From Tue Jul 14 13:40:18 1992 Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 16:44:59 +0200 From: "Prof. Benzion Fuchs - Tel-Aviv Univ." Subject: CAMEO To: Status: R Hi there, Can anyone provide the EM address of the CAMEO group of W. L. Jorgensen at Yale? Thanks, Benzion Fuchs From Tue Jul 14 20:27:54 1992 Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 15:44 GMT From: RWOODS%VAX.MOLECULAR-BIOPHYSICS.OXFORD.AC.UK@OHSTVMA.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU To: Subject: Geom Optimization with G90 Status: RO I have been using the Berny optimizer (default) with G90 and recently I have noticed some peculiarities. Briefly, at the HF/6-31G* level with approximately 82 variables (out of 83) being optimized in several cases the algorithm required over 50 steps to converge! The geometries were initially chosen based on previously optimized structures (same basis) in which one variable (a torsion angle) was adjusted to create the new geometry. I might not have been extremely concerned except that the latest calculation failed to optimize altogether and actually took a 20Hartree step before failing. These are not particularly bizarre structures and converge readily when run with g88. I re-ran the failed optimization specifying OPT=NEWTON (avoiding the RFO step in Berny which is a new default) and the structure optimized in 11 Steps! Has anyone else run into similar problems with G90? Does anyone have any comments on the RFO modification to the Berny optimizer? Rob Woods Glycobiology Institute University of Oxford South Parks Road Oxford, OX1 3QU