From Sat Jul 18 15:41:01 1992 Date: 18-JUL-1992 13:46:06.37 From: WSONNEN@EAGLE.WESLEYAN.EDU Subject: CHARMM DCD to DCD conversion To: Status: R I posted a question over the new on how to take an existing CHARMm .DCD file and create another .DCD file containing only selected atoms. I received some helpful suggestions from Themis Lazaridis and the people at POLYGEN. Below is a CAHRMm script file which does what i want. It may not be the best way but it works. After reading in a frame of a dynamics into the main coordinate set, i delete selected atoms. This deletion also deletes those atoms (bonds, etc) from the .PSF. Therefore, it is necessary to reread the .PSF file before reading another frame of the trajectory. * Script file produced by WAYNE * open write unit 7 Card name JUNK.LOG line outu 7 bomlev -2 bann OPEN READ UNIT 53 FILE NAME JUNK.PSF READ PSF UNIT 53 OPEN READ UNIT 54 FILE NAME HE.DCD OPEN WRIT UNIT 55 FILE NAME SMALL.DCD TRAJ IWRITE 55 NFILE 3 * OPEN READ UNIT 51 CARD NAME HE.CRD READ COOR CARD FREE UNIT 51 CLOSE UNIT 51 OPEN WRIT UNIT 56 CARD NAME SMALL.CRD WRITE COOR CARD UNIT 56 SELE BYNUM 1:542 END * SET 1 1 LABEL LOOP REWIND UNIT 53 READ PSF UNIT 53 REWIND UNIT 54 READ COOR UNIT 54 FILE IFILE @1 DELETE ATOM SELE BYNUM 543:2273 END TRAJ WRITE INCR 1 BY 1 COOR INIT IF 1 LT 3.5 GOTO LOOP STOP From Sat Jul 18 02:06:10 1992 Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1992 13:11:55 +1000 From: (Alan P Arnold) To: Subject: ESP-charges from Mopac. Status: R Dear colleagues, A couple of questions about Mopac6.0 that comes with Biosym's i InsightII/ Discover nowadays... When you specify an ElectroStatic Potential calculation you get atom-centered point-charges on your molecule like those first suggested by Brent Besler et al (J.Comp.Chem. 11, 431, 1990) which have been obtained by fitting the semi-empirical ESP (AM1, MNDO etc) at points on a series of shells outside the (usually) Connolly surface. Question 1: Are the points on the C-surface the same ones you get if you request a 'surface point' picture in InsightII? If not, Question 2: How does one visualise the Mopac ESP points with InsightII? (and color them according to the magnitude of the ESP) Question 3: What are likely consequences of disabling the few lines of Mopac which prevent the constrained-fitting of the ESP to the semi-empirical x,y,and z-components of the dipole moment for charged molecules? IMHO this type of charge is about as good as one can get for current mechanics and dynamics calculations, but it would be *really nice* to be able to update these charges every few steps to take into account changes in ESP with changes in structure during a simulation. Because the ESP-fitting step is very time consuming, this seems a forlorn hope, but... a recent paper by Tasi, Kiricsi and Forster (J.Comp.Chem. 13, 371-9, 1992) shows how you can generate atom-centered point charges by 'extended Mulliken population analysis' which are in excellent agreement with those obtained by ESP-fitting - but with 2-3 orders of magnitude less cpu time, so ... Question 4: Is anyone willing to incorporate this procedure into Mopac6. and save a lot of us, a lot of 'ESP' cpu time? As always, thanks for listening..... ---- Alan Arnold | e-mail: Chem. Department,University College | voice : +61 6 268 8080 Australian Defence Force Academy | fax : +61 6 268 8002 CANBERRA ACT 2600 Australia |