From Mon Apr 22 01:51:27 1991 Date: Mon, 22 Apr 91 00:48 EST From: "DOUGLAS A. SMITH" Subject: O3 PES To: Status: R Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for information on the ozone potential energy surface. There was quite a lot, and all of if useful and good. Doug Smith From Mon Apr 22 12:18:37 1991 Date: Mon, 22 Apr 91 08:45:55 PDT From: (David Case) To: Subject: Announcement of Amber 4.0 Status: R The latest version of the AMBER molecular modelling/molecular dynamics package will be available for general release in early May. Amber 4.0 is a joint effort of Peter Kollman's group at UC San Francisco and David Case's group at Scripps Clinic. The new version contains an extensively updated version of "gibbs" (expanding possibilities for carrying out free energy simulations,) a module specifically designed for NMR structural refinements, a new normal mode program, and implementation of polarization terms in the force field. In addition, we have worked hard to make the programs and the users' manual easier to understand (but no promises....) For information about obtaining AMBER 4.0, contact Willa Crowell: internet: bitnet: willa@ucsfcgl FAX: 415-476-0688 phone: 415-476-1540 For *short* technical inquiries, you can send e-mail to Dave Case: internet: bitnet: From Mon Apr 22 21:02:24 1991 Date: Mon, 22 Apr 91 21:04:20 EDT From: G. Ravishanker To: Subject: protein backbone ribbon diagram Status: R Can anyone point me to any public domain version of programs that generate the ribbon diagrams of the protein backbone? Thanks. Ravi