From e702bs@CCSMVS.U-STRASBG.FR Thu Dec 31 05:13:33 1992 Message-Id: <"92-12-31-10:48:19.13*E702BS"@CCSMVS.U-STRASBG.FR> Date: Thu, 31 Dec 92 10:48 FWT From: "Jean-Marie Wurtz, Biostructure" To: "Computer Chemistry List" Subject: Neural Network and small molecules Dear Netters, I mailed some time ago a text with the above title. I did'nt get any answer. This explains why I did'nt make a summary available. I got a lot of mail asking for the answers, so sorry. Please keep in touch. If you have any news you can contact me at the following adress, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOSTRUCTURE SA Les Algorithmes, Bat. Euclide Parc d'Innovation 67 400 ILLKIRCH-GRAFFENSTADEN Phone : (33) 88 67 98 00 Email : e701pm@frccsc21.bitnet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Jean-marie WURTZ