From Wed Jun 24 06:15:45 1992 Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 09:54:48 BST From: Chris Plant Subject: CHARMm To: Status: R Hello, we are hoping to get hold of Charmm for our new Cray YMP. Can anyone give an e-mail address or fax number for Polygen please? If there is an outlet in the U.K. that would be even better. Thanks in advance, Chris Plant Scientific Applications Support Atlas Centre, RAL, U.K. P.S. If all else fails, a "regular" address would do. From Wed Jun 24 09:30:36 1992 Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 08:30:04 -0400 From: (Roberto Gomperts) Subject: Re: G90 CASSCF problems on SGI To: smb@smb.chem.niu.EDU (Steven Bachrach) Status: R Hi Steven, > cyclobutadiene given in the manual. I have recompiled G90 under Irix 4.0.1 > and FTN 3.4.1. The job just dies, leaving no error message. I have also Did you use the "new" makefile for gaussian 90 meant for the 4.0.x systems or did you just use the original makefile for 3.3.x OS'ses? If you did not use the new makefile you might want to contact Gaussian Inc to obtain it. Also, I am aware of other problems with early revisions of Gaussian 90 in CASSCF jobs. I double checked G90 rev J with the 4.0.1 OS and makefiles and everything runs fine on my site. I hope this helps, -- Roberto f Roberto Gomperts phone: (508) 562 4800 Fax: (508) 562 4755 From Wed Jun 24 14:51:55 1992 Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 16:26:57 BST From: Chris Plant Subject: charmm To: Status: R Thanks to those who responded with addresses for Polygen. I have contacted the U.K. office and found out the necessary information. Regards, Chris Plant Scientific Applications Support Atlas Centre, RAL, U.K. From Wed Jun 24 15:44:53 1992 Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 11:49:41 MDT From: hogue@sdisu1.den.mmc.COM (Pat Hogue) Subject: Coordinates for Bravais lattice To: Status: R Dear Netters: Has anyone come accross a table of generic coordinated for Bravais crystal types in a format applicable as input to e.g., CNDO (or MOPAC)? I hope the answer is yes, all one has to do is adjust for actual lattice constants. Thanks, Pat Hogue (303) 971-3369