From Mon Jan 25 11:52:12 1993 Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 09:52:12 +0200 Message-Id: <> To: From: Subject: Gophers and mail exploders Hi, I want to thank everybody who responded to my query about ftp archives with chemistry related software. I will slowly add them to our gopher. Hopefully this will make our Gopher server even better. So please feel free to get in touch with our Gopher ( I have a new question. There exist several bbs, mail exploders or mail reflectors. I know about the following: To join the list To post to the list AMBER: CHARMM: DISCOVER: MACROMODEL: Are there any further ones? I remember GAUSSIAN has a mail exploder but I don't know about the address. Please let me know if you know any further mail exploders in chemistry software. Cheers, -leif laaksonen --------------------------------------------------------- Center for Scientific Computing P.O. Box 405 SF-02101 Espoo FINLAND Phone: 358 0 4572378 Telefax: 358 0 4572302 Voice Mail: 358 486257407 "In every job to be done there is an element of fun" Mary Poppins --------------------------------------------------------- From Sat Jan 23 08:19:08 1993 Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1993 8:19:08 UTC+0100 From: Luis Montero Subject: DNA and proteins in PC To: Message-Id: <156*/S=imtvi06/OU=cc/O=csic/PRMD=iris/ADMD=mensatex/C=es/@MHS> Dear netters: Do anyone knows how to get public domain programs for representing structures of DNA and proteins in a PC console? Thank you, very much in advance. Luis Montero CSIC, Spain, and Universidad de La Habana, Cuba e-mail: From Mon Jan 25 18:20:01 1993 Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 16:20:01 +0200 Message-Id: <> To: From: Subject: Gopher FAQ (Long) Hi, I have received some requests about the Gopher itself so I will send the Gopher FAQ. If you know what a Gopher is you can delete this mail now. For those who not have a gopher client, there exist several public servers which you can try (use the login ID gopher). See question/answer 3. If you try the address you get as the root menu: Internet Gopher Client v1.03, Courtesy Account Root gopher server: 1. Welcome to the U of Illinois Gopher. 2. Campus Announcements (12/21/92)/ 3. What's New? (1/20/93)/ 4. Information about Gopher/ 5. Keyword Search of Gopher Menus 6. U of Illinois Campus Information/ 7. Champaign-Urbana & Regional Information/ 8. Computer Documentation/ 9. Libraries/ 10. Newspapers, Newsletters, and Weather/ --> 11. Other Gopher and Information Servers/ 12. Phone Books (PH)/ 13. Internet File Server (ftp) Sites/ Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 1/1 Choose Other Gopher servers, which gives you a new menu from where you choose Europe. Our Gopher ( is now number 5. Choose that and you get the root menu of our gopher. Internet Gopher Client v1.03, Courtesy Account Centre for Scientific Computing (Finland) --> 1. TLP help/ 2. CSC Tiedotus***Info about CSC/ 3. About this gopher. 4. Koulutus/ 5. Finsun msgs/ 6. Convex msgs/ 7. Finnish EMBnet BioBox/ 8. Tietoa verkoista/ 9. Chemistry Topics/ 10. Korkeakoulutilastoja (KOTA)/ 11. Mathematical Topics/ 12. Network Information/ 13. Physics Topics/ 14. Tietoa Gopherista/ Chemnistry topics is number 9. With all the goodies. This was a very short course in Gopher usage. Everything else is up to you and your imagination. Don't mind about the foreign language. Most of the stuff is in english. Or if you need help I can always translate... Cheers, -Leif Laaksonen ============================================================================ === Archive-name: gopher-faq Last-modified: 1992/09/08 Common Questions and Answers about the Internet Gopher, a client/server protocol for making a world wide information service, with many implementations. Posted to comp.infosystems.gopher and news.answers every two weeks. The most recent version of this FAQ can be gotten through gopher, or via anonymous ftp: Those without FTP access should send e-mail to with "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body to find out how to do FTP by e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q0: What is Gopher? A0: The Internet Gopher client/server provides a distributed information delivery system around which a world/campus-wide information system (CWIS) can readily be constructed. While providing a delivery vehicle for local information, Gopher facilitates access to other Gopher and information servers throughout the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q1: Where can I get gopher? A1: via anonymous ftp to Look in the directory /pub/gopher -------------------------------------------------------------------- Q2: What do I need to access gopher? A2: You will need a gopher "client" program that runs on your local PC or workstation There are clients for the following systems. The directory following the name is the location of the client on the anonymous ftp site ( in the directory /pub/gopher. Unix Curses & Emacs : /pub/gopher/Unix/gopher1.02.tar.Z Xwindows : /pub/gopher/Unix/xgopher1.1a.tar.Z Macintosh Hypercard : /pub/gopher/Mac_client/ DOS w/Clarkson Driver : /pub/gopher/PC_client/ NeXTstep : /pub/gopher/NeXT/ VM/CMS : /pub/gopher/Rice_CMS/ or /pub/gopher/Vienna_CMS/ VMS : /pub/gopher/VMS/ A Macintosh application MacGopher is available via anonymous ftp from Macintosh Application : /pub/gopher/Macintosh Another Macintosh application, "GopherApp" is available via anonymous ftp from Macintosh Application : /util/gopher/gopherapp A port of the UNIX curses client for DOS with PC/TCP is available via anonymous ftp from: DOS w/ PC/TCP : /public/dos/misc/dosgofer.exe A beta version of the PC Gopher client for Novell's LAN Workplace for DOS is available from LWP for DOS : /gopher All of the above clients can also be fetched via a gopher client itself. Put the following on a gopher server: Type=1 Port=70 Path= Name=Gopher Software Distribution. Or point your gopher client at, port 70 and look in the gopher directory. There are also a number of public telnet login sites available. The University of Minnesota operates one on the machine "" ( See Q3 for more information about this. It is recommended that you run the client software instead of logging into the public telnet login sites. A client uses the custom features of the local machine (mouse, scroll bars, etc.) A local client is also faster. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3: Where are there publicly available logins for gopher. A3: Here is a short list, use the site closest to you to minimize network lag. Hostname IP# Login Area ------------------------- --------------- ------ ------------- gopher North America gopher North America panda North America info Australia gopher Sweden gopher South America It is recommended that you run the client software instead of logging into the public telnet login sites. A client uses the custom features of the local machine (mouse, scroll bars, etc.) A local client is also faster. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q4: How can I add to the information in gopher? A4: You can do this by running a gopher server. Servers are available for a number of systems. Use anonymous ftp to ( and look in /pub/gopher. The following servers are available there: Unix : /pub/gopher/Unix/gopherxx.tar.Z VMS : /pub/gopher/VMS/ Macintosh : /pub/gopher/Mac_server/ VM/CMS : /pub/gopher/Rice_CMS/ or /pub/gopher/Vienna_CMS/ MVS : /pub/gopher/mvs/ DOS PC : /pub/gopher/PC_server/ When you have your server ready you can publish it to the world by sending e-mail to the maintainters of the "Other gophers" list: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q5: Who Develops Gopher Software? A5: Gopher was originally developed in April 1991 by the University of Minnesota Microcomputer, Workstation, Networks Center to help our campus find answers to their computer questions. It has since grown into a full-fledged World Wide Information System used by a large number of sites in the world. Many people have contributed to the project, too numerous to count. The people behind the much of the gopher software can be reached via e-mail at, or via paper mail: Internet Gopher Developers 100 Union St. SE #132 Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q6: How can I set up a "CSO" phone book server? Where is the software? A6: CSO phone book servers are also known as "qi" servers. The software implementation can be gotten via anonymous ftp from ( as /pub/qi.tar.Z. You may also see this referred to as "ph", which is what most of the clients are called. There is also an archive of the mailing list for qi/ph software on the same machine. It's in /pub/info-ph.archive. This software is supported by Steve Dorner Contact him for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q7: Why can't I access the University of Minnesota's UPI news? A7: The University of Minnesota has a site license for UPI news, we are not allowed to distribute it off of our campus. We get our UPI news from Clarinet. For more information about getting UPI news send mail to For information about setting up your own gopher-UPI server search the gopher-news archive for UPI. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q9: What are the type characters for the different Gopher Objects? A9: Normal IDs. 0 Item is a file 1 Item is a directory 2 Item is a CSO (qi) phone-book server 3 Error 4 Item is a BinHexed Macintosh file. 5 Item is DOS binary archive of some sort. 6 Item is a UNIX uuencoded file. 7 Item is an Index-Search server. 8 Item points to a text-based telnet session. 9 Item is a binary file! Client must read until the connection closes. Beware. T TN3270 connection. Experimental IDs. s Sound type. Data stream is a mulaw sound. g GIF type. M MIME type. Item contains MIME data. h html type. I Image type. i "inline" text type (used by panda). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q10: When I do full-text searches I always get every document back, Why? A10: This is a problem occasionally encountered with Unix full-text indexes. It is caused by setting up the link incorrectly to a gindexd port. The Path= field should be *blank* when pointing to a gindexd index. Otherwise the client will send the path to the gindexd daemon, which interprets everything as a keyword. This path is likely to contain a pathname that is common to all of the indexed files. Thus a search generates hits on everything. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q11: When I try to build the UNIX software I get an error from make: "Must be a separator on rules line #. Stop" Why? A11: This is a problem with older makes that don't understand the "include" keyword. One easy way to cope with this problem is compiling GNU make, which does understand the include keyword. If this is too difficult, remove the line: include Makefile.config from all the Makefiles and paste in a copy of Makefile.config at the top of each Makefile. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12: What is the relationship between Gopher and (WAIS, WWW, ftp)? A12: Gopher is intimately intertwined with these two other systems. As shipped the Unix gopher server has the capability to: - Search local WAIS indices. - Query remote WAIS servers and funnel the results to gopher clients. - Query remote ftp sites and funnel the results to gopher clients. - Be queried by WWW (World Wide Web) clients (either using built in gopher querying or using native http querying. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q13: Are papers or articles describing gopher available? A13: Yes. Here are some references: _The_Internet_Gopher_, "ConneXions", July 1992, Interop. _Exploring_Internet_GopherSpace_ "The Internet Society News", v1n2 1992, _The_Internet_Gopher_Protocol_, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third IETF, CNRI, Section 5.3 _Internet_Gopher_, Proceedings of Canadian Networking '92 _The_Internet_Gopher_, INTERNET: Getting Started, SRI International, Section 10.5.5 _Tools_help_Internet_users_discover_on-line_treasures, Computerworld, July 20, 1992 _TCP/IP_Network_Administration_, O'Reilly. Gopher will also be in the forthcoming O'Reilly Book: "The Whole Internet". ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q14: On a DECstation I get the error message "/etc/svc.conf no such file or directory" when running the gopherd server, why? A14: This is caused by the chroot() call in gopherd. It can be easily fixed by running gopherd with the -c option. Alternatively you can copy /etc/svc.conf into a directory named "etc" inside the gopher-data directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q15: The boolean searching terms don't work for my full-text index, why? A15: This is probably because the searching is being provided by WAIS. WAIS opts to return all documents that contain a search phrase within certain limits. WAIS searches do return the documents with the highest "score" at the top, those documents will have the closest relevance. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q16: When linking the Unix gopher server with WAIS I get undefined symbols, such as: log_file_name logfile PrintStatus find_value Sources NumSources A17: This happens if you make gopherd before linking in the WAIS ir/ui directories. The fix is to "make clean" or remove gopherd/{waisgopher.o,Waisindex.o} and then remake gopherd. Or link the ir/ui directories first. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q18: Why don't my WAIS indexes work? I never get anything back for searches. or Why do I get "Dangling file" error messages in my logfile? A18: The problem could be in the server. The server should be run using the -c option if you want WAIS to work. Another solution is to patch the WAIS code so that it doesn't check the files on the disk. Search the gopher-news archive for "dangling". This will turn up a single document with the patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q19: My gopher server doesn't work under inetd, why? A19: It could be that your inetd server only supports a limited amount of arguments. For instance, the maximum number of arguments to an inetd server is 5. You can get around this by combining arguments: i.e. gopherd -I -c becomes: gopherd -Ic You may also leave the port specifier off of the command line. The gopher server automagically finds out the port it's running on. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q20: This is not a bug report, just a curiousity. I managed to install gopher on my PC, more or less by myself, which is a pretty good accomplishment, for someone who hasn't installed hardly anything on a PC. I then proceeded to load my PC/TCP kernel, ETHDRV, and try to start up gopher. It said it couldn't initialize that stack(?). I have to load this whenever I use PC/TCP. Incredibly, when I did not load ETHDRV, Gopher came up immediately and telneted to our local server. How does it know what kernel to load? A20 Dr. Science says, The Internet Gopher program is not actually computer program at all, but a collection of magical incantations handed down from Dark Age conjurors. It works by sending magical "demons" through the air, which scour the world for information, and then return to cast illusions containing the answer. When you use the Gopher, your computer isn't actually doing anything at all. Instead, these demons have mesmirized you with an evil magical spell, which was invoked by the pattern of finger-movements peculiar to the typing of the letters G-O-P-H-E-R on your keyboard. This spell transmits demonic information directly to your brain. Scientists aren't certain of the long-term effects of demonic mesmirization, although former presidents have suffered only minor medical side-effects from it. Indeed, since Magic and Science are usually opposed to each other, most Scientists are usually close-minded about such issues, and will usually respond with some vacuous non-answer about "packet drivers", "stacks", and other such jargon. Unlike conventional scientists, Dr. Science is very open-minded and is willing to deal with such issues in a frank and honest manner. This is why people come to him with questions, and why they've learned to rely on and live by his answers. Dr. Science "I'm not a real doctor; I have a Master's Degree.... in SCIENCE!" :-) :-) :-) :-) There's always room for a little humor in a FAQ.. -- | Paul Lindner | | Slipping into madness | | Computer & Information Services | is good for the sake | Gophermaster | University of Minnesota | of comparision. ///// / / / /////// / / / / / / / / //// / / / / / / / / --------------------------------------------------------- Center for Scientific Computing P.O. Box 405 SF-02101 Espoo FINLAND Phone: 358 0 4572378 Telefax: 358 0 4572302 Voice Mail: 358 486257407 "In every job to be done there is an element of fun" Mary Poppins --------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 25 06:58:58 1993 Date: Mon, 25 Jan 93 11:58:58 -0500 From: (Donovan Chin) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: charmm bulletin board Posting in response to recent queries.... Dear Netters; There is now a bulletin board service (bbs) for users of the CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) modeling software. This bbs will be dedicated to the applications of charmm and the science behind it. --> This service will be available to anyone who uses charmm. <-- --> It is designed so that users can share charmm information, <-- --> or scripts, with others quickly and efficiently via e-mail. <-- ----- --> So far, several leading industrial charmm user groups have aggreed <-- --> to participate. These include; NIH, IBM, ELI-LILLY, Merck, Texaco,<-- --> Polygen/MSI etc. Several academic institutions as well. <-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +The charmm bbs is called: + + + + + + + +Any personal msgs and REQUESTS TO JOIN can be sent to: + + + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------- {After subscribing}: Any charmm related questions/comments or scripts you would like to share, are simply posted to the bbs in the form of e-mail. All subscribers will recieve all e-mail that is sent to the bbs. For example: mail subject/ body of letter etc.. ***>> DISCLAIMER <<*** NOT AFFILIATED WITH MSI OR ANY ACADEMIC GROUPS. Regards, Donovan Chin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Donovan Chin Ph.d Phone: 617.496.6820 Fax: 617.495.9857 Harvard University e-mail Department of Chemistry 12 Oxford St. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From SOARES@XRAY.BMC.UU.SE Mon Jan 25 21:23:46 1993 Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 19:23:46 +0200 (MET) From: SOARES@XRAY.BMC.UU.SE Message-Id: <930125192346.2020cc34@XRAY.BMC.UU.SE> Subject: PDB display To: Regarding the use of Macs for PDB structure visualization, I am using a program called KINEMAGE which does the job. This program has several features, namely stereo view (cross eyes, or using those ridiculous glasses), rotation using a virtual trackball, distance measurement, bond angles, dihedrals, and so on. It runs in all Mac platforms even in B&W, although color is a great help . I am currently using it in a SE and in a PowerBook. This program is intended for visualizing structures that are published in RProtein ScienceS (a diskette is distributed with every number) and PC and Mac versions exist. The address of the author is the following: David C. Richardson Little River Institute 5820 Old Stony Way Durham NC 27705 USA Claudio ------------------------------------------------------------- Claudio Soares Uppsala University Dep.Physical Chemistry Box 532 S-751 21 Uppsala SWEDEN Pho: +46 18 183631 Fax: +46 18 508542 Email: SOARES@XRAY.BMC.UU.SE ------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 25 06:50:40 1993 Date: Mon, 25 Jan 93 14:50:40 PST From: Subject: meeting in March To: Message-Id: <> ******************************************************************************** HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IN CHEMISTRY (HPCC) WORKSHOP March 6 - 8, 1993 National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Sponsors: Division of Computer Research and Technology (DCRT) Molecular Graphics and Simulation Laboratory and Computer Systems Laboratory National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) Molecular Science Research Center Richland, Washington Contact Persons: Dr. Bernard R. Brooks Tel. 301-496-0148 NIH/DCRT, MGSL FAX: 301-496-2172 Bldg. 12A, Rm 2007 email: 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 Dr. Robert Martino Tel. 301-496-4111 NIH/DCRT, CSL FAX: 301-402-2867 Bldg. 12A, Rm 2033 email: 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 Dr. Rick A. Kendall Tel. 509-375-2602 Molecular Science Software FAX: 509-375-6631 Molecular Science Research Center email: Pacific Northwest Laboratory P.O. Box 999, MSIN K1-90 Richland, WA 99352 ******************************************************************************** Advanced Registration Form NIH Conference on High Performance Computing in Chemistry March 6-8, 1993 National Institutes of Health Bldg. 31, 6th Floor Conference Rms #10,9,7 Advance registration form must be received at the NIH/DCRT Office by February 15, 1993 Please print or type: Name: ______________________________ ______________________________________ (first) (last) Address:______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State ________________ Zip _________ Telephone ( ) _______________________ FAX: ( ) ______________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________ Title of Presentation: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Please fill in this form and mail, email, or Fax to: Dr. Bernard R. Brooks FAX: 301-496-2172 National Institutes of Health, email: Division of Computer Research and Technology Bldg. 12A, Rm 2007 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 ****************************************************************************** Hotel Reservations: YES _____ NO _____ Will Make Own reservations _____ Please circle hotel desired in the list below. Please call Ms. Erlinda Inejosa-Ortanez (301-402-0505) for further information. Hotel Tel. No. Govt. Rate/day Services Provided 1. American Inn 301-656-9300 $62 + tax (single) continental breakfast $75 + tax (double) 2. Bethesda 301-897-9400 $110 (room) shuttle service to NIH Marriott (tax included) 3. Bethesda 301-654-1000 $88 + tax (single) continental breakfast + Ramada $99 + tax (double) shuttle service to NIH 4. Holiday Inn 301-652-2000 $98 + tax (single) shuttle service to NIH Bethesda $113 + tax (double) 5. Crown Plaza 301-468-1100 $98 + tax (single) Rockville $108 + tax (double) 6.** Hyatt Regency 301-657-1234 $84 + tax (special rate for this conference). Bethesda In Bethesda Metro, NIH shuttle stop, Federal Bldg., is half a block away. Limited number of rooms will be blocked for HPCC Workshop. ******************************************************************************** PRELIMINARY PROGRAM HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IN CHEMISTRY (HPCC) WORKSHOP March 6 - 8, 1993 Morning, Saturday, March 6 Session on High Performance Computing Issues Al Wagner (ANL) Mal Kalos (Cornell Theory Center) Rick Stevens(ANL) Dave Dixon (Dupont) Robert Harrison (PNL) Afternoon, Saturday, March 6 Session on Macromolecular Simulation B. Monte Pettitt (Houston) Herman Berendsen (Gronigen) Milan Hodoscek (NIH) Peter Kollman (UCSF) Jan Hermans (UNC) Charles L. Brooks III (Carnegie Mellon) Morning, Sunday, March 7 Session on Quantum Mechanical Methods Michael Colvin (Livermore) Richard A. Friesner (Columbia) Martyn Guest (Daresbury) Jan Andzelm (Biosym) John Joannopoulis (MIT) Peter Taylor (SDSC) Mark Gordon (ISU) Afternoon, Sunday, March 7 Session on Computer Science and HP Fortran Geoffrey Fox (Syracuse) Ken Kennedy (Rice) Joel Saltz (Maryland) Ridgeway Scott (Houston) Robert van de Geijn (Texas) Gregory and David Chudnovsky Ed Lazowska (U of Wash.) Evening, Sunday, March 7 - Poster Session Morning, Monday, March 8 Session on New Methods Klaus Schulten (Illinois) Ron Elber (UIC) William A. Goddard III (Caltech) Harold Scheraga (Cornell) Jan Almlof ( U of Minn ) Aron Kuperman (Cal Tech) Afternoon, Monday, March 8 Open vendor presentation from MPP manufacturers. Invited: Cray Research Digital Intel Kendall Square Research nCube IBM Thinking Machines Corporation Tera End of Workshop Advisory Committee: Nigel Richards, Richard Friesner, Martyn Guest From Mon Jan 25 18:03:13 1993 From: Jan Labanowski Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 23:03:13 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: This is test This is a test of testchem exploder This is a test of testchem exploder This is a test of testchem exploder This is a test of testchem exploder