From Wed May 1 17:25:22 1991 Date: Wed, 1 May 91 15:14:16 CDT From: tripos!kathy@uunet.UU.NET (Kathy Clark Jupiter1) To: Subject: Nitro 5.4/Ethernet needs an Ethernet tool Status: R Because Nitro uses the Communications Toolbox, it requires the use of tools to carry out any form of communication. Apple provides tools for serial, modem, and some other types of communication, but has not written one yet for Ethernet. At the present time, we know of only one tool to support Ethernet. This product is TCPack. We have purchased (at a discount) many copies of TCPack which can accomplish this task. We are offering TCPack to customers basically at cost. We provide one copy free to commercial customers. To get a copy, call the St. Louis office and ask for Heather Hunter. If you have any questions about Nitro, feel free to call the St. Louis office and ask for either Orly Kamin, Mike Higgins, or the support hotline. Kathy Clark