From Thu Jun 25 14:30:55 1992 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 92 13:04:49 -0400 From: bbesler@ouchem.chem.oakland.EDU (Brent H. Besler) Subject: problems with Mopac ESP charges with anions To: Status: RO A number of months ago, I remember a discussion of problems with anions having ESP charges calculated using Mopac 6.0. Please send email to if you have such problems as I want to work on fixing them. From Thu Jun 25 14:41:36 1992 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1992 11:45 CST From: Subject: help To: Status: RO Dear Folks, I am an earlier Gaussian programms, I carried out at the ab initio hf/3-21g Level. It has 210 Basis Function. And I had gotten an error like that: Erroneous write. write -1 instead of 4096 File system characteristics: Fragment size =0 Total blocks =4002240 Free blocks =2744299 Job blocks max=204800 File characteristics: File descriptor=7 Words to extend=27136 out2e will use a cutoff of 1.00E-10 Standard cutoffs selected in Shell. error termination in lnk1e. And my input file was : # USER=concha # QSUB -r big # QSUB -s /bin/sh # QSUB -lm 4Mw # QSUB -lM 4Mw # QSUB -lt 25300 # QSUB -lT 25400 # QSUB -q standby # ja set -x cd $TMP cfs get check.chk date # cat > big.dat << EOF %chk=big.chk #N HF/3-21G OPT NAME=MONICA big 0,1 Z-MATRIX....... Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Please send responses directly to me. Monica Concha Dept. of Chemistry University of New Orleans New Orleans LA 70148 Email: Bitnet%"mcccm@uno" From Thu Jun 25 15:24:14 1992 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 92 14:29:28 -0400 From: jle@world.std.COM (Joe M Leonard) Subject: Sybyl FF VdW Term To: Status: RO I've been looking over the J Comp Chem article regarding the Sybyl 5.2 force field, and I'm curious as to the functional form of the VdW term. The paper lists: E = k(ij) * (1/a**12 - 2/a**6) where a = r(ij) / (R(i) + R(j)) with R being the defined VdW radius. This term raises the energy (is repulsive) when r(ij) < (R(i) + R(j)), but lowers the energy when the reverse is true. Is this the correct behavior, in that the force field is parameterized assuming such longer-distance E-lowering? This seems odd, as increasing the number of atoms in a structure serves to lower the E? Would it not be more reasonable to have the VdW term drop to zero rather than such negative numbers? I'm not at all familiar with the Sybyl Force Field, and would appreciate any comments from those who are - or from Tripos directly... Thanks in advance, Joe Leonard From Thu Jun 25 16:24:21 1992 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 92 14:53:20 -0400 From: jle@world.std.COM (Joe M Leonard) Subject: Sybyl FF followon To: Status: RO Before I get flamed for forgetting the underlying physics... Granted, the VdW term "covers" dispersion forces (which makes neg E terms ok), but... 1) Is the force field able to "accurately" treat these - i.e. is the VdW cutoff a computational or a methodological requirement? 2) What is a reasonable cutoff - the paper lists 8 A, but should this be lower/higher? 3) Has the FF changed/evolved since the paper? *sigh* I guess I should check deeper into the library before posting... Joe Leonard P.S. The asbestos undies still fit... :-) From Thu Jun 25 16:38:13 1992 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 92 06:47 CDT From: CUNDARIT%MEMSTVX1.BITNET@OHSTVMA.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Subject: Lu and Sc calcs.? To: Status: RO Fellow Net-minders, Since I'm away from Memphis for the summer and don't have ready access to a chemistry library, I was wondering if anybody had seen or heard of the following paper. I saw it referenced in the book "Selective Hydrocarbon Activation" edited by Julian A. Davies et al., in a chapter by Patricia L. Watson (DuPont, Central Research). The partial reference is PL Watson, W Fultz, MS Thompson, N Rosch and V Jahns, Organometallics - in press. I keep a close eye on Organometallics but may have missed it. From what I gather the paper deals with INDO calculations on Cp2Lu-Ph and its Sc analogue, and seems relevant to our ab- initio work. If anybody has seen, or heard, of this paper (an address or phone no. of the authors would probably be the best shot) and could give a completed or revised reference, I would appreciate it greatly. Thomas R. Cundari Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry Memphis State University Memphis, TN 38152 phone:301-251-2272(summer) fax:301-251-2255(summer) From Thu Jun 25 18:26:23 1992 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1992 16:45:38 -0400 From: dam@retina.chem.psu.EDU (K.V. Damodaran) Subject: Sybyl FF followon To: Status: RO This is in response to a posting "Sybyl FF followon" >2) What is a reasonable cutoff - the paper lists 8 A, but should this be lower/higher? I guess One has to fix the cutoff depending on the density of the system. In a low density system with 8A cutoff, a molecule may just see the nearest neighbours only.