGLAS A. SMITH, UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO" Subject: Re: AVS interface to ab-initio packages? From: "Donald M. Frederick" Subject: Re: AVS interface to ab-initio packages? From: shenkin@still3.chem.columbia.edu (Peter Shenkin) Subject: Re: AIX sendmail is DANGEROUS !!! From: stephen urquhart Subject: Quantum Chemistry Literature Data Base - remote access? From: Gustavo Mercier Subject: prolate / oblate spheroidal coordinates From: Gustavo Mercier Subject: hondo in sgi, repeat From: "Art Owen News" Subject: Call for integrands From: "Art Owen News" Subject: Outliers and Neural Networks From: ross@cgl.ucsf.edu (Bill Ross ) Subject: A General Compiling System